
Reincarnate as Ultron in a Cultivation World

Auteur: Godloloftme
Actuel · 300K Affichage
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  • 3.5
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Reincarnate as Ultron in a Cultivation World the title already told you the Synopsis you boosted apes lol...ok since on of the review say the Synopsis is weir...so here the real one Wait wut...I died?wait wut now I’m Ultron from the Marvel universe?wait wut!im in a Cultivation World?what more fuck up is there?oh sht a system?wait a second i can buy the infinty stones from the system store for 1billion points each!?wtf...wait I buy Aurelion Sol?wait ok nvm it cost 500billion point and it take 1million years to reach adult hood...fuck that nobody got time for that sht!Oh hohoho what this?a potato of time and space?dafaq is that where that come from?wait it can increase your power by 999x and grant immortality isn’t this fuck up for a potato!?lol wait I forgot it the potato of ‘time’ and ‘space’ lol...this world and system is fuck up...

1 étiquettes
Chapter 1A New Life A New World (1)

Me Bad Grammer Pls No Angry Me Ty Ppl :3

Thousandth Beast Mountain

In Thousandth Beast Mountain there lies many Spirit Beasts as well as many Tribes, the sun was shining brightly and the wind flew gently but somehow time stop suddenly when a 150 inch wormhole appear in middle of the mountain and something flew out of it, it was a tiny piece of metal, the wormhole disappear and everything goes back to normal but not far when the wormhole disappear the mysterious metal suddenly expanded and shaped into a robotic body that seem to have a height omg 180 inch.

The robotic body look very refined like a God-tier BlackSmith crafted it and it have a mysterious red energy flowing though it body but there is something more eye catching and that is it aura the aura have the color of red blood and contain a combination of Anicent,Divine,and something that isn't from this world feeling.

The eye of the being shook and slowly opens showing a mechanical eye with the color of red blooded ink.

"What happens?the last thing I remembered is that I died from a explosion in the plane." muttered the being while he look around the unfamiliar sourroundings filled with trees and plants that look weird,extraordinary,bizarre,beautiful,and,mysterious.

Few seconds later he stand up and as he stand up he realized something is amiss.but what was it?then he realized he can't remeber his own name!He close his eyes and put his palm over to his forehead then he reopen them but saw something that terrified and shock him his arm look like it been modified into robotic he check his body and saw his body is the same as his arm he look around and saw a pond he ran there while sometimes slipping and tripping several time And as he reach there he look at his own reflection.Red blood pupil with robotic like face but what shock him the most is that the face of that robotic look just like someone he knew in a movie called Avenger and the Age of Ultron and that person was no other than Ultron himself!

Srry for doing so short but I'm too lazy maybe tommorrow...lel...Hope you like it...Me bad Grammer :333

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