
Let's Play the King

The Throne room was abuzz with talk by all the Officials. Some talked business, others about the surrounding Countries' aggressive behavior as of recent, and others still about their personal affairs.

The Throne room was made of bones, per the usual; save the floor of the entire Throne room was made of black obsidian stone. A large white carpet divided the Throne room in half, starting at the Seat of the Throne and ending at the Official's entrance.

At the head of the Throne room, was, of course, the Throne of The Holy Witch King. Massive in size, it was built up and had 7 steps before the seat. It was made of black bones, with gold Holy words inlaid on each bone. At the top of the chair was a large crest of Deagoth. Each chair arm was lined with a spine and ended in a skull with no lower jaw.

Down below the Seat of the Throne was the Court, divided into two sides. On the left side stood the Officials of Undeath, and on the Right, the Officials of Unlife. Surrounding everything were the open stands.

Soon a pair of heralds walked before the Holy entrance, the door in which The Holy Witch King entered; followed by 14 undead of the Choir. Holy Hymns rang out from the Choir.

""Let it be known, that The Holy Witch King will grace us with his presence!""

They soon turned to walk away, as the Large double doors of the Holy entrance were pulled open by large gold chains pulled by 14 undead clergymen, 7 per chain pulled. Soon the doors started to open. The Choir finished their hymns, and silence descended upon the court.

A roll of thick white smoke billowed from the pull doorway and issued into the Throne room. All Officials turned to face the Holy entrance, each struggling to make out the form of The Holy Witch King.

Clink... Clink... Clink...

Soon the sound of metal on stone was heard, in a steady rhythmic pace. From the White smoke, a form was barely made out, but clearly one thing stood out in the white mass that issued forth. Two gold wisps were moving forward. At last the massive form of The Holy Witch King slowly made itself into view, still with the sound... Clink.... Clink.... Clink....

Now, the murmurs that were heard earlier became deadly silent, among the Officials in the stands. The Officials on the Throne floor long ago became silent.

As the smoke started to rest on the floor, Countess Leslie was seen walking seven paces behind The Holy Witch King. Many Officials thought about Leslie and The Holy Witch King but dared not speak aloud, especially now.

As The Holy Witch King made his way to his Throne from the Holy Entrance from the right of the Seat of the Throne, He found that Grand Minister Lucius was already kneeling before him, as he approached.

Jack didn't say anything but used his left to make a lifting motion to Lucius, indicating for him to rise. Grand Minister Lucius obeyed, saying nothing. Jack turned to walk up his seven steps to make it to his Throne.

[Gez... This throne. This would make a great anime! No, no... A great game! If I could make this back in my last life. I would have made a fortune...] Jack inwardly sighed.

As Jack ascended his Throne, Countess Leslie made her way to the foot of the left side of his Throne. Many female Officials in the stands inwardly clicked their tongues at Countess Leslie. They all had a similar thought; she had no status, but still positioned herself at the feet of His Grace's Throne.

Out of Sight; out of mind. This wasn't the first time Countess Leslie had done this, but this was over a thousand years ago. These Officials were jealous then... They were jealous now.

Jack took his seat. Holding his Femur Ferula, and sitting with his back ramrod straight in his seat. His left arm rested the spine of the chair arm, with his hand resting on the ending skull of said chair. Jack totally role played the villain. He should have been role playing a pope... But Jack had never done that. In his games, He always role played the bad guy. Jack figured it couldn't be that far off, it had always been said that kings were heartless.

All the court Officials looked to His Grace, once again, seated at his Throne, in the darkness of his hood, stood out his two golden wisp-like eyes. It was said that being gazed at by these golden wisps would lay bare any undead. As the saying goes, while the cats away, the Mice will play. These Officials had not been the most pious and had grown in their comfort, especially with helping hands behind the scenes.

As The Holy Witch King surveyed his court, he tapped his Femur Ferula on the stone base of his Bony Throne. Clink... Clink... Clink... Without turning his head, Jack's golden wisp eyes looked over the Officials. Each Official his eyes passed over felt a wave of fear... Some with guilt... shuddered until his eyes left them.

[...This isn't like his Grace...] Marquis Mark kneeling in the Officials of Undeath section, like all the rest. [Why is he like this...? Did he find out something???] His mind was aloud with alarm bells!

Grand Minister Lucius surveyed the Throne room that was under the gaze of His Grace. [HA! All of you upstarts are going to get yours! I can already tell his Grace knows, as expected of his Grace!!!] Lucius was a solid supporter of The Holy Witch King, but he was extremely proficient in running the affairs of the Kingdom. Unfortunately, he had a hard time reprimanding the other Officials. This was the only short come the Kingdom of Deagoth's command structure when The Holy Witch King was away.

The sound of rattling bones was thick in the Throne room. [These guys are scared crapless by me... What have they been doing since the King was last here????] Jack was inwardly thinking while trying to memorize the faces of everyone he saw. Usually this would not be an issue for Jack; He had a fantastic memory... But he was having a tough time with most of the Officials being all skeletal faces. It was hard to remember someone's face, when they didn't have one.

[These guys are guilty as hell. I need to establish my dominance, but how???] Jack knew being The Holy Witch King, these Officials would listen to him, but if he gave them a bit of stick then a bit of carrot, he could gain their devotion.

[I'll figure out something after court. It's not like I can't call for a break and come back. Let's start with my announcement.]

Clink... Clink... The last clink stopped before issuing its metallic sound. Jack finally broke the silence.

"I know... That while I have been away, that SOME of you Officials have been... playing the fool.] Jack's voice echoed in the Throne room. If not for Jack role-playing, he would have jumped. His voice that issued was 10 times that of how he usually spoke. [This Throne must have some kind of sound amplifier!] Jack was really amazed; magic was great!

The Officials that were truly guilty felt that they were just dropped into a cold hell, that icy feeling crawling in their soul. This feeling even more so when his Grace's eyes passed back over them the second time.

[I knew these bastards were up to no good. I'm going to have to clean this place up, before dealing with whatever crap they are going to lie at my feet!] Jack angrily thought.

"Before I... cleanse Our court... I wish to make an Announcement!" Jack said, as his voice boomed within the Throne room... This was a bombshell dropped on the Officials! Cleansed... OUR! OH, NO! These Officials were old foxes! Who among them didn't know what this meant... But this was The Holy Witch King!

The Holy Witch King was known for tolerance! In his five thousand years of reign, he had only executed no more than the fingers of one of his hands. What had The Holy Witch King found out! He even used "Our!" Jack spoke Our, as in my and your court, but what this meant to the Officials were Myself and My Title as The Holy Witch King. This was an imperial decree!

"Many of you know of Countess Leslie." Jack rang out again. This time the reaction was very different. The male Officials had thought it was about time, while the female Officials thought why now?

Leslie had been overlooking the court from the base of her Grace's Throne, couldn't help but looked back up to her Grace. [Is this related to what my Grace was asking me earlier???] Leslie had always had a strong mind, but when it came to her love... She was a total basket case, at this moment her mind was tossing in her mind's sea.

Jack looked down at this base and called down to Leslie. "Leslie, come up to me." Another bomb was dropped; today was going to be a day of history!

All the female Officials noticed something, which failed most of the male Officials... His Grace just called Countess Leslie, without her Title. When had they become this close? They weren't this close a thousand years ago. What changed?

[It's about time. Countess Leslie has pined for your sorry bones for four thousand years...] Grand Minister Lucius inwardly sighed. He was the only one that would criticize his Grace in his presence privately. It could even be said that he was good friends with The Holy Witch King. He, also, knew what calling her by her first name meant. Grand Minister Lucius would have never waited as long as Countess Leslie did for his lover. He had no idea why The Holy Witch King took this long. There were no laws or rules in the Holy Dead Orthodoxy that the clergymen couldn't get married.

[Crap! This isn't turning out like it was supposed to be.] Marquis Mark had made countless plans, but never ever in all his wildest dreams did he expect that The Holy Witch King was going to grant Leslie a Title. If Leslie gained more power, she would be able to thwart half of his schemes. Never did Marquis Mark expect the next sentence The Holy Witch King spoke.

Leslie had daintily made her way up the Throne and made it to Jack's Throne. Jack held out his left hand to Leslie, and she had taken it.

"Let it be known that Leslie is now my consort. She shall now be known as Consort Leslie."

Countess Leslie's, no Consort Leslie's mind melted. The shock, confusion, and pleasure of this announcement were too much for her. Earlier she wondered when was the last time she felt so many feelings in one day, now this was an understatement. Had Leslie been in control of her mental capacity, she would have spoken some words to accept, but at this point, that was beyond her control.

A period of time passed and soon became awkward. [She isn't saying anything! WHY IS SHE JUST BLANKLY STARING AT ME!?] Jack was in full panic mode. He thought she would accept, and he could go on with his plan. Had he made a mistake?

The female Officials were startled. He didn't ask Countess Leslie if this was something she wanted... Had they discussed this beforehand? If so, why didn't his Grace leave her some face to refuse, even in name only?

The male Officials were actually of a different opinion. He said that she was his consort, so she was. This is how a true king works. He sees something he wants; he takes it, truly an inspiration.

[WHAT?!?!] Marquis Mark was one of the many Officials of Undeath that inwardly exclaimed. It had to be known that The Holy Witch King had been single all his life. Why now? Marquis Mark might as well smash his soul with a rock. He had just accepted a proposal with Jakahn. How was he going to move these "New Officials" into place with a second pair of eyes watching? Grand Minister Lucius was made a joke by the Officials of Undeath, but all of them knew that if he ever got solid evidence on them, he would have the Justice Department place their souls in jars for all eternity, without a chance of reincarnation!

Jack was beginning to become angry out of embarrassment. [Screw it. Whether Leslie accepts or not doesn't matter now, I need to save face.] Jack pulled Leslie to the side of his Throne and patted the arm of the chair.

Leslie blankly stumbled forward and then proceeded to half sit on the arm of the Throne. She was now, once again, facing the court. This was Jack's emergency plan; however, this wasn't the most proper situation. Even if she was the first consort, she wasn't supposed to sit on the Throne, not even on its arm.

Many Officials felt this disrespectful to The Holy Witch King, but since his Grace didn't say anything, they dare not make any sounds. Especially as his Grace was planning to start a massacre in the court.

Well, if nothing else, Jack had fulfilled one of his life, errr. unlife's goals. He got himself a girlfriend. What Jack didn't know was that a consort was a wife, not a girlfriend. She would, also, need a wedding, a Title, an estate, a regiment of guards, and a betrothal gift. This usually didn't come up in his games, thus he had no clue on royal expectations or undead culture, but, honestly speaking, this wasn't a game.

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