
Ancient Red Carp

"A purple puffer fish.. I have heard that they taste great." said Daniel to a smiling Alana.

That was the first time that Daniel had met Alana, and yet, he had already understood what type of person she was. If not for the big red number that floated above her head, just for the reaction that Serf had showed when Alana had moved her hand towards his.

Daniel was not aware of what Serf's family knew or what they suspected. So, he decided to avoid telling the full truth. For all he knew, there might have been people following him around ever since he had been poisoned.

Once Alana heard the name of the item Serf and Daniel had gone out to purchase, her face contorted in feigned worry, and said "Oh, please be careful of how you handle that fish.. I know that it is extremely poisonous.." Her fake worry was not only directed to Serf, but to Danel as well.

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