
Regret and Returning

The Dancing Winds palace still stood empty, untouched since the children had left. Raina's room was still as she left it, her weaving supplies organized on her low lying table. On her bed was the doll that the she had carried around when she was just a toddler. Alexi looked in from the doorway, his arms folded across his chest.

His eyes were fixed on his father who sat on the child's bed. The Emperor held the doll in his aged fingers, stroking it's lacy dress. It looked so strange, and out of place in his hands. There was longing in the old man's eyes, but Alexi felt no pity for him. It was his own fault The Empress and his dearest granddaughter had left with Kyera and Clovis.

"Father?" Alexi asked to get his attention after a few moments. He didn't want to be too cruel, he didn't have to be. The Emperor was conflicted enough without his help. If the pain ever lessened he would add to the fire then.

The old man jumped, setting the doll back on the bed. "The maids need to do a thorough cleaning. Even a child's room shouldn't be so disorganized." He stated standing up. It was obvious the old man was trying to hide his feelings behind annoyance. Alexi just rolled his eyes, scowling inwardly at the old man's fake face.

"No, you need to get out of here. Brother and sister in law are at the city gates." Alexi warned him clearly losing the politeness he had held before. Though this man still had the title of emperor he was a paper tiger, disregarded and dethroned by his own mother. It was only through her support that he had a chance to hold the throne to begin with.

"Ahh so Bastil and Feya have returned from gathering followers?" The Emperor asked as he stood from the child's bed.

"No, Prince Clovis and Princess Kyera have returned." Alexi replied, his voice cold as ice. He turned and walked out, wasting no more time on the old man. He didn't want to listen to the scolding he would receive for calling Kyera Princess.

The Emperor's eyes widened as he followed his son out, and in the direction of the gates.


Meanwhile in Town

The town square was abuzz with merchants, children, and shifters greeting their Prince and Princesses home again. Kyera and Raina were closely guarded by Lya and Talis, while Ryo followed Clovis. Raina sat on Talis's back as he carried her through the crowd. The trio had decided to stop for lunch before continuing onto the palace.

Kyera had led them to the same little place she and Clovis had eaten at only months ago, yet it felt like a lifetime. Once the three took their seats and their meals were served Raina looked about curiously.

"Why did we stop here rather than eating at the palace?" She asked out of curiosity. Kyera smiled at her gently.

"Honestly, it is my fault little one. I am craving Furoon Shya. It means feasting leaf in Forest tongue, and your sibling is hungry." Kyera explained and her tummy growled as if agreeing with this sentiment. She opened a leaf and let Raina see the meat, rice, and leafy things that made up its filling.

"OH, well we will have to learn to make them. Especially if baby like them. Right, Daddy?" Raina asked looking at him expectantly. Both parents chuckled seeing that she was going to be a indulgent elder sister.

"Actually, your Mother makes better ones than anyone else in this kingdom or the Frost Lands." A man offered as he walked over to the table. He bowed to Clovis then turned to Kyera. She tensed. She still wasn't use to being on civil terms with this tiger. Talis put himself between Kyera and Kan, growling a warning as his teeth bared.

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