
Agreement and future plans.

"Well then, Uzumaki Mito.Shall we become allies?I don't think that fighting each others would be a good solution."Said Orochimaru with his trademark arrogant grin.

"Indeed, however i don't really see what we gain from that.You can become a good ally but we'll supply you with everything you'll need, i don't think that's really fair."Said Kodaka with a frown.

"Kukuku~What do you say about..."Instead of directly telling her, he mouthed what he wanted to tell her as her eyes widened.



Kodaka sighed and got up, she shook his hand and smiled.Orochimaru was a cunning and viscious, but he could truly help her.With what he just told her, or mouthed to her, she was certain that he would later become something that no one would want to face, if he could do it then..........The Uzumaki would be in his debt, for a long time........Maybe forever actually.

"Allies.We'll provide you with anything you need, as long as you can do that.For some reasons it seems that you're the only person in the world who can do that without the need of a pair of Rinnegan."

"HA!What can i say, i'm just that good.Since everything has been settled, i'll return to my base.Let's hope that this alliance benefit the both of us."Said Orochimaru, they bowed to each other and left via Shunshin.

He already a plan when it came to the Uzumaki clan, sadly it could only work if he became stronger.It was still his main objective, after all it was the only way to stand at the peak of the world.

'Well, now it's time to train.'Thought Retsu.

[Ding!Mission accomplished!

Reward: 10 000 Shinobi Points and Gentle Fist training book]

A book appeared in his hand and he put it in his pouch, he then chuckled darkly.

'With Orochimaru's memories it will be easy to train faster, i should become stronger than the original faster than i thought i would.'

[Of course!You'll easily become better than him in 3 months, even though i recommend you to train for an additional month, you'll need to train with Kusanagi]

'Yup, Naruto should've been captured by Kimimaro, so i will also train him.After i corrupt him of course.I'll put a cursed mark on him, but also use frequent Genjutsu to terrorize him, he will become nothing more than a puppet for me.Having the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki could prove to be quite good.Also, i don't think that all of Orochimaru's memories cost 10 000 Shinobi points since i already got those about Seals.'

[It will cost 9 900 Shinobi Points.You can use the other 100 points for anything you might want.]

'100 Shinobi Points...Is that enough to make sure that no one can spy on my Laboratory?'

[It would be enough if the spy doesn't have Byakugan, or Enhanced Chakra Sense]

'Good, do that and give me Orochimaru's memories once i get in my room.'Thought Retsu.

It took him 3 days to come back, but he did hear an interesting thing on the road.It happened when he was sitting in a bar, in a small village close to the border of the Land of Waves.He heard two drunk men talking about the Chunin Exam, according to them it should happen in Six months, as the Genin Exams finished 5 days ago.(I made it so that all the Genin Exams in all villages, happen at the same time )

It was a good piece of information because it meant that Naruto wouldn't be a Genin, of course it was only true if Kimimaro did captured him.It meant that Naruto wasn't bound to the village as a Ninja, but as a civilian.As such he could leave the village any time he wanted, and even join another one.Naruto could become his slave while Konoha wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

He arrived at the Laboratory and rushed to the cells, located near his own room.When he was about to open the room that led to all the cells, he heard a child shouting.


'This voice.........Oh yeah!'

He opened the door and nearly maniacally laughed when he saw the blonde boy, behind the cell bars.

"Uzumaki Naruto."

Naruto turned around and paled when he saw the man........He was way too fucking creepy.His entire aura screamed 'DEATH' while the smile he had on his face, promised untold amount of pain.

"W-Who a-are you m-mister?"Asked the small boy, as he mustered all the courage he could.

'SS, should i turn him into a mindless slave or corrupt him, with lies and Genjutsu?'

[You can decided that later, honestly you're doing a great job by yourself.I don't think you need me everytime, plus it won't be funny if i just order you around]

'True, and i was starting to hate how you acted like a boss'

Orochimaru's eyes shone with malice as he approached the trembling boy.

"What should i do with you, Naruto.Or should i call you by your full name?"


"Kukuku~You're more than you think you're, Naruto.Heir of the Uzumaki clan and......Son of the fourth Hokage!!"

Hope you enjoy it!




Let's reach the top!!

Glasgowcreators' thoughts
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