
Chapter 7: The End? The Beginning?

After leaving the hospital, Ryan noticed that the sun had long since set. An ominous full moon appearing in its stead. Looking in front of himself once more, he noticed that the doctor had sped up his pace as he was heading towards a car parked on the curb outside.

As Ryan had simply laid in a comatose state for three days, his body was extremely weak, hence he was unable to keep up with the physically fit doctor. Panting haggardly, he cried out.

["D.....Doctor.....Please slow down!"] {Ryan}

Noticing that the boy had begun to lag behind, the doctor then proceeded to slow to a halt, before glaring at Ryan with rage apparent on his face.

["Young man! You must hurry up or you will be in grave danger! Did you forget about your Uncle's scheme!? Come now, my car is just up ahead."] {Dr. Jameel}

He exclaimed before promptly hurrying off again. Sighing in his mind, Ryan pushed his body to the limits, as he swiftly sped across the barren entrance and into the street, arriving at the doctors car.

Ryan wasn't particularly a car enthusiast, but even he noticed the expenses that the doctor must have paid to acquire this, a Rolls-Royce Ghost. Shaking his head, he shook off all thoughts of being enamoured with the car and directed his attention to the doctor, who now sat inside.

["Come, young man. Get in"] {Dr. Jameel}

With little hesitation, Ryan pushed open the side door and proceeded to throw himself inside, his breath only slightly lessening after doing so. Sweat poured down his brow as he pulled the seatbelt over him, freezing slightly for a moment.

Realising what he had just done, his body began to shake uncontrollably. It seems as if he had developed some sort of PTSD through his experiences, though, who can blame him? Similar thoughts to before ran through his head. Thoughts of death, his parents death. As he began to shake more, a calm voice came from next to him, drawing him from his mind.

["Ryan! Ryan! Please, calm down. You must stay focused! I know what has happened to you, I know how you feel. But you must be strong, not only for their sake, but for yours also. Besides, at this time, there are barely any cars out at all."] [Dr. Jameel}

Breathing slowly, Ryan began to calm himself. Only to notice that when he eventually had, they had long since left where they were before, in fact, Ryan had no idea where they were.

["Are you okay now, Ryan?"] {Dr. Jameel}

Although Ryan had nodded outwardly, inside, he was slightly confused. The doctor had changed his way of addressing him ever since they had entered the car, looking back at it, the doctor seemed to call him Ryan once before this, as he was going about thanking him after he returned from...somewhere. He thought it was a little strange, like something seemed slightly off, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Though he himself was unaware of it, Ryan seemed to have returned to his previous self after calming down.

Glancing at the scenery outside the window, he tried to make heads or tails of where the doctor was taking him, but to no avail. The only thing that caught his eye was the occasional pedestrian and a news report blaring on the taken-over billboards, showing the death of a two people. In a car accident. Ryan quickly turned his head away.


After a while of travelling, Ryan had completely calmed himself down, for the time being, and they had arrived at their destination, which appeared to be a house of some sorts. Stopping his car in the drive just outside, Dr. Jameel left the car in a seemingly hurried fashion and beckoned Ryan along to follow.

As the doctor walked up to open the door, Ryan had felt something strange once more. A thought that somehow had not occurred to him before this. How did the doctor know of the plans of his Uncle? This thought pierced him like a lightning bolt. Did he find out after he had left my room? After he went somewhere? Did he meet my Uncle? Even though Ryan didn't voice these suspicions verbally, his entire demeanour changed, becoming more fearful and weary. Before he could say anything, the doctor had opened the door and walked to the interior. Ryan followed with caution.


Hung upon the walls of the hallway just inside, were pictures of the doctor, only, he wasn't alone. There with him, were a woman and a young child, who he could only presume were the doctor's wife and son. Ryan recognised their faces immediately as a wave of terror blew over him. Within this silent contemplation, he realised that the doctor was nowhere to be found.

Ryan's instincts told him to leave then. To run as far away as he could, without looking back. But a voice inside him told him to continue, persuaded him to head towards the danger. Only a fool would follow this idea in the current situation, but Ryan paid it no mind, a comfortable sense of adrenaline replacing his worry as his heart violently sped up.

He placed his hand on the door that was partially ajar at the end of the hallway, his back to the staircase. He could only assume that this was where the doctor had ran to. Summoning all of his courage to open the door, he pushed slowly, yet with evident strength.

As the door swung open, what came into view was an empty room. In his confusion, he couldn't hear the light steps behind him. The only thing that came to mind, was a piercing pain at the back of his head, before he blacked out again. Only this time, he wouldn't be waking up...

Sorry for being gone for so long, after the first week of releasing, I am going back to my schedule of releasing about 4 per week, rather than 1 per day-ish. Enjoy chapter 7 and the end of the 1st volume!

Shakin_Baconcreators' thoughts
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