
Gain Points of Conquest

After Liu Yang was taken to the guest room, the news of a strange but powerful man being housed in queen Shaya's palace spread throughout the city, all the women began to argue about this matter, as there were some informants from the other three queens infiltrated of Shaya's fortress, the other queens heard about the news.

The three queens knew Shaya well, and they knew that she would not meet a man easily because she never left the castle, there must be something in the man that aroused Shaya's interest if something aroused interest in her, interest in other queens.

They asked the informants to continue to monitor the situation of Shaya's fortress and find out the information about the man who was in the palace.

Liu Yang spent their days wandering around the palace and in the library, he wanted to read about the information that was written about this world. Rumors about a man staying in the palace spread quickly among the women living in and around the fortress.

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