
100th Rebirth: All-Knowing Apocalypse Survivor

A virus broke out leads to people becoming infected. The infected turn into a mindless zombie that infects others by biting them. Some people resisted the virus while some others evolved and obtain powerful abilities. John, the protagonist of the novel, obtained an ability to manipulate time itself and can go back to the time before the virus outbreak but it can only be used when the host died. With this ability, he gathered strong artifacts, reliable allies, and knowledge so he can keep improving himself whenever he returns to the past. Now that he has this kind of power, he will make sure to live once again in this virus infected world. In the middle of nowhere.

ShadowKatake · Action
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26 Chs

Chapter 11- Mentally Conflicted

I was in my room, solidifying my foundation so that I can reach tier 5.

I took out a foundation building pill which is a triple S class artifact from my storage ring. After swallowing the pill, I then controlled the energy from the pill, circulating the energy inside my body while expelling my previous viral energy.

I kept doing this again and again until I felt that my energy had burst out of my body. I broke through and now I'm at tier 5.

The sudden burst of energy resulted the ground to shake, which almost destroyed the mansion.

"Sigh...Looks like my energy caused all of this." I said.

"How can I explain this to Raphina and the others?" I said while looking at the destroyed part of the mansion.

I look at the room and I noticed that my energy is covering the whole room.

Even now, I can still feel that my energy is leaking outside my body. This maybe because of the difference in my rank and tier since I can't contain this much energy.

After hours of controlling the energy, I broke through tier 4 and now a tier 5 C class warrior. Even though I'm a C class warrior, I have a strength that rivals A class warriors since I have a more refined energy and a solid foundation compared to others.

Finally, I broke through! I wasted quite a lot of time but atleast I unlocked time skip since this skill needs pure viral energy so that's one of the reasons why I solidified my foundation before reaching A class. I also gained one of my abilities when I was in demi god class warrior rank. Currently, I'm having two abilities in my disposal and a lot of artifacts.

After my breakthrough, I head out of my room to go to my teammates room.

I went inside their room, noticing some of them had recovered from their previous injury. Even though they have recovered, some of them are still lying on the bed.

I look at their expressions towards me. And I noticed that it is worst than I thought. Why?

Some of them are trembling in fear. It brought out their fears, trauma and painful memories from the past.

Looks like they remembered the time they all died, huh.

I wonder. Why am I not having any fear of dying? Is it normal for me now? I died atleast a hundred times but since someone gave me an ability to keep restarting and going to the past, I felt that I was not like I was before. Like something change my way of viewing death.

I still kept thinking why I still have my sanity even though I died a couple of times.

Death... Everyone views death like its the end of the world for them. And as for me, who is almost considered as immortal, thinks death is like a part of life. For me, death is an experience.

Dying is a part of life so why avoid it? I ask to myself that question which I kept thinking in the past and even now.

As I was standing in the middle of the room, thinking about why I still regained my sanity even after dying a hundred times, my teammates snaps me back from reality.

Looks like they have overcome their fears.

"John are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Says Raphina with a worried tone.

"I'm okay." I said while making them stop worrying over me.

Looks like I'm enjoying spending time with my teammates despite the end of the world. I wish I can develop the cure faster so I can hangout with them without worrying about dying.

To be continued...


Thanks for reading my novel and I change my writing style to make it more understandable. Please like my novel or follow me cuz that's my only motivation.

And also my update change. It will be 1 per week or 2 if I feel like it.