
Waiting… Again (3)

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only works of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>


Nathan cut down an S1 in half and a [Green] Treasure Chest appeared right next to it.

He immediately activated [Coward's Way] and went over to the next target.

Aena and Zita, on the other hand, were standing a couple of meters away and keeping a watchful eye around their surroundings with their thermal vision goggles.


An N2's head flew and a [Blue] Treasure Chest appeared.

Nathan continued doing the same thing.




A few moments later…

Mutilated corpses of zombies were lying around on the street.

Nathan was pouring a [Grade D] Repair Kit on his Kris sword, Zita was opening the treasure chests, and Aena was extracting the Nuclei.

Nathan just finished pouring the Repair Kit on his weapon and he threw the empty vial away before sweeping his gaze around his surroundings with his thermal vision goggles.

'It's too open and the walls and buildings are too short…'

They were currently in another residential area.

'I need a better cover…'

"Mister," said Zita.

Nathan turned to Zita.

"Here," she said and passed him a System Weapon; [Grade D] Pandat via [Lift].

As for the other item, it was only a [Grade C] Tribal Tattoo so Zita dismissed it as trash.

Nathan raised his left hand forward. And when his [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger touched the weapon, he immediately absorbed it.

"Done here as well," Aena said as she placed the [Grade C] Nuclei that she extracted from N2 along with the [Grade D] Nuclei from the Rank 1 zombies.

Zita lifted all Nuclei from Aena's hands and sent them to Nathan.

"Let's continue," Nathan said and then walked.

The two ladies followed suit.


An M2 was in the air and flapping its wings.

Zita and Aena were hiding behind a car that was parked at a corner around the area where the M2 was flying.

Zita summoned two Bolts and threw them with her skill [Lift].




The two Bolts penetrated the skull of the M2, one entered from underneath its jaw and the other on its right cheek, causing it to let out a weak yelp before falling down to the ground.


When the M2's corpse fell down in the middle of the streets, a [Blue] Treasure Chest appeared right next to it.

A couple of zombies nearby heard the sound of its landing and turned their heads to its direction.

Nathan appeared right next to the M2's corpse with two swords in his hands; [Grade D] Pandat and [Grade D] Kris Sword.

He then started banging them against each other.



"Mcome mon!"


"Mcome mget mme!"




Two zombies who were the closest, roared and then came rushing to him.


"Mi'm mover mhere!"



Two other zombies roared also and came rushing as well.

Nathan stopped banging his swords against one another and then rushed to the two nearest zombies.


He cut an S1 in half and immediately went to the next zombie.


The M1 was in the middle of casting a spell when it was sliced in half.

A [Green] Treasure Chest appeared next to the M1's corpse but Nathan ignored it and turned his head to the two remaining zombies.


'Based on their movements, N1 and D1…'

He absorbed his Kris Sword and Pandat back into his [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger and then summoned a [Grade D] Great Sword.

He held it with two hands and then rushed to them.


The moment Nathan got close to the N1, it did a leap attack on him.


Nathan activated [Coward's Way] before sidestepping and then swung his sword downwards, losing his invisibility and cutting the zombie into two pieces from its upper torso.



The mutilated body of the N1 crashed on the floor but Nathan didn't bother finishing off the zombie and went to the D1 immediately.

Although he wasn't able to decapitate the N1, based off on the wound it sustained, it only had 5 seconds left to live.


He cut off the D1 in half on the waist.




This time, however, for the D1, he immediately chopped off its head as soon as the upper torso fell to the ground because it had crazy strength and higher VIT so it lives longer.

He pulled out Great Sword from the concrete.

"Aena! Zita!"

"No other zombies!" said Zita from a distance.

She was with Aena and they were heading toward him.

He absorbed his sword back into his [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger and summoned a [Grade D] Dagger before proceeding to extract the Nuclei on the D1 and N1.

"Mister," said Zita as she sent the System item and Nuclei to him.

Nathan turned to Zita and stared at the items.

'What's that...?'

He absorbed Nuclei except for the System item.

He held the item in his hand and the System informed him about its details.

[Grade D] Panabas (15/15).

'Panabas, huh…'

He looked at the weapon on his hand and studied its design.

'I've never seen this weapon…'

'And its handle is quite long…'

The weapon's handle was almost as long as its blade and forming a slight curve.

He held the weapon's handle with two hands and then gave it a few swings.



He stopped and studied its design once again.

'How do you use this…?'

'Based on its design I think it's an axe…'

'But I don't know…'

'It just feels awkward…'

'Oh well, at least it's a System Weapon…'

He absorbed it and then continued searching for a place they can rest for the night.


An N1 was standing alone in the middle of the street.


A sword suddenly swept through the N1's neck and fell to the ground.

Nathan crouched down and extracted N1's Nucleus and then absorbed both items.

He was looking at the gate of the house next to him as Aena and Zita caught up.

'The walls surrounding the house are at least 10ft tall…'

'And based on the width of the walls, it's quite spacious inside…'

'Moreover, the house is a two-stories and it looks expensive…'

He looked at the windows located on the second floor.

'Closed, they're still intact and no lights…'

He looked at the walls.

'They seemed to be intact as well but I can't say from the other side…'

He went over to the gate.

The gate was about 8ft tall and 12ft long. And within the gate, it had a small gate on the right side.

He tried pushing and pulling the small gate forward and also dragging the entire gate to the side.



It wouldn't budge.


'Are there people inside…?'

'Should I just destroy it…?'

He shook his head mentally.

'Not only will be wasting a good protective measure against enemies, but I will also cause noise, alerting the entire neighborhood…'

He went next to the walls, put his fingers on the edges and pulled himself up.

'As expected, sharp glass shards…'


He got back down.

'Also, no lights on the first floor…'

'Well, at least from the windows…'

He looked at the gate.

'Looks like I just have to jump over the gate…'

The gate was almost as tall as the walls. However, it didn't have pointy or sharp edges on top.

He turned to Aena and Zita who were quietly observing him from the side.

"The two of you wait over here. I'm going to jump over inside and then open the gate."

"Okay," they both said.

He took a few steps back from the gate and then activated [Coward's Way] before running and then jumping.


As soon as he landed inside, he swept his gaze around the area with his thermal vision goggles.

Aside from the house, outside there was a swimming pool, an open-air garage with a long retractable tent, and a small garden with a fountain and those creepy-looking statue dwarfs.

'I don't see any heat signatures, not even dogs or cats…'

He deactivated [Coward's Way] and then made a series of clicking sounds with his tongue to call in a dog, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk…'

'No dogs…'

'Either the owners took them or eaten them…'

Nathan looked at the open-air garage.

'Based on the size, it looks like one car is missing…'

He then looked at the house, specifically at the windows.

'They don't seem to have been tampered or anything…'

'And the house itself and the surroundings, I can't see any vandals, forced entry or anything…'

'It was if the owners just left it peacefully and intact…'

He turned around and opened the small gate.




Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, this former Grandmaster Immortal who failed twice has returned once again.

To view the Immortal Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n, you can read them at…

• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

There, you will have access to this Lowly Shameless Immortal's Immortal Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when this Lowly Shameless Immortal will publish them here in the First Immortal Book, there will be some edits.

And at the moment, Immortal Chapter Drafts 169-172 are the latest chapters posted there.

Thank you once again and this Lowly Shameless Immortal will see you in the next chapter... *Kowtows 300 times*

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