
The new Orochimaru

Retsu reacted on instinct and his Orochimaru personnality took control.It was something that happened instantly, but it sure saved him.

"Oh my~Little Izumi, what might you be doing here?"Said Orochimaru(When he's in Orochimaru mode he will be called like that)with a mocking voice.Retsu quickly understood that Orochimaru was still the same in this world.It couldn't be said about this Female Itachi, who was wilder than her male counterpart.

Izumi narrowed her eyes and approached him.

"Orochimaru, you were supposed to come back hours ago.What were you doing?"Said the Uchiha dangerously.

"What was i doing?kukuku~Let's just say i took my time with those.....People"Said Orochimaru, even though he didn't knew if he was the one who had killed them.

"*Sigh*Could you please refrain from doing things like that?We're waiting for you at the base.The reunion couldn't start because you and Kisa weren't there."


[It's Female Kisame]


[Nah!She's hot!Here, it's how she looks like]

As the system said that, a picture of Kisa appeared.Orochimaru blushed slightly which stunned Izumi.

'Orochimaru.....Is blushing?Is that because of me?'Thought the girl, lost in her thought as Orochimaru returned to normal.

'SS don't do that next time.I'm supposed to be Orochimaru, if i act like that they'll suspect me!Orochimaru is creepy, sadistic and don't care about other people.If i keep acting like my old self, i'm fucking dead!'Thought Orochimaru.

[Glad you understood that!If you can survive this, then i'll fix this problem for you!]

Suddenly Izumi glared at him.

"By the way, Snake.According to Hidan, you've been using the Akatsuki's funds to help your research.It seems that Leader-Sama's warning wasn't enough."Said the Uchiha.Her Sharingan changed to Mankegyou as a deadly aura nearly made Orochimaru choke.


[ON IT!!]

In a few seconds Orochimaru went from nearly choking due to the power of her aura, to flaring his own.It brought Itachi on her knees as she trembled.

"And it seems that you forgot who i'm, little Uchiha.I was fighting legendary Shinobi before you were even born!Never forget one thing, you may be a prodigy, but.....You're nothing in front of me!!"Said Orochimaru, the aura dissipated and he walked away.

"I'll be in my laboratory if you're searching for me."

'T-That power, i knew he was strong but...I've really been slacking on my trainings!'Thought Izumi, she would be lying if she said that this little demonstration of power didn't affect her.Unfortunately it wasn't a good reaction, which was further proved by the liquid that flowed on her thighs.

'....I hate those Uchiha genes.'


Meanwhile Retsu returned to normal and gasped.

'FUCK!!I NEARLY DIED!!SHE WAS ABOUT TO KILL ME!!!'He began to panic but SS calmed him.

[You can't become Orochimaru if you always panic when someone threatens you.In this world Orochimaru is way stronger than Izumi, after all she hasn't trained since the day she left Konoha.]

'Yeah, well i felt like i was dying!!'

[Ding!Mission accomplished!

Reward: 100 Shinobi Points and a special poison seal!The special poison seal can be used to slowly kill a target that has a lower level than you!]

'Okay, good.But seriously, didn't you said that you were going to help me?'

[JEEZ!Can't you wait a little bit?Well then, here we go!!]

A purple light envelopped Retsu's body and penetrated his head.

'ARGHHHHH!!!!'He screamed in his mind as his mouth had been sealed by the light.He was unable to make a single sound and continued to suffer, silently.

"Fuck!What was.....Wait...Why do i feel so, calm?"Said Retsu, his body felt light and his mind fresh.

[I've merged your personnality with Orochimaru's, it will take time to be fully merged but you should be more like Orochimaru now.In this world it won't do you any good if you stay like you were before.Of course it won't erase your own personnality!Sadly i can't give you Orochimaru's memories for now, it will cost you 10 000 Shinobi Points!]

"*Sigh*I'll get them, one way or another.But.....Where is the laboratory?"

[Go to a restaurant called the Dragon Fish i think it's in Ame, there ask a guy called Aomine to open the backdoor, it's one of the entrances.Also you should cover your body, even in Ame people don't really like Orochimaru.]

An Akatsuki cloak appeared on his body, as his face was hidden by a bamboo hat.

"And where's Ame?"Said Retsu, this time he didn't blushed.Orochimaru wasn't the type to be embarrassed about anything, except for times someone beat him.

[Continue in that direction for an hour and then you'll reach a village, the restaurant is actually in this village, the backdoor will lead you to the laboratory.For some reasons, it seems that i can't tell you everything you want to know]

'But why only that?I mean, you did saved my ass a few minutes ago.'

[It seems that the Shinigami blocked some things that i could do.Sometimes you'll have to do things by yourself.However i think that he did that only for the annoying, non important things.]

"Wait, does he still have control over you?"

[No, he let me become a free individual, even though i'm bound to you.Honestly i think that he want to grow strong, he already did that with the guy everyone calls 'The Sage of the Six Path', that guy died horribly.But he didn't had a system and had to become strong only through hard work.You can mix pure talent and hard work to exceed him.Don't know if that's your objective though]

"Make no mistakes SS.In my entire life i've been jealous, bored and indefferent to everything around me.If i had to define myself i would say that i'm like a basic Novel MC, but who's bored by everything, who doesn't think only with his dick and who's more power hungry than most villains.I'll become the strongest, i'll become a God like Orochimaru wanted!!"

[Damn cold heart dude, but i like it!!Let's be best friend!!]

".....Cold heart huh?Indeed i do have a cold heart....And it's many degrees beneath the deep freezer!"

Hope you enjoy it!




Glasgowcreators' thoughts
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