

Electromagnetic waves, directed towards a particular location, raced through the atmosphere, only to be weakened by the barrier of storms and unnatural weather before being picked up by receivers on floating communication balloons powered by hydrogen that were anchored to the ocean at the edge of the End Zone.

The chain of communication balloons started relaying the data back towards the base where the comms servers started downloading the data and reconstructed the message in the streams of electromagnetic waves. The full message took a short while as the signal was weak and the distance vast before the server forwarded the message automatically onto the Duty Officer of the day's console with an urgent beep.

The DO was already notified of an incoming message but had to wait for the download to complete, bent over his desk and read the message dump before his eyes widened in surprise. He shot to his feet and picked up the wired phone on the side and hit the speed dial for the Base Com.

"Sir! We got a priority one situation here!"


The Old World, Iron Kingdom, Airfield outside the Capital, The Old Ugly

Blake's unease deepened as he looked out at the city walls in the distance. He did not fully trust the Prince and had ordered the retreat of all his crew back on board the Old Ugly just in case. He was worried about Dr. Sharon who was inside the Palace and did not know if she would be stopped from leaving.

Her team's previous message said that they were on their way out but until now there was still no reply despite repeated attempts to hail them over the radio. Just when Blake was about to order for the QRF to deploy when the comms crackled and Dr. Sharon's team reported in. "Old Ugly, this is Remedy, ETA three zero mikes, over."

"Send the QRF to escort them in," Blake ordered, his worries still strong. "Is the ship ready to depart at any moment?"

"Yes, sir," Trism replied. "Ship is on condition red."

"I hope my worries are for nought," Blake said softly as he returned to stare out of the viewports.

"Old Ugly! This is Remedy! We picked up a few admirers on our tail!" The marine's voice sounded calm, even cool over the comms. "Two zero cavalry. Over."

"Is that the Third Prince's people?" Trism frowned as he leaned closer over the comms console. "Is he trying to stop Dr. Sharon from leaving?"

"Tell them to be alert! If they make any funny moves, they are cleared to go hot," Blake quickly ordered as he cursed under his breath. "And check with the Third Prince's liaison outside the ship! See if he knows anything!"

"Yes, sir!" Orders were passed down and Quick Reaction Force manning a couple of jeeps that were disguised with wood and metal plates, looking like the local equivalent of a steam wagon, rumbled off with a full load of heavily armed marines.

"Sir, the Third Prince's liaison has no idea of the current situation, he said his orders were to assist you in procuring what materials and supplies we require," Trism informed Blake after his men reported back. "Either he wasn't informed of his Prince's change of mind... Or... someone else is trying to cause trouble..."


"Lady Sharon?" The leading cavalryman expertly came to a halt, forcing his croc raptor to turn a circle on the spot. "I am Knight Lieutenant Chas. Under orders from his highness, the Crown Prince, ask that you follow us at once!"

Dr. Sharon frowned as she stood her ground against the growls and rancid breaths of the dragon cavalry. Her Marines escorts had formed a protective barrier around her, their modified rifles tipped with bayonets and pointing outwards. "What does the Crown Prince wants from me?"

"That is His Highness's business with you, I have no inkling," The Knight replied in a detached tone. "Please come along with us now."

"And if I refuse to come with you?" Dr. Sharon asked as her hand touched the reassuring feel of the coarse anti slip surface of her concealed pistol.

"It is not your place to refuse the Crown Prince's commands!" The Knight snapped and he waved his hand towards Dr. Sharon. "Bring her!"

The cavalry which had spread out to surround the team surged forward as one. The croc raptor like mounts growled and bared their jaws menacingly and the Marines raised their weapons, waiting for the order. Mills cursed as he watched the situation turning into shit. He drew his weapon out and removed the suppressor before firing a single shot into the air, hoping to scare the cavalry.

The land dragons reared up in surprise at the sudden sharp thunderous crack of the pistol but their riders quickly brought them under control. The Knight pushed his mount forward and stared at Mills, "You! Do you think that loud toy of yours will stop us? Are you all going against the commands of the Crown Prince?"

"Doc," Mills replaced his suppressor on his pistol and asked. "Do we take them on? The Captain has given us permission to go hot..."

"No!" Dr. Sharon silently cursed in her head. "If we kill them... It is going to bring a lot of trouble to us! We are in the middle of the Iron Kingdom!"

"But we can't let you follow them to the Second Prince..." Mills raised his arm up, ready to order his men to open fire. "I doubt he has good intentions!"

"HOLD!" A cry broke out from beyond the ring of cavalry. Heads turned and another cavalry troop appeared, their colours and insignia on their uniforms slightly different. "Cease your actions!"

Prince Herod charged right into the surprised cavalry with his mount, using his much larger and fiercer land dragon to bully the cavalry soldiers aside. He wheeled his mount around and blocked off the cavalry of the Second Prince. "Prince Herod!?"

"Why had you all not dismount and greet me?" Prince Herod glared at the soldiers while his troops quickly formed up around him, creating a wall between Dr. Sharon and the Second Prince's troops.

The Second Prince's troops quickly dismounted while the Knight Lieutenant reluctantly went down on one knee and bowed. "Greetings, your Highness!"

"What business do you have with one of my guests?" Prince Herod growled at the Knight.

"Your Highness," The Knight Lieutenant replied with a hint of insolence. "My master, the Crown Prince has summoned Lady Sharon to his presence!"

"But she dared to show disrespect to the Crown Prince!" The Knight Lieutenant pointed at Dr. Sharon. "She dared go against a royal order! This is a crime against royalty! Even you, your Highness, can't protect her from this crime!"

"Nonsense!" Prince Herod's temper flared up. He jabbed his riding crop at the Knight and snapped. "She is my guest and she even treated the King! If anything else... It's you that is disrespectful to her!"

"Your Highness! This is a serious matter with the Crown Prince!" The Knight frowned. "Please do not make it difficult for this servant!"

"You-!" Prince Herod raised his riding crop and was about to slash down at the Knight when a loud rumble was heard. He turned around and saw a couple of steam wagons that moved far faster and unnaturally smoother than he known them to be, come barreling in right into their midst.

The mounted soldiers cursed and they made way for the steam wagons that came to a screeching halt around Dr. Sharon's team and what appeared to be armed guards spilt out, forming a protective cordon around Dr. Sharon. Mills grinned as the QRF formed up around him, boasting his numbers and confidence. "Doc, I think it's time to bug out!"

Dr. Sharon nodded before she stepped forward. She gave a curtsy to Prince Herod and the Knight and said, "I am sorry, but it is time for me to leave this place!"

"Oh, Prince Herod," Dr. Sharon paused at the door of the modified jeep. "Don't worry about your father. He will be fully recovered in a couple of days."

Prince Herod's eyes widened in surprise before they softened as he beamed at her, "Thank you!"

"Do you have to go?" Prince Herod asked. "Why don't you... stay a bit longer? Didn't Captain Blake said he would stay here for a week?"

"Something urgent must have come up," Dr. Sharon replied. "I would like to stay but... I guess, another time."

"Then... Please take care!" Prince Herod gave a bow to Dr. Sharon. "If fate allows, we shall meet again!"

Dr. Sharon gave a wave and boarded the jeep while the Second Prince's Knight cried out in anger, "Wait! You cannot leave! Your crim-"

"Enough!" Prince Herod spun his mount around and glared at the Knight, cutting his words off. "Tell your Prince to find me if he wants to find someone to blame!"

The disguised jeeps rumbled to life and they reversed back before turning away and sped off far quicker than a usual steam wagon. The dust they kicked up left Prince Herod frowning as he stared suspiciously at the disappearing wagons. He mumbled to himself, "They really have more secrets hidden..."

"Let's return!" Prince Herod called out to his troops and ignored the fuming yet helpless Knight and his troops. Prince Herod's troops quickly formed up around the Prince and they headed back towards the city, while the Second Prince's troops hesitated, wondering if they could still catch up with the steam wagons or return to report their failure to their lord and master.


The Old World, Border between the Protectorate and the Iron Kingdom

The two Icarus class airships of the UN were both snuggly parked at a clearing inside a forest next to the channel of seawater that ran between the Protectorate and the Iron Kingdom. The river channel effectively split both nations and was the border between them.

Camo nets were thrown over the decks of both ships, further hiding them from view in the air. The off duty crews of both ships were having a rare downtime from their duties as both ships were on standby until summoned.

It was at this moment when the afternoon was blazing down overhead and the off duty crew were relaxing and sunbathing under the sun when sirens went off on both ships. The relaxing crew froze for a moment before they ran back on board the ships and ship wide announcements broadcasted orders and informed the crew of the situation.

The Captains of the Icarus and Daedalus convened a quick meeting over a secure channel as they discussed their options. The urgent message from Fort Anchorage spoke of an overwhelming force of close to three hundred airships were amassing by the borders of the Protectorate with a clear intention of invading the Iron Kingdom.

A priority one message was relayed out to the Old Ugly almost immediately when they themselves received the urgent message. Both Captains agreed that they should bring their ships up to battle readiness and be prepared to launch and follow the inland channel as planned to reach the Iron Kingdom border town of Ironshire, where both ships could still remain hidden.

It would also bring both the airships closer to the Old Ugly, allowing them a faster response time if their support was needed despite the overwhelming numbers. But to proceed so, they required Captain Blake's approval and they did not have to wait long when new orders were issued from the Old Ugly. The crew had taken the time to keep the camo nets and the power plants and boilers were already standing by.

Powerful rotors roared as the tilt engines forced air downwards, pushing the aetherium powered warships into the air. Flocks of colourful feathered wyvern burst out from the trees as they cawed in panic from the sudden commotion. Once enough lift was achieved, the tilt engines pivoted to forward positions and UNS Icarus and the UNS Daedalus took off into the skies, racing into the sea channel canyon.

Both Captains of the Icarus and Daedalus held onto a pendant shaped into a design of three bullets in a row and they prayed. "Firepower shall protect and defeat our enemies!"

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