
White-Haired Man of Wisdom

With his group number called up, Hong stood up and walked towards the star bridge. Countless people followed behind as they had to pass others.

Being near the front, it saved him a lot of time and comfort since he rarely got in crowds like this his entire life.

Activating his console, he pulled up the starport ticket and passed through the visible energy wall. He passed through swimmingly and nothing went wrong.


A loud sound came from behind and he looked back along with others. One middle-aged man bounced off the energy wall and did not pass through like the others. The guy looked startled and confused as to why he didn't pass through while others passed around him.

A soft force lifted the guy up and brought him over the crowd before landing in front of some staff.

Hong did not know what the issue was to not allow him to go through, but he couldn't care less and continued on within just a second.

The star bridge was very wide and huge to accommodate such crowds while also supporting a moving walkway so people can traverse faster.

The windows that made up the walls gave a cinematic view of outer space mixed in with passing spacecraft.

On the left was the giant spacecraft which had a great length spanning many kilometers. It's exterior was mostly white which had a streamlined appearance. You could faintly see the passenger windows. There was no sharp edges except and only the front was seemingly pointy.

On the side was a giant label on the side showing the company name.

After traversing the moving walkway, he neared the end and stepped off along with the others. Enough space had to be left so people can calmly walk ahead, otherwise the people on the walkway would collide with the people stepping off.

They walked for a few more minutes before the bridge made a 90-degree left turn. They made the turn and the spacecraft was so close that it made one feel like an ant beside a whale.

The spacecraft door was up ahead which was about the same size as the star bridge, making it huge.

Several flight attendants waved with fake smiles as they pointed towards their right.

Up ahead was a corridor with many doorways lining only the right. Energy walls could be seen in the doorways with group numbers labeled above each doorway.

For the first doorway, the screens showed that only groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 can enter the first doorway with the higher numbers on the other doors.

"Please enter through the appropriate doorway, or else the force-field will block you. Enjoy your trip at Spacasio Spaceflight." A flight attendant said loudly.

Hong entered the first door and passed through smoothly. The first two groups had already entered and sat down at the front rows, some of which have higher quality seats. The rows of seating were quite long, and even made Hong feel a little dizzy.

Regardless, he walked between the seats along with others as he checked for his seating number.

After several minutes of walking and searching, he found his seat and sat down before buckling up. People continued to pass by as they found their seats.

His place was quite fortunate and unfortunate at the same time. It's fortunate that he gets the window seat, so he can view outer space all he wants. It's unfortunate since there is many seats besides him which will be filled up. If he needs to use the restroom, he'll have to bother other passengers.

"I'm glad I reminded myself to use the bathroom before getting on. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm a mortal now. Otherwise, I'd have to wait an hour." He thought with relief.

People gradually filled up his area including the passenger seats next to him. Hong felt slightly cramped but could do nothing about it. Others seemed used to it and did not care at all as they chatted and relaxed.

The seats were very comfortable despite being used millions of times, and he couldn't help but relax. He checked out the virtual glasses that hanged from the seat in front of him and put them on. Instantly, his mind was overwhelmed with television shows.

Hong forced himself to calm down and recall Chen's memories.

Using his thoughts, the shows changed from one to another and he became very fascinated. He didn't even realize he had become too distracted when somebody tapped his shoulder.

"Hey." Said a hoarse voice.

"Hmm?" Hong quickly took off the glasses and glanced to his side.

It was a middle-age looking man with a case of silky white hair in formal attire just like him. He looked quite handsome for his age. The man's body was not was robust and burly as his, but one could see the vicissitudes of life in his eyes. Clearly, his age was quite deep in contrast to his appearance.

A faint energy barrier surrounded the two, preventing any noise from escaping.

"If it wasn't for gene modification, surely this guy would be an old foggy!" He thought as he released a faint smile.

"Don't mind me, I was just wanting to start a conversation since I'm bored." The guy had a faint British accent as he reached out his hand. Hong reached over and shook his hand with courtesy as it would be rude to ignore.

"I can tell that you are a very young man! You are full of life and fantasies compared to old people like me. Even if gene modifying can bring back one's youth and vitality, it does not bring back the mentality one used to have!" He said with a sigh as his eyes glimmered with time.

Hong could understand his thoughts and nodded in response with more respect in his eyes. Even though attaining higher levels in cultivation could keep one young, time would continuously change the mind. Everyone at some point has to leave their youthful thinking and move on.

"Sir, your point is?" He asked with brighter eyes.

"You eyes show only indifference and rationality towards everyone else, like you don't belong here." He said with a smile.

Hong's heart shook, as he glanced at the man with waves in his heart. He hadn't been maintaining Chen's personality because he thought it was unnecessary at the moment, yet this person could judge his age and state of mind. It has been a long time since someone could just him like that, and the last person that did was a cultivator many levels higher than him who was seeking the dao by traveling.

He couldn't help but grow wary of this seemingly innocent person.

However, it was easily caught by the man as he did a light chuckle.

"Young man, I'm just an old man who is great at discerning what other people think. After so many years of living, anybody develops this skill."

"Why are you suggesting this?" He asked as he observed the white-haired man with his powerful soul.

"You youngsters are generally filled with fantasy thoughts and wild imaginations. You should not be having indifference and a cold rationality like that at your age. People who are like that do not do well in society and generally have unhappy lives full of loneliness."

"We humans were given a cerebrum and a amygdala for a reason, and that is to communicate and have emotions. Having friends, having a loving family, and falling in love is the greatest thing a man or woman can ever have, and one's life will be filled with happiness and fulfillment. Compared to materialistic desires, these ones are the essentials of basic human desire and will stay in your heart even after death."

"No matter what one's past is, or how much they suffered, they should always try to achieve that goal. Even if you are missing one of the three or two of the three, you should try to satisfy one. Even if one is not compatible for all three conditions, one should at least find what they find happiness in even if you have to resort to materialism."

Finishing his long speech, the man grabbed a mouthful of air as he settled down.

"I can see that you are religious." Said Hong with a wider smile.

"I am not like those others who force people to join their religion. I can't help but feel happy when I see others happy." He said awkwardly.

Hong couldn't help but smile at the man's words and seriously listen. His words do have truth, and he couldn't help but question his heart a little.

"Maybe the man is right. Even if I am a thousand years old, I still am human in the end. But in the end, I am from the cultivation realm, where most cultivators are inhumane. It is difficult to change one's mindset, but I should make friends and maybe get some happiness now that I'm a mortal." He thought as silently observed the old man.

"Why are you telling me all this?" He asked.

"I never had a happy family, but I've always had a positive mindset and have always tried to find happiness even if I was the only religious person. Seeing you reminded of how my family members acted, who were only obsessed with riches rather than family." He said as he smoothed our his hair.

"Name's Wei Chen." Hong reached out his hand to shake more with a bigger smile.

"Stephen Cooper, nice to meet you." Cooper shook his hand with both his hands.

"Let's exchange numbers." Hong activated his console, willing to make a friendship.

Unknowingly, this small action of his would save him in the far future.

I know that the progress seems slow at the moment, but I promise it will get faster in the future.

We are still world building, and I'm trying to stay close to how the original story went.

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LemonGrenadecreators' thoughts
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