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Chapter 1Rough Morning

The wind rages like a wild beast as rain and debris batter the outside of the rundown buildings. Thunder claps and lightning strikes and they occasionally light up the night sky. A fierce battle rages on, swords clash and arrows fly. Blood runs free in the streets and bodies cover the once beautiful marketplace. A women shakes uncontrollably under a broken wagon from fear and the cold weather as a small child holds her closely crying. Their voices are muffled by the pouring rain and screams of the battle.

The child's eyes are covered but he can still hear the screams of the dying. She whispers calming words to him and pats his hair down rocking back and forth like she used to do for him when he was younger. She watches her surroundings with utmost vigilance trying to keep track of the moving soldiers. The only source of light is the lightning flashing in the sky, after countless seconds pass by another flash blankets the area and a man in full plate armor is standing at the wagon. As thunder claps the women is torn from the young boy and he is kicked away to the side of the street. The young child screams but no sounds come out he tries to move but his body is weighed down.

The child feels cold and can't move, his eyes glued to his mother. As a flash of light clears away the dark a still image is imprinted in his eyes. A silver blade can be seen protruding from the women as she is strangled by his other hand her feet lifted off the ground. Her eyes never leave the boy. The man standing on a pile of corpses, his smile wicked and his eyes blood shot, he growls and howls at the night as he tosses her body before the boy. The next flash and he's gone and in his place is the women looking straight in his eyes, the light snuffed out. Rain Like tears running down her face and blood spills feom her body.

Sitting up as fast as lightning, he struggles to breath, sweat covers his body and he holds his chest panting heavily. Looking wildly around he finds himself in a broken down attic room, his covers thrown messily to the side. The window to his right is wide open and water covers the floor. The book he was reading before bed is half way across the room.

"It was just a dream" He sighs heavily taking a few moments to catch his breath before dragging his body out of the bed and begins to clean the mess. "It must have stromed last night" he thinks to himself.

He heads to the side room where a piece of mirror still hangs from the wall, a small basin made to hold rain water is next to it. He looks into the mirror and splashes his face a few times. His eyes are red and bags are starting to form under his eye lids. Running water through his hair he grabs a set of simple clothes and wraps himself in a cloak.

Opening the door he is greeted with a loud screech from old hinges and he heads down the rickety stair case. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs children's laughter could be heard down the hall. One of them runs by chasing another across the hallway. He tries to sneak down the hallway to the exit on the side quietly and as quickly as possible. But a heavy hand falls on his shoulders and he lets out a sigh.

"Knox, where in the blazes do you think you are going" States a large women wearing blue vestiges.

"Good day Sister Isabella, I was just about to go and find you. You see I have been up for a while now and as I couldn't find you I was just about to head outside and" Whack, A hand chop landed squarely between his brows. He flinches and rubs his head.

"Now Knox you are a grown man now. You should start acting like it, you know the rules." she starts again for the hundredth time.

"You should have left here almost two years ago but the kind heart of Sister May has allowed you to stay. Bless her kind heart. All that she asks of you is to clean after breakfast and dinner and tend to her gardens. But here I find you trying to scamper off again." Her heavy set eyes bare down on Knox and he slumps back from the glare.

"Yes, Sister I have not forgotten" he replies solemnly and heads back in side pulling up his sleeves.

"What a hasty little rascal what does May see in the boy. I would've kicked his sorry butt out ages ago and besides he never comes home till the early morning" She shakes her head as she heads on after him calling the children for breakfast.

After cleaning up the dishes from that mornings porridge Knox rushes outside slipping into the garden. Reaching into a bush he pulls out a few daggers and he straps them to his legs, belt and boots. Climbing a low tree he swings his bow and quiver comfortably on his back. Checking his pouch he counts through countless rings and necklaces with large gemstones. Pulling up his hood and covering his face with a half mask he fades into the city square.

An elderly women wearing blue vestiges watches this all happen but doesn't say a thing, instead she bows low and offers a long prayer to the blue sky. Soon after she finishes she continues to prune her plants and dig up weeds with a smile on her face.

After leaving the Orphanage Knox heads swiftly south passing through alleyways and crowded streets as much as possible. Passing a billboard he notices a bounty on a shady looking man with a deep scowl his hood and dagger drawn to look evil and menacing.

"Only 500 gold pieces?" He shakes his head before discreetly tearing off the poster. "Besides I look so much better than this" Pocketing the paper he continues heading south where he enters a general goods store in the middle of the slums.

"Good evening, Is there anything I can help you with" Says a small portly man with long black hair pulled into a pony tail his clothing is bright but relatively unadorned. His back is to the counter trying to reach a book placed just barely out of reach.

Walking up Knox slams the poster on the wall next to the man head and he easily grabs the book and hands it to the man. "Now, Now what ever am I going to do with you." He says with a sly grin.

The man almost jumps out of his skin and when he sees who is depicted in the picture the man starts to shake before a very familiar voice enters his ears.

"Knox? KNOX!?? How the hell are you still alive, I thought for sure you died last night." Exclaimed the small man before dragging Knox down for a hug. He checks him for any obvious wounds before talking business "Did you get them?" He whispers into his ear.

"Oh it was so bad there were hundreds of them they all had their swords pointed at me. Arrows were flying and I like a master of the shadows slipped between the cracks of their defenses but not with out some fatal wounds" Say Knox as he pretends to be hurt.

"Oh shut up you big oaf, now did you get them or not!?"

"Oh I got them and even a little more on the way back" Knox gives him a sly grin patting his side.

"You did what!? You were only supposed to grab from the Mystle's Villa on the North end. When you didn't come back in time I thought you were dead. I even opened that special wine as a toast to your spirit."

"YOU!!" Knox lifts up the small man by the collar "You know I was saving that for a special occasion"

"Hey Hey I thought you were dead, I knew you would've wanted me to have it" Says the fat man as he squeezes those words out with a bright smile on his face.

"You greedy bastard, you just wanted an excuse to drink the Thousand Year bottled sake. You better have left me some" As he drops the man going over to the back cupboards."

Soon pots and pans are being thrown in every which direction and slamming against the walls. A bottle flies past and smashes at the feet of the fat man.

"Now Knox lets not be hasty here." Backing up slowly with his hands held high.

Knox walks closer daggers drawn inching closer and closer to the man in front of him. His eyes appear dead and a chill runs down the mans back and sweat starts to cover his brow. Thinking quickly he starts to run off anything that can sate Knox.

"I'll raise the sale price by ten percent" Knox takes another step closer shaking his heaf.

Backing up again "Twenty! Twenty percent" They both take another step.

"Thirty? Forty!!" They continue and the wall stops the man retreat.

"I'll triple the original price!!" The man yells and before his eyes the blades slip into Knox's cloak so fast it was as if they never existed in the first place. A bright smile widens before his eyes and Knox comes over laughing.

"Now we are talking, I mean what are friends for!" Dragging the man to the counter before dumping the contents onto the counter. Thousands of clinks from gold and silver accessories cover a good portion of the table. The man starts to sweat heavily and he takes a heavy gulp. He open his mouth to speak but is interrupted before he had the chance. "Dammit Knox you swindled me" He thinks to himself.

Seeing his good friends startled expression he adds "Remember you did technically drink my priceless treasure, I mean how would it be fair if you didn't compensate me for my loses!?"

"But I wasn't expecting this much!" He mutters to himself as he looks down and starts counting out the jewels. Pulling out a set of weights and balances and starts to calculate the gold and silvers purity and density and quantity. Which is quickly followed by a few crystal appraisal tools. The man previous behavior and attitude vanishes and he seems like a completely different person as he gets down to business.

This is why I like him so much, he may seem like a bumbling fool most of the time but when it comes to his work I've yet to find another man as reliable as Reynold. Understanding that these things take time Knox quietly leaves the store after grabbing an apple on the way out.

"That's a copper piece, I'll deduct that from your payment" He hears on the way out I just shake my head and take a bite. "Greedy bastard indeed"

Wondering the streets mindlessly I end up walking into the central square in the commons district. There placed in front of the fountain a simple stage was erected and a man in a bright colorful attire was yelling to a small crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I have wonderful news to tell you fine folks of Ravens Peak. I'm sure you are curious about the large tent by the lake and I'm here to tell you that today and only today you have the chance to see the unimaginable. Be amazed! Be wowed! Tonight we offer you a tale of excitement and danger, a time where you can slip away into a world of miracles." He tosses up his hat and hundreds of papers fly around and into the crowd. Picking one up you see a picture of a large tent with many colors and the words Dauntless Traveling Circus.

"We also have a special sight for all of you, a creature from the forbidden lands. Its presence will terrify you but don't worry this creature is heavily wounded and sedated. If you are curious about the fantastic world of miracles or hope to see the fearsome creatures of the forbidden lands then come one and come all to the fantastic, exhilarating and magical world of the Dauntless Traveling Circus located at the south side of the Lake of Fortuna and remember we are only here for one more night"

"Interesting, I think I smell an opportunity" I think to myself before fading into the shadows of the alleyway. Watching that man for almost half a day as he rants to the crowds that pass through I finally see him start to pack up his stage and together with a few people start heading down to the tent. Running after I tail them from the shadows.

"Master William, do you think this will be better than the last town?"

"Of course I mean there are nobles here some from as high as the Mystle and Surdan families, the most powerful families in the county only second to the Royals. I can almost guarantee we will be walking away with more than we can carry"

"We pack up at morning right Master William?"

"And we leave at noon sharp" The man in flashy clothes nods.

Running further ahead I hit one of my caches and grab some string, my mini crossbow and some extremely sticky substances before dashing off ahead of the circus group. I toss a stone in the center of the road before climbing up the building near by. Coating a small area on the corner of the building I place the crossbow in it and I make sure it stays before aligning the shot at the pebble I threw earlier. Running some thread thru the trigger I climb down and lean against the wall waiting. Soon the carnival men show up. As they pass by I step out of the shadows before they reach the pebble.

"Hello William, You may call me The Great Rouge of Raven Peak and I'd like to have a word with you in private"

The group of three men stop in their tracks dropping their load.

"Oh and what do you want stranger?" William replies calmly

"I just want to talk to you in private, is that so wrong? I just want to clarify a few things"

William signals the man on his left to grab me and I pull the string behind my back as an arrow flies quickly through the air striking the ground at the man feet inches from pinning him to the ground. The arrow is half buried in the ground, the top of the shaft is still quivering but both workers stop their advance and take a quick step back.

"That is a warning shot, next shot will be your heads. Now I don't think any of us want that now do we? William a word please, before my partners get an itchy finger."

William nods and walks to the side "You guys go on ahead and start preparing for the event I'll catch up soon don't worry. If I'm not back in time the show must go on without me." They both nod vigorously and run off with the stage pieces.

"I want in" Knox says

"What ever do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean, you guys were obviously using code to talk earlier. It may sound like you guys are talking about the money you will be making tonight but anyone who was taught the Elsweld thieves speech will very obviously tell your talking about a heist in the noble district in the morning just before you guys leave town. Now I can either tell my men to spread the news of you guys being Elsweld spies or you can let me join you and it'll be a win-win situation"

Williams face appears to grows pale but a slight smile creeps to his lips "Why does a commoner know Elsweld thieves speech" He thinks to himself.

"Fine you have a deal but if you are late we are going in without you. We were looking for someone who knew the layout of the city anyways so as you said a win-win situation" He nods

"I won't delve into your background but as a parting gift here is some friendly advice." He leans in close and says in a whisper "You should change the color of the thread for your crossbow that's hiding up in on that house there young man. For a man who practices the ways of illusions that is a very amateur mistake"

He backs away and heads down to the lake again before pausing talking a long look at Knox glancing at him from head to toe before tossing a coin in Knox's direction. "You show promise. If you survive this mornings 'Exercise' come to my tent and present that coin. I'll take you with us when we leave and I'll give you a proper teaching" Williams stops and looks back his eyes look to be staring through me and his age shows to its maximum. The eyes are kind but sad, the wrinkles on his face start to become more prominent and he heaves a sigh. "I'm getting old child, you remind me of myself when I was your age so do take what I said into consideration. I know this is sudden but as I get older I realize that life doesn't have many coincidences. I believe we were supposed to meet. Great Rouge of Ravens Peak" and he fades away into the dark.

Knox just sits their for a few minutes before heading back to the orphanage. Confused on what to make of this turn of events he seeks out Sister May for advice.

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This is a work of fiction, any names, characters, stories or events, are fictitious! (Even the country in the story is just the author's fantasy as the author never visited those countries in the story) Armipotent is an archaic adjective meaning "strong in battle." Basically, it refers to someone who is physically tough in war. Originally, it was used to refer to the Roman god of war, Mars. ===================== Tang Shaoyang, an orphan who dropped out of the middle school to fight on the street as he found out school was useless for a penniless orphan like him. Tang Shaoyang dropped out of his school, fighting on the street, and made a name for himself. Berserker Tang from Youyouliucun. Afterward, Dragon Wing triad recruited him and everything was good for him. Even though the public deemed him as a tumor of society, Tang Shaoyang was having a decent life. Until one day, everything changed as an absurd and strange game started. "... Game starts! Stage one: Survival for The Fittest!" After the game started, zombies appeared out of nowhere. ... Ding! "You have killed 1000 zombies less than 24 hours since the game started! You gained 3 Talents!" Dong! "You may choose 3 Talents! please choose carefully!" Tang Shaoyang held his chin and mused what Talent he had to choose. "With Zombies appear everywhere, I need an infinite strength... this is one, I still need to choose 2 Talents more..." Then a lewd smile formed on his lips. "I want an infinite strength, charm and charisma to conquer women, and the last one, I want to upgrade my **** so I can please my women!" After saying this, Tang Shaoyang laughed aloud. "Hahaha, there's no way such talent exists... ehhhhh?!!!" Ding! Dong! "3 Talents are consumed! You have been granted Divine Body! Good Luck, Gamer Tang Shaoyang!" Tang Shaoyang immediately checked the detail of Divine Body. After a brief silence, he muttered unbelievably. "Such Talents really exist..." Note: I don't own the cover. If the creator wants me to take down the cover or put credit, please notify me by replying to my review at the Review section.

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