1 Prologue 1/4: My New Life

Well I have just died yesterday, from a complete misunderstanding that could have been clearly avoided, and in turn was given a chance to gamble for life after death. With the lotto machine,"Life after Death!"

Yes, I know, and yes really, there was in fact a lotto machine game called, "Life after Death." Though first back to yesterday, my mind is still reeling, so please be patient with me here! So here it is...

I was just your typical, average, everyday, bottom of the fast food chain employee. Barely making anything to get by in life, no love life, all I do is stay at home playing video games.

After a long night of slaving away in a hot kitchen, I was on my way home early in the morning. The light of the sun was barely even touching the morning sky. It was such a cold morning and I remember it perfectly, I was wearing my black pull over hoodie to make sure I wouldn't freeze to death on the half mile walk from work.

Unfortunately I had to take a detour from the original path I would walk. The original route was blocked off for a approximately a couple of blocks by the city officers. There was a emergency news broadcast from the local News Station about someone escaping from a mental institute, and being extremely dangerous, the whole town was on high alert so everyone was anxious and hidden indoors.

I guess I thought I would of been safe because they had blocked off the area where they last located him. Though little did I know, not everyone had gotten the memo, an old man was standing by his front gate was watching for anyone looking suspicious.

Then me, walking a completely different route from my original, never before seen in the neighborhood, not suspicious at all! I was the unlucky one that morning, after receiving 2 shots to the chest. It wasn't until after I had just gotten shot, that they had found who they were looking for.

Oh no, my computer....

Well I don't remember much after that, as per I blacked out from the blood loss, and inevitable death. Shortly thereafter I was conscious, but I couldn't see anything. I had been floating in an endless black abyss for quite some time.

I had lost track of how long I had been suspended in this eternal darkness for.... But I know that it was quite some time.... At first it was uncomfortable, but after a while I had grown accustomed to it, and it felt like some kind of energy had been seeping into my being, filling me with energy...

Like this, I continued to float in the darkness....

Suddenly a bright light shone down behind me illuminating that exact lotto machine I was telling you about, the, "Life after Death," lotto machine. For however long I had been floating there, if finally showed itself. I couldn't say exactly how long, but I was sure to find out later....

After sitting in front of the slot machine, I saw the plaque on it, explaining the lotto machine. So I pull the lever once, and my next life is at random. There are 3 wheels with different pictures on each of them. Each on is labeled as:

1st: Type of rebirth


3rd: Power

Definitely interesting! From the sound of everything after all rolls everything is set in stone, well lets see what we get?

As soon as I pulled the lever, the wheels start spinning. As the wheels start to slow down, I can feel my hairs standing on end. It stops...

Results!: Reborn!, Homunculus!, True Augmentation!

No shit, that's some pretty slick shit if you ask me. What happens now?

I pulled the lever of the lotto machine again and to my surprise nothing happened. A few moments of waiting then the lotto machine went crazy, and I hurried to hold my head after a loud voice boomed through my mind, causing a tremendous amount of pain to shoot throughout my entire body. I could barely keep my self from falling unconscious, my body was trembling, and swaying back and forth on the stool. The voice presumed....

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[Hello User, please call me System.....]

[Warning: User's mind is currently unable to access System Functions...]

[Operation Initiated: Status Check....]


[Name:] Subject 0Z (Oz) [Mana:] 863

[Age:] ???

[Race:] Homunculus/ Elf

[Elemental Affinity:] Lightning/???

[Abilities:] True Augmentation

[Override Initiated: User Hibernation Activated.....]


Then I blacked out... Fucking Systems... Computers... Fuck....

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