
Instructing Them

Knowing nothing of the short yet space-tumbling battle that occurred between the Aurora Cloud Gate and the Godwin Family, Davis got out of the carriage and made his way inside the mansion with a rabid smile on his face.

Stella Voidfield was about to follow him, but both Natalya and Tanya captured her wrists, telling her that they'll bring her to another place to play. The innocent little tree was confused, but she acquiesced the next moment, causing them to bring her somewhere else.

Davis stepped into the mansion's large hall, once again finding himself inhaling a lot of aromatic fragrances that made him feel like he was in a garden of roses, except the suppressed flame burning inside his lower body made him want to water those flowers with his vitality.

He walked straight to someone and grabbed her soft hands, causing everyone else to sigh.

"I knew it."

"No matter what… it's always the first wife."

"I'm jealous..."

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