
Fort Yano (16)

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only works of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>

"YOU BASTARD!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" Tyler said as he used his sword to help himself get up.

Earlier, although he already suspected Nathan to be strong, or to be specific, had high STR and VIT based on the brutality he showed, it was only when he was casually slapped away that he finally realize how strong Nathan actually was.

One thing was for sure -- Nathan's overall stats were abnormally high.

The 30-point threshold was already a known topic. People knew that a person must balance out his/her stats in order to function properly.

When it comes to STR, it can't be more than 30 points of VIT because the owner's bones would shatter if he/she uses his/her full force.

The same goes for the other attributes.

What that casual slap from Nathan revealed to him was that Nathan's AGI and INT were also quite high. He himself has AGI - 23 (+7) and 18 (+5) but Nathan's attack was too fast that he wasn't able to block it, let alone evade it, which meant that Nathan's AGI and INT were at the very least 20 points higher than his.

And even if one would argue that Nathan was wearing [Grade C] equipment, it still doesn't add up, unless, of course, Nathan was Level 40+ which is impossible.

Forget about even reaching [Level 30], just to reach [Level 26] alone, one has to kill 64 Rank 2 zombies.

Meanwhile, for [Level 27] it's 128, [Level 28] is 256, and [Level 29] is 512.

The only possible and logical explanation of Nathan's abnormally high stats was that he was a Prophet.

In fact, there's also another clue that supports the possibility that Nathan was a Prophet.

Nathan is able to summon weapons.

As far as Tyler knows, there was no such skill or item like that. He did his research, even paid for information, and found nothing.

Anyways, this is why he told Giselle and Hannah to stop.

But of course, despite realizing all this, now that things have escalated to this, there was no way he was going to give up.

It was kill or be killed.

Aena finally recovered from the throw earlier.

When she saw the corpse of Hannah and what looked like Giselle, she covered her face with her hands and screamed.


Tyler charged at Nathan again.


[Double S--


Nathan summoned a spear this time and stab it into Tyler's right shoulder before lifting him up the air.


"ARGH!" Tyler groaned in pain and dropped his sword.

Nathan tilted his head to the side and chuckled as he twisted the spear and stared at Tyler's pained expression.

Tyler tried to cast [Fireball].



Nathan swung his spear to the side, whipping Tyler out of it and causing him to slam against the wall before falling to the floor.

Seeing Tyler not getting up, he summoned back his spear..

"Aena, this is what you chose over your real family that you even have that heart to burn me?"


Nathan felt something scratch his back but he didn't groan because he was already badly burnt so was already in pain to begin with.

He turned around and saw Aena who was holding a bloodied Kris Sword with both hands.

He smiled.

"And you also have the heart to cut me."

"YAAA!" Aena shouted as she swung her sword against Nathan.


Nathan effortlessly caught her hands and took the sword away before shoving her away, causing her to fall to the floor on her butt.


"Behave now."

Nathan heard Tyler trying to get up so he turned to him.

"Aena, let me show you how to properly use a sword," he said and began walking over to Tyler.

"Why…? Why are you like this…? What's wrong with you…? Why did you have to do this…? Why...?!" Aena cried out.

Nathan stopped and turned to her.

"Are you seriously asking me those questions?"

"You could've just told me to bring you with me without doing this!"

Nathan knitted his nonexistent brows, thanks to the flames of the [Fireball] earlier.

"It's not even your business what I do with my life! We're not even close!" said Aena.

Nathan turned around and resumed heading over to Tyler.



Tyler was already on his knees when he saw Nathan heading in his direction. He quickly grabbed the closest weapon he could find and found one.

It was a fork.



Nathan finally arrived in front of Tyler.

"How long are you going to stare at the floor, gangster boy? I thought you were going to kill me? Get up."

Tyler neither responded nor raised his head.

Nathan rolled his eyes and said, "As expected."

He reached out to grab Tyler by the hair.



Tyler stabbed Nathan on the knee with the fork and then started wiggling it.

Nathan felt the head of the fork gnawing his kneecap and it made him go weak, causing him to almost kneel down.


He sliced off one of Tyler's hands with the sword on his hand. Blood squirted all over the floor, on Nathan and on Tyler..

"AHHH!!!" Tyler's screamed as he Tyler wiggled like a worm on the floor with the pool of his own blood.

"Motherfucker!" Nathan said as he pulled out the fork on his knee and then threw it away.

He absorbed the sword on his hand and then summoned an axe.

Tyler was still wiggling on the floor.

Nathan stepped on his chest to steady him before raising his axe up in the air.



Nathan swung the axe down, cutting off Tyler's other arm and its blade burying about 2 inches into the floor.


Tyler continued wiggling like a worm on the floor with his own blood.

"Don't die just yet," Nathan said and smiled as he grabbed him by the hair and raised him up.

"Ahh…" Tyler weakly groaned in pain as tears and snot ran down his face and his eyes unfocused.

Seeing Tyler's face, he smirked.

And of course, he didn't cut off his legs. Not because Tyler was just 5'8" anyway, but because he didn't want him to die prematurely from blood loss just like the Chosen One Walter.

Aena watched the badly burnt and almost naked Nathan with smoke coming out of his body dragging Tyler around like a piece of meat.



Nathan stopped right in front of her.

He absorbed the axe and then crouched down.

Still holding Tyler by the hair, he made the two lovers face each other.

Although Aena has seen Tyler wounded before from their journey, this was the first time she saw him like this so broken and powerless.

Gone was the brave, cool, confident bad boy with a devil-may-care Tyler that she was familiar with.

"Look at this. Look at everything around you," said Nathan. "This is the 'family' you've chosen over me, your REAL family. This 'family' can't even protect you, let alone protect themselves from a single person."

Aena looked down.

"Don't look away! At least have the decency to look at the leader of the 'family' that you've chosen!"


A smile appeared on Nathan's face.

"What I want? What I want is to see how strong your 'bonds' are with this 'family' that you've chosen."

He let go of Tyler and got up.

He summoned a sawed-off shotgun.

"I'm going to put only one bullet in its chamber," he said as he reloaded the shotgun. "And in case you don't know how to use a gun, I'm also going to turn off the safety so the only thing you need to do is to pull the trigger."


He tossed the shotgun to her right in front of her.

"Don't even bother shooting it at me. It's nowhere near enough to stop me, let alone kill me. However, for lover boy here, it's only a matter of time before he dies from blood loss. So, do you have the guts to die with your 'family'?" he said and grinned.

Aena's trembling hand slowly reached out for the shotgun and then wrapped her fingers around the handle.

"Ae…na… don't… do-- Ugh…!" Tyler said but wasn't able to finish what he was saying because Nathan stepped on his face.

"Dogs don't talk," said Nathan.

He returned his gaze to Aena.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Since you're so attached with this so-called 'family' of yours that you're even willing to not only burn and cut me, but also waste your life by becoming a worthless junkie, alcoholic, whore with them, why don't you just end you life right here and now since you'll be the only one left?"

Aena looked at Tyler.

His face was already almost gray and he looked so weak as he forced himself to make sounds despite Nathan's boot stepping on his face.

"A... e… n--"

"This dog."


Nathan increased the pressure that Tyler's head, causing his jaw to make a popping sound.

"U...gh…" Tyler groaned weakly.


Nathan rolled his eyes.

"He's already dying. What difference does it make?" he said. "Or maybe you want to kill yourself after he's dead? Well, let me help you then."



Tyler's head made a cracking sound, his eyes popped out of their sockets and blood began sipping out of his orifices.

He was dead.

"YOU MONSTER!!!" she shouted and pointed the gun at Nathan.

Nathan sneered and then dashed right in front of her.


With her fingers still wrapped around the handle of the sawed-off shotgun, Nathan grabbed her hand and helped her point the barrel of the shotgun at her face.

"Now there's nothing holding you back. Come on, your 'family' is waiting for you on the other side. You want to be with them, right?"


"Come on, pull the trigger. What are you waiting for?"

"I SAID LET GO!" she said and moved her head away.

Nathan grabbed her hair with his other hand and pulled her head back in front of the barrel of the shotgun.

"Why are you moving your head away? Show me this 'bond' of yours that you're even willing to waste your life away and even kill your own true flesh and blood!"

After struggling for a while, exhaustion finally caught up with Aena.

She stopped resisting and closed her eyes.

"Your 'family' is already dead! Come on, pull it!"

Nathan pressed her mouth against the tip of the sawed-off shotgun, causing her to shut her eyes even tighter.

"You're all alone now! Pull it!"

"YAAA!!!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.


She moved her head to the side before pulling the trigger.

She slowly opened her eyes with a confused expression on her face.

She then saw Nathan's smiling face.

He grabbed the gun, got up, aimed it at the side of his head and pulled the trigger.



"It's actually empty," he said with a huge grin on his face.

He summoned the shotgun back into his [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger.

Realizing what just happened, Aena's eyes bulged.


Nathan let out a chuckle.

"Let me tell you something, my dear little cousin. Although we're not particularly close, I know enough about you. I've also MET enough people. And if I were to make an educated guess, let's just say you're not the type who has the guts to kill herself or the type who would sacrifice her own life for others or something. In fact, you could say that you're like me."


"Wanna try again?"

She got up and attacked him.




Nathan effortlessly caught her wrists.

"Look at me."

However, she continued to struggle.

She tried to kick him in the groin.

He shook her violently and she felt like her shoulders almost got dislocated, causing her to stop.

"Look at me!"

Although she stopped struggling, her eyes were staring at him like daggers.

He smiled and released her wrists before softly caressing her long, thick black hair.

He flashed a very warm and kind smile

"You may not like me, you may be afraid of me, but by the end of the day, you're still my dear little cousin," he said. "Okay, playtime's over. We've wasted too much time here already."



Nathan patted her cheek before summoning a black jacket and a pair of white jogging pants and then tossing them at her.

Both were either too big or long for her size because they were Nathan's size while she was only 5'5" tall and slim.

"Playtime's… over… ?" said Aena.

She looked at the clothes on her hands…

She looked at the corpse of Tyler and the others…

She looked at the mess around the room…

And finally, she looked at the badly burnt and almost naked Nathan who was busy rummaging through stuff.

"WHAT ARE --?!"

Nathan looked at her.

"Can you stop shouting already and just cooperate? It's getting old. Come on, wear those so that we can leave already."

He went back to rummaging.

Aena was caught off-guard by his reply.

She recalled the savagery that Nathan displayed, especially against Tyler, Giselle and Hannah.

She gripped the clothes on her hands tightly.

She then recalled the strength he displayed and also his words that by the end of the day, she was still his cousin.

She relaxed her hands.

"I have my own clothes…"

Nathan found a [Grade D] Kris Dagger and then absorbed it.

"Don't bother. They'll only remind you of these lowlifes and you'll end up not only hating yourself but also me. Just take the items that remind you of uncle Abbas, aunt Amira and Amir."


Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, this former Grandmaster Immortal who failed twice has returned once again.

To view the Immortal Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n, you can read them at…

• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

There, you will have access to this Lowly Shameless Immortal's Immortal Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when this Lowly Shameless Immortal will publish them here in the First Immortal Book, there will be some edits.

And at the moment, Immortal Chapter Drafts 164-168 are the latest chapters posted there.

Thank you once again and this Lowly Shameless Immortal will see you in the next chapter... *Kowtows 300 times*

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