
Royal House of Vesia

As inspection corvettes from the Honored Ones arrived to search the new arrivals for threats, Ves met up with Lord Javier again in the lounge.

Lord Javier grinned at Ves. "This is it, buddy. Soon, you'll get to meet other Vesians besides me. I hope there are lots of Imodrissians among the Vesian delegation."

"Will there be?" Ves wondered. "I heard that a prince of the royal family will head the Vesian delegation. Won't they all come from the Royal Territory in the center of the Kingdom?"

"Sure, but the Royal Territory isn't as rich and powerful as the individual duchies." Javier explained. "There's only so much resources and manpower the Royal House of Vesia can draw upon within the only territory they control directly. It's a capital territory in isolation."

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