
chapter 19

"Yeah Kenny is right, we couldn't just leave these people out to die." Lee chimed in.

"But it means that we would have to share our supplies with these people now, and we don't know these people, we have more than enough problem on our hands, we are not responsible for every struggling survivor we come across Lee, we have to focus on our own!" Lilly told him.

"Well, hang on! We haven't even talked to these people yet! Maybe they can be helpful!" Carley who was on the side watching the scene called out.

"Come on, Lilly. These are people! People trying to survive just like us. We've gotta stick together to survive!" Mark added in.

Lilly now directed her wrath at Mark.

"The only reason you're here is because you had food. Enough for ALL of us. But that food is almost gone! And it's not like you guys are carrying any grocery right?" she retorted.

She directed this question to a certain teen that tagged along with Lee, Mark, and Kenny.

Mark let out a sigh.

"Fine. you guys fight it out, then. Welcome to the family, kid." he told the teenager, then head to the wall to do some maintenance.

Clementine, the cute little loli also notice the atmosphere of the group and attempt to reduced it by taking the teenager away using an excuse of showing him the picture she drew.

After the kid left, Kenny began to go on an aggressive mode.

"You know, you like to think you are the leader of this little group, but we can make our own goddamn decisions! This isn't your own personal dictatorship!" he glared at her.

"Oh come on. You're being dramatic! Everything always turns into a power struggle between you two. I'm not gonna be a part of that." Carley pointed Kenny and Lilly out and then left to look for Clementine.

"Hey, I didn't ask to lead this group! Everyone was happy to have me distributing the foods when there's enough to go around, but now that it's running out, suddenly I'm a goddamn Nazi!" she stated to Kenny.

Lee who was on the side doesn't seem to really understand the situation and blurted out.

"It's doesn't matter who's in charge! Those people are here now. I guess we just have to decide what happens next."

Kenny does not see to agree with him on this point.

"No, Lee, it does matter! One person can't be in charge of everything! You know, it might feel safe for you to sit on the fence, but sooner or later you're gonna have to decide whose side you're on!" he then left.

"I don't see any of you stepping up to make the hard decisions! My girl's got more balls than all of you combined!" Larry stepped up for his daughter and yelled angrily.

"Dad, please. Why don't you go help Mark with the wall?" she said softly as she's trying to cool off Larry and not let him have a heart attack.

Larry listened to his daughter, but before he left he gave Lee a glare.

Lilly then focuses her attention back to Lee.

"You think this is easy for me? Everyone's starting to hate me because I'm the one that rations the food. But nobody else wants to!." she then headed toward the backpack near the RV to pick it up and tossed it at Lee.

"Why don't you be doing the foods distribution from now on? I'm done." she then headed back to her room, leaving everyone eyes on Lee.

"Just do your best man...our side is good, just focus on your group, I'll help in whenever I can," Leonard told Lee.

"Thank… your group has done a lot for us, I-no we all appreciate that…" he told Leonard, because he knew that Leonard, Conner, and Mavis plus their recent addition of Big T helped them a lot with the foods issue and other necessary, and they rarely used any supplies from the group since the four of these people went out from time to time to gather supplies, of which some were shared with them, partly because they were staying together.

"It's not really a big deal man, we couldn't just let kids like Clementine starve right?" Leonard told him.

After that Lee went out and distributed the foods to everyone, they all get a portion with equal sizes, that incident left a really bad taste in their mouth afterward, so no one wished to talk about it anymore.

When dusk arrived, Big T of which known as Tyrant, Conner, and Mavis finally gotten back from their trip to around Peachtree, carrying with them are mostly some tools and other bits of supplies, not a lot of foods and waters though.

Then suddenly Khaja screamed drew their attention.

The otherworldly group members take care of their own people.

(well mostly Ryan since she's the only one that doesn't fight..huh funny..it has been a while since I mentioned Ryan.)

Oniichan_Thickskincreators' thoughts
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