
Puula's Realization

"That's right. I finally opened up to her about my mother and her father… For once, I felt she wasn't just listening to me but actively taking in everything that I was saying… At the same time, it had been a long time since we embraced and leaned on each other as mother and daughter," explained Puula.

"That's great! So you opened up to her and she opened up in response?"

"She started to, but she closed up again before we finished talking… She won't even listen after I'm finally vulnerable in front of her…" 

Thinking to herself, Ania quickly pondered what Puula's and Netra's conversation might've entailed. Considering the recent incident about a betrothal and Netra's personality in class, Ania began to deduce her own hypothesis. "Perhaps if I knew the topic of your chat I could help a bit more?"

"It was…" Puula paused suddenly, leaving an awkward silence hanging in the air for a few seconds. "On second thought, I think I may have overreacted is all."

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