
Acceptance of The World

At a place in Tapovan of Himalaya, Guru is teaching his disciples. Guru is sitting while folding his legs in lotus position on a flat rock. Disciples are sitting a few meters away on the grassy ground in the same pose while facing their Guru. Guru is happily answering their queries and disciples are brimming with the radiance of austerity.

"Teacher! What is the secret of being one with nature? Why is it the final step of Yoga?" Disciple Bhartri Hari asked, his expression full of devotion and respect.

Guru laughed and said "You just need to know first, what is nature. Nature is the topmost creator, observer, feeder, and destroyer. Nature is the root cause of everything. This universe is the body of nature. Nature is what we call as God. The soul is a part of nature which has consciousness. By practicing Yoga we develop ourselves and attach ourselves with nature and then we may know about what, when and why of nature's working. So, being one with nature means our will becomes one with the will of nature and when that happens we can become origin, infinite, timeless and bound by nothing. So, of course, this is the final step of Yoga."

Veer asked "Teacher! You said that I have reached cognizance. Is it not just one step away from the final step of Yoga that is abstraction?"

"Don't become anxious. You are in cognizance stage but you have not understood and experienced every stage. You should know that practicing all the stages of Yoga is to understand everything about nature. It is not bad but to perfect Abstraction, you need to understand nature, feel all forms of it and try them. So, keep practicing in cognizance and you will know new things about nature every time you try. When the time comes you will find the way to the next step by yourself." Guru said in a calm voice.

"Teacher! When I am meditating, I reached the vast universe which is filled with unmatched energy and meditating there feels so divine. It feels like I have reached into the center of the universe. But why can I not see other souls or other Yogis there?" Veer asked curiously.

This time Guru laughed loudly "Ho ho ho" and said "I also was confused about this for many years and understood them after contemplating this for a long time. That place is within your body. Or we can say that the place is the very much real one but that is your separate dimension created by yourself. If some mortals reached into that part of the universe by traveling through some machine, you will be able to see them but they can not see you because you are a soul there."

"But what about other Yogis? Why can I not see or feel them? I am sure many of them might be meditating into the deep places in the universe." Veer felt confused and asked again.

Guru said calmly "Yogis have simply no interest in a meddling or interrupting others. Everyone is in his or her own dimension while meditating. If you break the restriction of dimension, you have to have the power on space and time but that power comes with the perfection of Abstraction stage. Still, in cognizance stage, you can make many things happen with your will but it is all only equals to a dust particle in front of the real powers of nature. So, at this stage, you can not see those higher level Yogis. You can only if they are willing to let you."

After that Guru and disciples meditated at their place for days. After few days Guru stood up and told his disciples breaking their reverie "I am going into deeper parts of Himalaya to contemplate on few things I have discovered. You can continue on your meditation."

Veer came out of his mediation and looked at his Guru. Guru smiled and continued "Veer! I want you to leave the seclusion and tour the outside world and deliver some admonition to the mortal people. This will also help you receive more soul strength and acceptance of the world. Go out and cut the remaining ties of mortal endearment and expectations in the world. This is also needed for you to progress further on the path of Yoga."

Veer heard his Guru and understood his points. His Guru asked to cut the remaining ties and that is the mortal relations of brother, father, mother and other feelings which are still unsolved. But he felt curious about soul strength and acceptance of the world. He wants to ask but his Guru said next "Don't rely on me always. Do as I said and you will understand it later. Observe your spiritual energy and yourself through the process and you will understand."

Veer looked at the serene face of his Guru in extreme reverence. He bowed to his Guru in acceptance of his command and when he raised his head, Guru has already vanished.

His Guru asked him to leave the seclusion and go into the world and give the message of truth to worldly people and to cut the remaining ties from the world. Veer stood up and bowed to his senior brother who is still meditating and walked toward the south.

After two months of travel by walk, Veer reached an ancient city which is a land of pilgrimage for religious people and is known as Haridwar.

When Veer walked among the mortals whether humans, animals or birds when he interacted with them in any way, he felt like his spiritual energy is being used at a rapid rate which is making his spiritual energy dwindle slowly. And the decrease in spiritual energy makes the body age slowly but not as fast as mortals but still, it ages. Veer got an understanding why Yogis most of the time remain in seclusion and keep meditating. Because the mortal world has different rules for those with low soul strength and higher soul strength. It seems those who are rich have to pay the higher cost. Nature is really just to everyone.

He meditated for few months at the bank of river Ganges in Haridwar to replenish his spiritual energy. He can also travel the universe together with Priya while in meditation. So, meditating is really a joyful experience for him. During meditation, he can be free of bounds of the mortal world and it helps him perfect his attainments in Yoga.

When Veer came out of his contemplation, he found that there are hundreds of people including many sadhus, monks, worldly mortals waiting for him to break his reverie. He looked at those people and found they are filled with thoughts of devotion, respect or waiting for him to help them relieve from the sufferings of worldly affairs. Some sick people are also waiting. Once people see that some Yogi is meditating continuously for months, they unknowingly find themselves attracted to that person and their respect rising because they hope that this person with high attainment may be able to help them.

Veer looked at the assemblage in front and smiled. This is the world. Everyone has a need and everyone needs someone to help them. Veer remembers how his Guru helped him and guided him on the path of Yoga. Some people seeing that Veer has come out of meditation ran and prostrate in front of him and cried "Please help. Please help us."

Veer smiled an said "Don't be anxious. When I have come then I will definitely try to help you." This sentence of Veer got the attention of many people and they believed that he is a Yogi of divine level who has just come out of seclusion. Many people who are feeling lost became teary-eyed due to overwhelming emotion.

Veer looked at some sadhus sitting nearby and one of them asked "Hey Great Yogi! Please tell us, Sadhus, how can we progress on the path of Spirituality? Many of us have been wandering but we are not able to find peace which we have been looking for."

Looking at those people, Veer felt like they are his juniors who are like orphaned children and do not know where to go. He smiled at them and said "Path of spirituality is the path of breaking the relations with the world and going toward nature. You have to learn to control your senses, leave all type of emotions born from greed and expectations. Follow truth and when you meditate and look inside yourself, that is when you take your first step on the path of spirituality."

Many monks and sadhus joined the assembly while Veer gave his sermon about the concepts of Yoga and spirituality. Many of them found themselves crying because today they have found what they have been looking for years and many entered into the state of retraction which is the fourth stage of yoga while listening to Veer. In retraction, a traveler of yogic way retracts his consciousness from wandering and getting distracted by worldly things and perfects the concentration on his ultimate aim. Veer crossed retraction due to his desperation and will to meet Priya and he forgot everything else. His love is his cause and also encouragement on the yogic path.

Veer continued delivering the sermon on spirituality for three days and two nights and people listening increased from a few hundred to more than hundred thousand. Haridwar is a famous city of pilgrimage and also when people get to know about God and spirituality, they will definitely not miss this chance at a religious place. Many people also learned that the person giving sermon is a great Yogi who has just come out of seclusion. Words of mouth and also needs of people brought many devotees.

When Veer stopped and looked around he felt like he has understood something. He felt like he has crossed some boundary and the decadence of his spiritual energy has reduced significantly. People of the world constitute in making the world and their will and actions run the world. Being worshiped by them and with their devotion, a higher level entity who is being repelled by the world can gain the acceptance of the world.

Due to not having acceptance of the world, deities are not seen in the mortal world. Because due to the restrictions of the mortal world, they have to live in a different dimension which can accommodate their higher soul strength and spiritual energy. They can only come into the mortal world when they are summoned by the world. When a mortal worships a deity for a sufficient amount of time and generates enough amount of spiritual energy to support the acceptance of that deity in the mortal world, mortal world summons that deity. Summoning of deity is done by the consciousness of devotee and when deity comes into the mortal world, he or she is bound by the rule to fulfill the wish of the summoner.

That is why the acceptance of the world is needed otherwise the person of higher spiritual energy will be automatically transcended to the higher level world in a different dimension. That is why many Yogis come out of seclusion time to time to help mortals ease their sufferings and deliver the sermon of truth and spirituality. The more the devotees and worshipers are, the acceptance of the world will be stronger and it will also help the yogis in strengthening their soul power.

Veer felt enlightened and looked at the mortals listening to him in a new light. He felt like mortals are also an inseparable part of the world and without them, there won't be immortals. Everyone is helping each other unknowingly. Veer also needed to stay in the mortal world to wait for the rebirth of Priya and so he needed the acceptance of the world and this acceptance comes from the acceptance and devotion of the mortals in this world.

After finishing his sermon, Veer kept his eyes close for some time and then opened them and said "I have mentioned enough points to help you on the path of spirituality. Remaining will depend on your own beliefs and devoutness." He then looked at other people who are the mundane people of the world but are still listening patiently and he said: "Other people who are suffering but still are listening so patiently will also not go fruitless." Veer stood up and looked at the stream of Ganges and then closed his eyes and next moment his voice reverberated in the surrounding "For next two days, the water of river Ganges at this place will be extra potent and will be able to help cure any type of illness in the human body."

Veer walked by the banks of river Ganges toward south again and kept walking without stopping. Many monks and sadhus prostrated themselves on the ground behind him. And many people ran toward the river water to collect the water and many who are confident of their swimming even jumped into the river. No one wants to miss this chance of getting maximum benefit from the divine and blessed water of river Ganges.

For the next two days, the devotees and pilgrims who visited Haridwar visited the place where Veer delivered his sermon and got the benefits from the water of the river Ganges.

After a few months, in a jungle near the Kingdom of Kashi. Veer is meditating and he has entered the state of cognizance.

Veer is standing in the vast universe and holding Priya's hand. After meeting Priya this way with the help of his Guru, now Veer has understood how to contact Priya using his consciousness. In the meditative state when his consciousness sinks into his soul, he can connect himself to the vast universe. And as both souls are bonded, Veer can call her and she is able to enter through his body and follow his consciousness to reach where he is in soul form. After he has perfected the cognizance stage, Veer will be able to directly transfer spiritual energy to Priya without having the need to do it in the meditative stage. Still, Priya can stay in the mortal world for many years being strengthened the spiritual energy once.

"I can feel the change in my status in the mortal world. The people who benefited have been devoted to me and have been worshiping me with different names by making statues. I can feel my soul strength rising and still there is no repelling force from the mortal world. Now I understand why Yogis come out of seclusion." Veer murmured.

Priya smiled and said "While receiving the spiritual energy from you, even I can feel the change in my own energy. I feel like the world is not pushing me toward the barrier of the soul world. It seems mortal world has accepted my existence due to my bond with you."

Veer tightened his hold on her hand and said "I am content knowing that this is also helpful to you. I have to keep accumulating the acceptance of the world without being tied to the mortal bonds as my Guru has instructed."

"Now I am really looking forward to my rebirth. I wish to be on the earth with you in a body and walk on the path together. I can not tell you how blessed I feel for having your love." Priya smiled with misty eyes and said.

Veer smiled and said "We are bonded and have also found a way to be accepted by the world. Now we have all the time in the universe. We can wait as long as it is needed. So don't think about anything and just concentrate on loving me."

Priya laughed and pulled Veer and ran ahead and said "Let us go and see some wonderful views of the universe. It will be a long time to be able to see these after I am re-born."

She ran ahead pulling Veer among the stars. He also ran and her giggles are superimposed with the sound of the universe making it more divine and filled with the feelings of contentment.

When I started I found there are many different concepts to understand in Yoga. Acceptance of world is something which I brainstormed to understand.

Please do not feel bored. This volume will end in next 2 chapters and then interesting stories of Priya's rebirth will start. It will not be easy for them to meet and be one but this journey will surely be interesting.

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