
Only One Path of Two

"I can make them gods?"

Daruun nodded and then shrugged. "Given time, yes. That will be very possible."

"But I thought--"

"Just know that there is a way for you to make them gods, but to do so, you must first become a god," stated Daruun. "As for how they can become gods, just know that it involves killing a god, which means you should become a god first. If you get hung up on anything else, then you'll get distracted from what needs to be done now."

"Then that means… I'll need to become a god within a year?"

"If you're trying to extend Tralon's life, then yes. But don't lose your cool, Jack. I'm not saying it's impossible to do so, but the probability of that path intersects with a different path involving Sterfen," Daruun added, grabbing the attention of the entire room.

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