

"So, I will place a personal bet on this race, you will double the amount of the prize money if I win." Pinna winked as she collected the Rollar-board from the girl behind the counter. The girl only smiled darkly, creasing the skin that hung over the metallic face. She was a Hubot, one of Dr. Jakin's inventions that helps disabled humans by attaching lost body parts with machines. 

"Should I be afraid?" Matt said, not hiding the amusement that lingered on his words.

They walked towards the frontline and stood abreast with the other racers, about three of them, all of which have their faces buried behind their head plate.

"You should be, General," Pinna said.

Matt laughed. He really missed this. Standing here now, among these teenagers, he couldn't help the memory. The vibe of the entrance examinations was crawling on his stomach again, and the feeling was so exhilarating. It was as if his spirit wanted to jump out of his body.

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