

Davis stopped musing about the information leak or the rat as he saw his 'guests' reach the city of the second level. They flew above clouds of the first level from the moment they punched a hole in the cloud formation till coming here. In other words, the airspace where they flew could be said to be the second level's outskirts.

Their two big arks that were flying side by side were both around a hundred and fifty meters long, forty meters wide and sixty meters in depth. At a glance, the arks seemed to be made from the same construct Master, but the crest that was engraved on them and the design of the arks were entirely different.

The ark on the left looked like an ancient bull, carrying buildings that seemed like towers over it. Its front possessed two steel-like horns that seemed capable of smashing through palaces and defenses that are at king grade. Engraved on the front of the ark is a towering hall that was shrouded by clouds.

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