
Nothing To Fear Princesses

At least now I will be able to directly tell the stupid rat what to do instead of waiting for Cai-Cai to repeat it… Hopefully.

It was morning already, and the servants were already up and moving around to attend and wake up the people they were ordered to. Not all the mindless goons were awakened. From what I could see there were about 6 that were ordered to move since from what I saw they usually form teams of two this meant that there will be three groups out there.

The servants were a couple dozen of people, and they were divided into two groups, one of the groups had to serve and help the mindless goons that couldn't do anything unless they were ordered to. The others were under the orders of the six that were on the top, there could be more helping the mysterious woman or someone else, but for now, I don't know more than that.

The plan in my mind was simple… so it was going to probably be a massive fail on the middle of the execution, that I plan to blame on Pinky' stupidity. At least I'm already prepared for it.

'Pinky, I will need the strongest minions together with those that can help stabilize their wounds the plan is for them to enter a little later, is someone there that can be sure that they stay unconscious or asleep?'

'Sorry former Demon Lord there is no one capable of that.'

That's not good, should I go myself with the group to explain? It was better than scaring them to death if they wake up being carried by a bunch of rats.

As I was thinking of a solution, Johanna was waking up due to the pain on her leg. It was good if a explain it to her now.

'Johanna~? Don't speak, just talk in your mind.' I could feel the fear and confusion when she looked around trying to find the source of the voice in her head.

'Who are you? What happened?'

'I'm Dante, I'm here to help~, you were in a mission with three more people and got ambushed~.'

A doctor would ask her more things, but I could see that all the memories were back after I mentioned the ambush. She looked around and found Ines and Frederick still unconscious, she wanted to stand up, but when she tried, she fell right away.

'Take it easy~, both of them are badly hurt, but we are going to take you all out of there and help them as soon as we can~.'

She remembered that she was talking to me and started to think which Dante could be taken part of a rescue mission like this.

'I'm Spencer's cat~.'

'They send a cat to rescue us?'

'I wouldn't say that they "send" us~, it was more like I was around when everything happened, but don't worry, together with Cai-Cai and Pinky we have everything under control~.'

She had no idea who was Cai-Cai or Pinky and started to lose hope.

'Hey~ don't be like that, we are going to take you all out of there ok~?'


She sighed without any hope while thinking what her destiny would be.

Whatever, if she doesn't believe me, it's her problem I have a lot of things to do.

'What I have to do!!'

I don't have nothing in mind for Cai-Cai for now…

'Mmm… You stay here for the rats to see you… seeing their cute goddess before a battle will be good for them.'

She was taken aback by my words.

'Cute!!... mmm if you think that it will help I will do it!!.' she showed a shy smile and started to greet rats around… that will keep her busy.

I decided to give Johanna another message before starting to work on my perfect, Pinky proof plan.

'Johanna, everything will start in a couple of hours. Pinky is going to get you, he is the white one, so you will recognize him right away. You have nothing to worry everything is going to be ok~… By the way, what do you think about rats?'

I could read her thinking what kind of question that was…

'I hate them.'

'We think alike~! I hate them too~… but you will not like this plan.'

'If you really take us out of here alive I don't care what the plan is…'

'Yeah… keep that thought.'


Cecily was awakened, as usual by one of her servants, an old lady that used to be one of her boss's business partner. She was taken to the table where a good breakfast was waiting for her.

On the table she ate and took a book on her hands, she had read it already a couple of times, but she had nothing more to do. This routine was already getting bored for her, but she had no choice, this city will soon be under the control of the NDR, and if everything goes well she will be one of those in power, it will only be power over a bunch of puppets, but it was better than being one of the puppets.

She was lucky that she didn't become one when this started, it was all thanks to her power, Kevin Ramsey didn't know if it would have still worked if she was made a puppet, but since she was loyal to him, he kept her like that and didn't risk losing her power.

"Miss Blake, last night a servant said that there were three new potential recruits. For you to check up."

"Ok tell them that I will go soon to take a look."

Cecily fastened the cup of coffee, ate the remaining of the breakfast and went back to her room to change clothes.

In the last time, most people that arrive are already dead, so they are taken to that scary blood pool right away. She has been lonely and had nothing to do for a couple of days, this was bad because it could mean that they don't need her anymore.

She went straight to a house near to hers, this house looked normal in the outside, but it had a huge basement, that was used as a prison for the people they take away.

She went underground and found Kevin Ramsey with two more people sat on a couch.

On the ground, there was a guy and two women, the guy and one of the woman were unconscious, and the other one was looking at Mr. Ramsey. Cecily found that the woman that was looking at his boss with hatred was a known reporter.

"They will find you, Ramsey, they all already know what is happening here."

"Yeah yeah, they all say that." Kevin Ramsey didn't give any importance to the woman's words and turned around to look at Cecily frowning.

"You are late Cecily…"

Her blood froze when she heard those words.

"I was just notified that you request my presence, Mr. Ramsey."

"Don't let it happen again, now start to work. Start with the unconscious girl, she would make a fine servant for Chambers he is getting bored of the ones he has."

Cecily got near the unconscious girl and touched her head. She had Precognition, but the future had a lot of possible outcomes, so more than her seeing what will happen in the future what she sees are outcomes.

Using Mr. Ramsey's they could break someone mind entirely or partially, of course, there are some that could resist and some that even if they got their minds partially torn, still had enough will to fight back.

Cecily was there to see what will happen in the future if they took a particular path. For example, what would happen if they turn the unconscious girl into a servant.

She tried her power as usual, but unlike before there was something wrong, she felt that this future was no longer possible. She tried with other outcomes, but it was worthless… did she lose her power? The fear started to take her.

A servant came into the room and said something to Kevin Ramsey ear.

"You said rats?"

He made a dumbfounded expression and walked out of the room. He stopped a second and looked at Cecily.

"The usual paths for all of them, I want them ready for when I come back."

Cecily was taken aback when she was suddenly left alone with the three prisoners. If her power is of no use anymore, maybe she should escape?...

She was considering her options when she heard the conscious woman talk.

"What did you do to Ines!? Why are you making that face!?"

"I didn't do anything… I-I-I…"

Should she explain her? Try to escape all together?

Suddenly multiple little and soft steps could be heard upstairs, and a wave of rats came into the room with a white rat leading them.

It was when a voice sounded on the heads of the two conscious people in the room.

"You have nothing to fear Princesses! Together with the reformed Demon Lord, I… Pinky, The Southern Lord, under the orders of the hero and with the blessing of the Snake Goddess, will rescue you from the claws of the perverted Blood Lord!!!"

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