
Lecture about the event

The next day, Liu Yang went to class, inside the room he was talking to his three classmates Zen Hi, Li Qing, and Zhao Yan. The group was talking about their current achievements in the game.

Zen Hi always boasted that he belonged to a group that had influence above average, he talked about the achievements of his parents and how both helped him in certain situations. Already Li Qing preferred to talk about his struggles against other players of the same level and status since he belonged to the group of ordinary people, he could not offend influential groups. In Zhao Yan's case, he preferred to level with the girls, as a boy who liked to talk, he liked to talk to the opposite sex.

And Liu Yang was the kind of person he preferred to listen to instead of talking, but if he was paying attention that was another matter.

While the class was divided into groups and talking, the door was opened and the teacher came in, he had a big smile on his face, it showed that there was good news.

"Good morning, today is good news day, would you like to hear now or later? Raise your hand, those who want to hear now." The teacher asked. Ninety percent raised their hand, this showed that the vast majority were eager to know what kind of news the teacher had to speak.

"As the great majority manifested, I will speak. As everyone already knows, the Invasion of Possessed Bodies event will start tomorrow, so the high school decided to do a small competition between the classes of the same year. For example, first-year classes will compete with the other first-class classes, second-year classes will compete with second-year, and so on.

The original plan was a competition between the groups, but that would be a lot of work, so the school board decided to create competition between classes. The objective of the competition is to improve the interaction between the class since many students are only interacting between the groups, and the school does not want this, we want you, students, to have healthy experiences when you are here. So you need to interact with more people.

Regarding how the winners of the competition will be decided, the school council has decided that the class that gets the most points in the total will be the winners. The total points will be the sum of the points achieved by you during the event.

The award will be for the top five placed, as our school has fifteen classes for each high school level, the school council decided this. The prizes will be in-game items and coins, but you can trade for real money later if you want.

To increase student motivation, the school also decided to reward the top three in the class with prizes. And there will also be a prize for the three best scores among the classes, that is, there will be a competition among the fifteen classes of each high school year, the three students who have the most points among the fifteen classes will receive some awards.

What did you guys think of this news? "The teacher said with a funny tone, he knew that the students were happy and shocked by the silly faces that each one was doing. That was obvious to him.

"Teacher, I have a question." A student raised his hand.

"You may ask, your doubt may be the doubt of another classmate"

"Teacher, I would like to know if there are any minimum scores to win the prizes. According to community information, getting a point at this event is extremely difficult. "The young man spoke in a discouraged tone, these words were like a bucket of cold water on everyone's head, as they remembered that the event was extremely difficult and complicated.

"That's true, so we, teachers, are given the order to teach you, students, how to get the points in the events. However, the method we will teach will not always succeed, for it takes a certain mastery of using these techniques. Whether you will or not will depend solely on you. Does anyone have more questions? "

The teacher's words made some students happy because they had confidence in themselves. The teacher was happy when he saw this.

"As no one has more doubts, let's start the lesson, the content this time is about the dungeons, after that, I'll explain about the event of the invasion." The teacher turned on the projector and began his class.


The purpose of the Invasion of the Possessed Bodies event was simple, to purify the bodies possessed by strange powers. But for this, it was necessary to have items or abilities with the attribute of light, but it was necessary to know how to do this because it was not done anyway.

In order to successfully purify the possessed body, it was necessary to use a special item that allowed to see a shadow coming out of the bodies, at that moment, players had to activate their special spells of light that had effects to purify bad things, or to use items that had effects.

As for the shadows, no one knew what those things were. In the community there were many theories about what the shadow might be, some said it was souls, while others said it was the remains of magic and many other crazy theories.

People from the community liked to create theory from information discovered within the game, for example, the hypothesis that shadows were souls was created after a group of players explored some dungeons and discovered some inscriptions, which were written in a strange language, fortunately, there were many drawings on the walls. Thus, after interpreting the drawings, the theory was created that the shadows were souls.

In the case of the theory that shadows were part of some magic, many years ago, after exploring some dangerous places, some groups discovered strange inscriptions in a book. The inscriptions showed some things coming out of the bodies, many assumed it was the shadows.


When Liu Yang heard the teacher's explanation of the event, his curiosity was aroused, he wanted to see the pictures to see if the inscriptions were written in the language of souls or not.

After the teacher finished explaining about the event, he showed videos where some players were attending the event. Some succeeded in purifying bodies successfully, while others did not.

The class was able to understand the main points about how to purify, which made the teacher happy. After the bell rang, the students started to leave the classroom and leave the school, many were in the group while others were alone, Liu Yang was part of this group, he had to level even to get more points in the competition. If not, he would suffer some complaints from his classmates.

It took less than half an hour for Liu Yang to come home, he went to his room the moment he arrived. Liu Yang wanted to see the community and research the inscriptions written by strange languages.

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