

Every royal blooded including the palace servants gathered near the river. There in the water floated several boats loaded with offerings—fine linen, grains, goats, chickens and other things that the villagers would deemed worthy to be offered to the Devil's child. According to their tradition, these offerings served as the first meal of the devil's child, making it not too hungry too make more casualties in the villages. Without these offerings, chances would be that the said devil will bring them trouble and curse beyond compare.

The current of the river where everyone gathered around can lead these boats to the Devil's lure even without a person to maneuverer them. It had been like that ever since the tribesmen can remember and they knew sooner or later, these offerings will reached the Devil's lure where the evil entity was nesting, patiently awaiting for the red moon to appear and vanished the godly bars that had imprisoned it for years.

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