
Gruesome Demise

Waiting a few more minutes just to be safe, Salvatore finally emerged from behind the tree and approached the Watermelon Wolf King. Halting at its head, he stared directly into the massive blood red eye the size of a melon, finding only hatred and bloodthirsty insanity within its crimson depths, tinged with a sliver of pure shame at being brought to its current lowly state by such a weak prey.

Drawing his blade, Salvatore quickly attacked with his damaged dagger, stabbing it towards the giant crimson eye of the despondent Watermelon Wolf King, however he was shocked to discover that the dagger harmlessly bounced off the eye.

"What the hell?!" Salvatore shouted angrily, "This BOSS monster has eyes like bullet proof glass!"

Now realizing that although he had managed to impair the Watermelon Wolf King, actually killing it would not be nearly as easy. It would appear that BOSS monster were not to be under estimated.

Seeing him fail to pierce its eyes, the Watermelon Wolf King seemed to become smugger, his eyes regaining their arrogant shine once more, as its stared with a look of pure disdain at Salvatore and his futile attempt to inflict damage to its eye.

Noticing the Watermelon Wolf Kings smugness, Salvatore remained impassive, only pausing to flash a knowing smile at the Watermelon Wolf King, for despite his currently weak state, Salvatore was a walking encyclopedia of death, possessing countless methods to finish off the foolishly arrogant BOSS monster.

Stepping away from the now smug Watermelon Wolf King, Salvatore searched the ground for a suitably long branch with an appropriate thickness. Fortunately, thanks to the Watermelon Wolf Kings earlier rampage, various sized fragments of wood and branches were strewn around the entire forests floor.

Selecting a particularly long branch covered in countless smaller branches that was nearly 12 foot long and had a fixed diameter of 3 inches, Salvatore bent it a few times testing is flexibility. Finding it suitable for his purposes, he cleaned it of the many thin branches, trimming then down into 3 inch barbs with jagged points before sharpening the end into a long fine point.

Examining his grisly creation with a keen eye, he now had a 12ft barbed lance suitable for the gruesome end he had planned for the currently smug Watermelon Wolf King. Casually hefting the lance, he brought it close to the Watermelon Wolf Kings eye.

Slowly, like a skilled salesman he showed him every dreadful inch of the terrifying device he had prepared especially for him, before he suddenly removed it from its sight. As he moved out of its range of vision he suddenly noticed a discernible shiver of fear run thru the Watermelon Wolf King.

Approaching the rear of the Watermelon Wolf King, he examined it closely with the eyes of a veteran proctologist. Just as he had expected, thanks to his earlier sadistic brutalization it now had a closer resemblance to a badly grilled piece of meat which had been wiped with sandpaper than a wolfs rear end. Placing the barbed lance down, with a shout he casted [Fire Cloak].

As the hot flames roar to life he was enclosed in a pillar of fire which illuminated the desolated copse with a warm orange light. Approaching the rear of the Watermelon Wolf King with a calm clinical mindset of apathy, he retracted his right arm, gripping his broken dagger firmly as he patiently waited for it to grow red hot.

Upon reaching a high enough temperature, the blade once more became bright red causing the air around it to shimmer, distorted by the intense heat. Pointing the daggers broken tip towards the Watermelon Wolf Kings rear, he plunged it forward towards the now mutilated rosebud. With the searing sound of flesh being burnt, the blade struck true, piercing through the mangled flesh into the pinkish tunnel hidden beneath the burnt flesh.

Making a few more cuts, Salvatore widened the hole, making it large enough for his clenched fist to fit. Dispelling [Fire Cloak], he put away his dagger, then picking up the barbed lance, he tentatively placed the tip within the opening he had just made.

Bracing himself with a surefooted stance, he tensed his muscled before ruthlessly thrusting forward with all the strength he had, piercing deep into the Watermelon Wolf Kings innermost depths, plunging the lance an entire 4ft before it came to a stop.

Picking up a fist sized rock, he used it as a makeshift hammer, pounding on the end of the barbed lance, slowly driving the giant barbed spike in. After hundreds of powerful taps, Salvatore had hammered over 8ft of the lance into the Watermelon Wolf King.

Unable to drive the lance any deeper, Salvatore stepped back and coldly watched as the Watermelon Wolf Kings HP bar slowly plummeted, bright red negative numbers flashing above its head like fireworks with the occasion bright yellow negative number making an appearance, as its life force was slowly being expunged.

Approaching the Watermelon Wolf Kings head, he starred into its big eye, before he kneeled down and embraced its massive furry head, gently stroking the Watermelon Wolf King as he watched its life slowly fade from its eyes, watching the myriad of emotions he had seen countless times before slowly fade until only rage, and doubt that they were dying remained. Eventually the two emotions would fuse, transforming into despair at their inescapable fate before finally becoming childlike fear of the unknown that lays beyond deaths door.

As always, Salvatore quietly remained at the side of his strong foe, for he felt such individuals deserved to have at least one person witness their last few fleeting moments on this mortal coil, for Salvatore truly considered the Watermelon Wolf King a strong individual worthy of respect. In fact if not for him using such an underhanded method of poison, in an upfront fight with his current strength he wouldn't last 5 seconds.

Yet despite the disparity between his strength and that of the Watermelon Wolf King, their encounter had resulted in the strangest of outcomes, with the Watermelon Wolf King paralyzed and slowly dying from a barbed lance shoved up its ignoble rear end, while the victor gently embraced its massive head, watching its last moments while whispering soothing words.

"Shhhh, It's all right, soon the pain will end, you fought well mighty Watermelon Wolf King, but alas you chose to oppose me."

Time slowly passed, yet Salvatore remained embracing the massive head of the BOSS monster as though it was his own beloved pet, until finally as its HP dropped to 0, the life completely faded from its eyes.

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