
How Can There Be Flood?

"Are you a researcher or philosopher? How can there be flood?" 

"It I upto you whether believe or not," the researcher shrugged his shoulders.

"This is the most secured river bank, only a fool can think that there can be a flood just to see some winds out here," the minister waved his hands in the air. 

"If you don't believe, I would be going back and you can send your men further two thousand meters," he was giving approximate length but he believed if these men went only five hundred meters, they would meet the strong signs of flood. 

The researcher hopped on his carriage and turned to leave them there bewildered. 

He was a researcher for Palace and only king can order him anything not this fool minister. 

The minister was convulsing green with the fury, he ordered his men to go further and check the river bank, most of them were good swimmers.

He waited himself there.

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