
Chapter 6: The transmigrated 20 years [1]

Chapter 6: The transmigrated 20 years [1]

It's unknown what the heck happen, but suddenly… the world whitening and a sound reverberated in my brain saying this;

{Welcome comrades, by the will of the gods, you will be trained in another world to know how to control external energy after the link between your world with the Grimoire established, and the link to Akashic record will make you have an easier time to look for your status and condition. There too you will learn about the usage of Akashic record}

{there'll be 5 years in each of the 4 planets you'll be trained in, each planet residence will teach the common usage of their world's external energy and Akashic records usage. So please, learn hard and be the one who excels in the world and receives the gift…}

The voice abruptly came and vanished by itself, thus left all others speechless… that too, sign our 5 years of living in a hell…

"Welcome to heaven you scum! Here, there'll no difference between your genders neither your status, even if you're pregnant nor a disabled, you all will be treated equally young and old!"

Said the burly man that just suddenly pop out of nowhere… it is more precise to say, that

we are the one who's popping out of nowhere, while he is the one who stood there alone…

In this world, we were studying the Akashic record and external power, in a harsh way… Immortal, that is our name here… however, the name brings more shame than pride… As in the training, we will be killed mentally and physically, and then resurrected again just to have us learn better in the stake of our life…

It's scary, but, there are several women that have their belly being crushed by more than several times. more than the normal, those pregnant women being crazy in a mere months after their arrival here.

fortunately for several of them, that have their man here, they still stay sane along with their man. but, some even being crazy and fell unto despair that they're being crushed over and over by others...

These 3 years countless people lost their mind, I mean I don't know how much as the whole world was being abducted, and trained like soldiers… to put it more precise… we were trained like a battle slave…

"Congratulations you maggots! From now on I shall tell you that you have successfully able to understand about external energy! Not just a part of you! All of you're already able to feel it! So, now all you need to say is 'Open Status'! thus the Akashic record will show you your status using the external energy which you had control of! In this world case, it is Ki!"

I know there are some people that already or even think this training here are all just a light exercise, but to normies like me and the others, it's hard as hell… Thus, the day that this hellish training is over announced.

Then we're able to open the Akashic record… it is the day that allows us to free from the training…

"Open status" Is what I say, then…

[Grim Sherlock] [LV-2]

[Ki] 10/10 [-]? /? [-]?/? [-]?/?

Atk: 30 Acc: 45

Agi: 40 Def: 40

Unused point: 10

Exp: 12 / 4000 until the next level up

"You maggots were now able to reach level 2 or so I believe! So, from now on! You guys were not maggots anymore but a real and living soldier! Trust your power, because from now on, neither of you shall be livestock that only waits for the time their death was chosen! Thus, congratulation! From now on this man in front of you! The man that you want to kill for uncountable time is now your comrades!"

"Now Comrades! I shall say congratulation once again! And please, let us met again in the day we were chosen as the soldier or even commanding officer in the front line!"

I don't know that these 3 years of living under the care of our instructor, is definitely a shelter or I should say a haven…

The reason I'm saying that is because the day we were able to use our ki… We were thrown into the wilderness, having every day of our lives in the near-death experience… we were separated from each other, our death and lives depend on each of us…

No matter how long I search for the other, I never find one… they're all either in another place or already hide atop the tree or inside a cave… However, I can't find them… just, how big this forest is… to contain billions of people without them meeting each other, and to make each and every one of us feel the danger…

The hell, there's already corpse of human here and there. the heck is wrong with this?!

There's no way we can stay alive between pack of human-eating monsters like this! damn those barbarians! they tried to kill us for real!

Day by day, corpses start to pile up, and months passed, corpses became lesser, and more monsters start to run away from the humans.

savageness filled human, tear apart the monster like a beast. none of them feel pity, only deep hatred etched on their irises. as if they themselves, became the monster, each and every survivor in the forest start to tyrannize the monsters.

there's no group of them though since it's being forbidden by the barbarian!

once, I hear that there's a group of survivors, they're decimated by the barbarian of Zion!

At last another 2 years of our hellish survival in the wilderness were over, and the angels brought us to another world… I can feel it, that this world has another external energy, this is different from Ki that we learned in the previous world…

Then, another 5 years we need to spend in another unknown world… Anxious as we can, we were stressed because of it…

"Welcome, visitors… We are the Magus, will treat you all with hospitality…"

Years we spent in the world of Magus, different than our time in the world of Zion the world we trained to feel the Ki, this Magus world only need us to learn like in a college… The children were all too needed to be trained in a situation like us. Well, by now several of the children even stronger than me…

It's a shame that I'm not the strongest of all; you could say I am from the average society that couldn't do workout nor could I do any learning like those scientists that feel this Magus world is a haven for researching a new way to handle the external energy.

If Zion was the place those physically buffed peoples excel, then Magus was the place was the place where those who intelligent excels in…

Thus, for 5 whole years, we have a nice and peaceful life where we only needed to learn as much as we can and improving ourselves… even those people from the nomads' village like Africa or Australia or even the unknown Papua new guinea were all increasing their knowledge and steadily became an intelligent race.

We say our goodbye to the nice people on the Magus, and brace ourselves on to another world that could be worse than Zion…

It might be a luck that we brought to another peaceful place, where Chakra's external energy excels in, Fried.

There, we learn about crafting, there we learn a more steady way to hunts, there we learn the usage of Ki, Mana, and Chakra…

If I could say, the difference between Chakra, Ki, and Mana was only in their output… the energy itself did not much differ from each other… the output itself were the only difference… It's like sea water and the lake's water, while the sea water might be salty, and the lake water may be bland in taste. The 2 of it are still the same…

While Mana maybe faster it is weaker, and while Ki might be stronger it is slower, while Chakra by itself was seriously stable… it's neither strong or weak, nor it is fast or slow… that's why, the residence here were all able to use both Mana and Ki, however, even after this I still feel there's a slight weird case…

The angels say 'You will stay in each world for 5 years in 4 different worlds', that means 20 years and 4 kinds of energy that were needed to learn… However, when I asking the citizen on this Fried planet…

All of them became pale… no one dares to explain or even saying what is the last energy that needed for us to learn…

For 5 years all we do is learning about hunting, dismantling, and crafting… overall, we once again felt how to live a life could be so enjoyable… like how we live in a country area~

Once again, we need to leave the planet, as we always do… but, at this time, more people shed their tears, like this will be last time they see each other… of course, that's including me, as I am…

"Please wait for me to pick you up, Vanessa!"

"Yes, I will Grim… I will wait for you, so please come faster…"

Her eyes filled with tears that trickle, almost like a damn that burst out, unlike the smile she shows me, tears spilled over her eyes. The girl's name is Vanessa, she is the citizen of one of the places who accommodate us and let us train. I never said this before, but you should already know this, that each and every batch of person was all trained in a different country…

I mean, seriously, it's over 11 billion people. No matter how big the country is, there's no way they could accommodate us for 5 years… I guess it's simply because the training still occurred that there's no war transpire, and I guess it's the 'gods' will that there's no transmigrated person who being used or slaved…

Well, by the time I realize… the world already changed, thus us all, stood in a godforsaken place, that neither of us realizes… that the training in the Zion, Magus, and Fried were all done like that to allow us to prepare…

Preparing for another 5 years of the real hell that will occur as the last tribulation we will receive, in a godforsaken place that the 4th External energy resides in… Razor…

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