The two old men had been obstructed in such an unsightly manner so many times and their hearts were already boiling with rage, however, there was nothing they could do at this point. They could not show their displeasure so all they could do was to glare at the six Feng Guards and bid their farewell to the Third Prince and left with an angry flourish of their sleeves.
Even if it was Murong Bo, he wouldn't talk to them in such a tone but this Murong Yi Xuan actually had the audacity to talk to them in such a manner, without even leaving any face for them! What nonsense was he spouting? If it was for his Imperial Father, then he shouldn't be defending the Feng Residence!
After seeing them leave, Murong Yi Xuan's heart felt heavy and he seemed to be in deep thoughts. After a while, he looked at the six FG and as if he wanted to say something however after he looked at the manor, he didn't say anything and simply turned to leave.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: