
Wandering And Doubt

Davis wondered where the edge of the formation that had suddenly imprisoned him was.

'Or is this an endless maze…?'

He kept walking across the snow, unable to fly. It wasn't like he was unable to fly, but when he stepped into the air, the surface level rose, snow covering his feet as it tried to sink him in. However, it was too bad it was weak to trap him.

It could barely keep him restricted while he tried to find the way out.

Davis was ready to break the formation as soon as he found the edge of the formation so that he wouldn't get trapped again. He didn't want to display his full power either, as it was better to let these heavenly geniuses keep guessing so he knew who to take prisoners in order to make quick wealth.

Those arrogant pricks were sure begging him to take them prisoners. Even now, he had a few in mind on who to take prisoners, but first things were first.

He had to regroup with his people.

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