
Buying information

This quest was triggered automatically after Liu Yang heard about Lyna Oddmind and Chip Smith. These kinds of quests were rare and difficult, but the rewards outweigh the difficulty.

When Liu Yang saw this quest, his mind was a mess, as he never imagined that something like this would happen. He understood that this was a chain quest and the rewards would be better as he progressed through the quests.

"I accept" Liu Yang accepted without hesitation, even though the quest is impossible to complete at its current level.

"Quest Accepted"

"Young adventurer, if there is nothing left, we'll be leaving, for now, see you soon," Borris Atertton said, he and the other souls bowed before Liu Yang before disappearing.

"Seniors, see you later" Liu Yang bowed and said goodbye, after which he took out a return scroll and activated it. Where Liu Yang was going was the University City, he would go to the Adventurer Guild for information. Liu Yang bought these scrolls when he went to the city before going to Crystal City.

The Adventurers Guild was one of New Earth's entity that offered various types of special services to players and NPCs. The NPCs called for security services, and the guild made it an escort quest for players. Players can also request this type of service.

The other service was the buying and selling of information, each type of information had a price, the more precious the information, the more expensive the price.

And there was also hunting, delivery service and materials, these materials can be items to forge equipment or create potions.

In the end, all of this was a quest for the players.

The best branch of the Adventurers Guild was in the Wind Federation, but Liu Yang didn't want to go there at the moment. He didn't want to see Rose and Little Thorns before six months.

The University City was the cradle of magic and the learning of the human kingdom, the streets of the city were covered with blank pages of books and runes, this was to show the power of magic to the public.

The buildings and houses had runes and special inscriptions that were always active and shining, that was to show the beauty of magic. Any player who belonged to the magic class had to visit this city at least once in a lifetime.

Most of the people walking the streets wore cloth clothes with staffs or books on their backs and waists, which showed that they did have some magical class.

A light shone in the area of ​​the carrier stone and tens of thousands of players appeared. Most were wearing cloth clothes, while the rest wore steel and leather armor, and a small part wore a black cloak that covered their bodies.

One of these players in the black cloak walked toward the main street in the center of the city, after asking for a moment to look at the map. He started to go in a certain direction.

Some minutes later…

The person dressed in the black cloak finally reached his destination, the place was a majestic building made of fine shiny wood, many runes were shining and forming a large seal. The scene was wonderful.

At the entrance to the building was a large brown sign with black letters: Adventurers Guild.

The guild entrance was full of players and NPCs coming and going every moment, the flow seemed endless.

The person in the black robe waited a while before entering the guild, he was amazed when he saw the inside. The inside of the building was even more amazing than the outside, the place looked like a big light show.

The service desk was quite large with several service counters, and each of the attendants was beautiful young women who wore maid clothes, which had a knee-length skirt.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The attendant's voice was sweet and soft, like a song to the ears.

"Hello, I'd like to buy some information related to some people." The person dressed in the black cloak spoke up.

"Mr adventurer, it depends on the background of the person you want, and it also depends on where the person is, if it is someone unknown, it may take longer to get the information"

"I see… the price doesn't matter as long as it's in gold coins"

"Sir, what's the name of the person you want information on?"

"I'd like to look for these people…" The person dressed in black robe began to speak a total of a hundred names.

"Adventurous Lord, this is…"

"These are the names of the people I want information on, is this a problem?"

"No sir, there is no problem with that request. Could you wait a bit?

"No problems"

"Wait a moment"

The maid placed opened a thick book on the counter and activated strange magic, her eyes were closed, her body began to glow a white light for some time.

Some minutes later…

The glow faded after a while, the attendant slowly opening her eyes before shock appeared on her face. She looked at Liu Yang with a strange look.

"Sir adventurer, we have the information you are looking for, but before we talk about it, I would like to invite you to a private conversation. Would you accept? "The maid spoke politely.

"No problem" The person dressed in the black cloak did not decline the attendant's invitation.

"Sir adventure, follow me"

The attendant left and the person in the black cloak followed her from behind. They both took the elevator and went to the fifth floor of the guild.

The place was not like on the first floor, which was full of lights and noise, the place was quiet and serene.

They walked down a hallway that had many doors made of high-quality wood.

"Please." The attendant opened the door and gestured for the person in the black cloak to enter the room.

The interior of the room was the size of a hotel room, the place was quiet with a slightly sweet smell, in the center of the room was a large table with teapots and cups, and two wooden chairs around it, in the corner of the room was a small closet with several items inside.

"Please sit down, I'll make tea." The attendant went to the cupboard and pulled out several items to make tea.

"Sorry for the delay" The maid took a few minutes to make tea.

"Thank you. Regarding my information, is there a problem? "

"Sir, I will be brief. The guild has information from the people you're looking for, but of the hundred names, only twenty-four are human, while the rest are from the other three races. This has greatly increased the price of information. "

"Miss, don't worry about the price, if it is possible to pay with gold coins, I will do that. Tell me, what was the total price of the information? "The person dressed in the black cloak asked, he was curious to know the price.

"If we add all the people you are looking for and the fees. The total is five million gold coins. "The attendant spoke with a strange tone.

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