
What Happened? Part 1

Murmurs of discontent and disapproval seemed to circulate as the Princess sought comfort in the woman's arms.Who was this woman and why was the Princess so comforted by her appearance? Didn't the child know anything about decency? Being so open with contact when so many of the women here would have been more than happy to play mother if she needed it. Kyera however, ignored these words bending down to be at the Princess's height.

"Did something happen?" Kyera asked softly watching the princess with a fire in her eyes. When she had left the child had been with Clovis. Where the hell was he now? Raina's little face was sad as she stared up at her. She shook her head and Kyera nodded. She started to realize what was going on at that point. The child's quickened heartbeat was enough to hint at the truth. "Overwhelmed?" Kyera asked and Raina nodded. She thought for a moment before deciding on a course of action. "I am sorry to have worried you, Princess. I am fine." Kyera spoke this sentence loud and clear, obviously taking the blame for the Princess's behavior. "Shall we go back to Empress Evelyn? I didn't think to let her know I was going to have to step out." She added offering the Princess a way to re enter the room gracefully.

Raina stepped back and nodded, realizing what Kyera was doing she turned and walked back toward the Empress with Kyera at her back. The pair moved through the crowd, Raina's heart slowing as she felt there was a protection there that hadn't been there moments before. Clovis smiled as his daughter walked confidently back into the room.

The murmurs of realization started to pass back and forth. No wonder the Princess had seemed so anxious, she was trying to find a single woman in this fray. It had to be overwhelming to have a job given to you by the Empress and be unable to find the woman she was sent to summon. At her age, no wonder the child had seemed so uncomfortable. Empress Evelyn smiled softly as she heard the words of the woman herself. Kyera had yet again shielded her grand daughter.

"Empress, I am sorry for my failure. I had tea spilt on me when I went to gather it for you. My deepest apologies." Kyera spoke clearly to the Empress and bowed low. The motion however allowed the front of her dress to buckle just enough for Eve to see the white bandages wrapped around the woman's upper body. A concerned frown line appeared on the older woman's forehead.

"You are forgiven, Lady Kyera. I was simply concerned for your wellbeing." Empress Evelyn replied, playing along with the cover she had created for Raina.

"Thank you, your grace and understanding is appreciated." KYera added before standing again before the Empress.

"I am sorry My lady. When Kyera was doused in tea like that I took her away without thinking to ask if we should alert you." Prince Alexi added as he bowed to the Empress as well. There was a kindness in the old woman's eyes as she glanced at the son of a woman who had treated her badly. How such a arrogant cruel woman could give birth to such a sweet boy was beyond her.

"I see. Are you alright, Lady Kyera?" The Empress asked remembering the white bandages on her chest. It made much more sense that Kyera had been burned. Why else would she have left without alerting anyone? That just wasn't the healer's style.

"Yes, Lady Empress. I was simply scalded by the tea a bit. It is nothing to be worried about." Kyera replied offering a kind smile. Though her skin was still painful and blistered from the scalding, she was not about to admit that here. The Princess was already uneasy more or less if she knew Kyera had been hurt here. There was a good chance the child would blame herself since Kyera was here to be her support.

"I see. What happened?" The Empress asked and a second voice piped up.

"Lady Kyera made a simple error of judgement, My lady. A dancer caused her to stumble and dump both cups of tea onto herself. I am glad to see she's alright. Freshly steeping tea is so hot, hopefully it doesn't leave a scar." Lady Chay offered, her voice thick with concern. To others it seemed pure and worried though her words were designed to cast a dark light on Kyera for being careless.

Judging whispers passed back and forth. "She's just another pretty face too full of herself to realize her shortcomings" and other like minded murmurs were being passed. Kyera could hear them but she turned a deaf ear to it. There was no reason to cause such trouble. Empress Evelyn however, was a slight bit too good at reading people and turned her eyes from Chay to Kyera.

"Is this true, Kyera?" The Empress asked and all eyes turned to Kyera.

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