
So do i!!!

The chairman did his annual speech for the new school year. We stayed at the back to be able to leave more quickly once this was done.

Slowly 13 figures advance to the centre of the stage from the shadows and greeted the audience with a formal bow but they were still not that visible.

"This year something quite astonishing happened the scores of 13 students varied by '0,5'. Making them monopolise the top ranks of the result charts"

"What is that even possible?"

" yeah but even us had a 1 point difference not a 0,5! They have broken our record."

"Shut up the chairman is not done yet, lets talk afterwards." said one that seemed to be the leader.

"No! There will be no shutting up this is insane!!!"

"This is why they shall join the advance elite class and form a new student committee... Presenting you the students disciplinary and school regulations committee. I shall now introduce them." Said the chairman more louder.

"What in our class!" We exclaimed in unison.

"This explains the additional desks, but why would min-tan be happy?"

the chairman waited for all the murmurs to stop; only then did he proceed.

"Skye Devreaux, the President"

"Guys that dude looks like a male version of soft collision!" whisper yelled the on that looked like the leader of the group.

"What the..." Came in reply

Evan Draven, the 1st vice president

Alex Jansen, the 2nd vice president

Fort Eliade, the treasurer

Will Barstow, the 1st assistant treasurer

Sam Wesleï, the 2nd assistant treasurer

Magno Eldridge, the Secretary

Scar Fitzpatrick, the 1st assistant Secretary

Ron Ivanovic, the 2nd assistant Secretary

Chrys Wentworth, the Chief prefect

Lac Smith, the prefect of the Pre-primary section

Rage Delaney, the prefect of the elementary school section

Rave Malinov, the prefect of the middle school section."

They each bowed at their names as a form of greetings. Once this was done the chairman motioned short hair version of the person he dumped into a few days or so ago... well... Sky.. to talk to the other student

But they all regrouped into a circle... Leaving us all speechless

After a minute or two a contained 'yeah' resounded.

Slowly turning to face the student they all plastered killer smiles.

"Hello everyone as mentioned we are the members of the students disciplinary and school regulations committee. Let's all work hard together! "

Everything else faded in comparison. Whoa! whoa! whoa! That totally sounded like one of those thing our mothers watch when they have a movie night. But they still couldn't take their eyes off them! This is weird!!

We cheered on them for the silence was kind of heavy suddenly the student body join in too and cheered at with loads of yeah, woohoo and whoa.

As we left the gym... We all took a deep breath...

"Well shit... what are we suppose to do now our class is made up of two committees?" We said together in a whisper. "and they are all flower boys..."

"Min-tan mislead us into thinking there were going to be an oasis in our desert of an all male class instead we got a cacti garden."

"I feel so cheated" they said in chorus.

"So do i!" said Kazuto "I've got more annoying brats to deal with!"

2nd chapter of the week!! Soon I'll have a new character list on for the classmates of the wall flowers!!

SneakyMinxcreators' thoughts
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