

Somewhere in America.... A skyscraper suite

In a luxurious room furnished in redwood tree furniture with inlaid gold and diamonds and state of the art technology, an old man sat in a silk recliner in front of a crackling fire, with a strange circular disc in his hands.

"Oh? that's strange, I just felt a huge mana presence and then a second later I feel the exact same mana signature across the world, this is concerning... One, get in here,"

When the voice beckoned, a tall black man of 7 feet and full of muscle walked through the double doors into the room. "One, I need you to take a team and go to the middle east, I am unsure of the exact location, but It should be in either Iraq or Iran, what most likely is a rogue mage has teleported there and is doing something we need to find out locate the anomaly and report back to me." The man nodded and then walked out of the room as the doors closed automatically behind him. The old man put the strange disc down and leaned back into his chair "This will hopefully help relieve my boredom, nothing interesting has happened in 150 years.." he spoke in a mumble while staring into the fire, as the flame's reflections danced around in his eyes.

In the troopers camp, 25 days later...

I woke up early today, as it was the day the Iranian army will march near our province and into Azerbaijan. We will wipe out both army's and then occupy the former land of Azerbaijan, we will then destroy our current base and occupy the military base in Maragheh, next to Lake Urmia. Our current plan goes as such, since the withdrawal of soviet forces from Azerbaijan, after they disbanded the Azerbaijan communist party, they will only have a small militia, the Iranians are sending a army of 10,000 under trained and under equipped troops. I will annihilate both sides and create another 9,500 troopers and have them take their equipment, we will then occupy the territory before the supporting countries can react, its blitzkrieg all over again. After calling a meeting in my house, we decided to station the men along a canyon, that the Iranian army would have to pass through, to reach Azerbaijan territory. I would then jump into the midst of the army and use my antimatter control to 'delete' their heads and then have my men come down and take over their equipment. Using the mountain terrain and the lack of enemy discipline, along with some camo nets I created, my men was hidden in plain sight. An hour after we finished hiding all the troopers, the first Iranian transport truck entered the bend leading into the canyon entrance.

Slowly the outdated trucks entered the canyon, the soldiers, some drunk, were singing songs and talking about how the militias would run in front of their unstoppable army. As the first truck was about to exit the canyon, a man jumped down from the cliffs in front of the truck as the convoy came to a halt, one by one the soldiers heads began disappearing as blood began spurting out of the veins that should have been going to the brain. after about 5 minutes of running down the canyon path while the smoke from my body killed the men and their souls were absorbed by myself, the entire army that Iran had sent, was completely wiped out. As the troopers walked about the piles of bodys stripping the gear of them, with a calm professionalism, that would be impossible with normal soldiers, this is the strength of those created with my own energy, it doesn't allow them to feel or do things I don't want. This is my strength, and infinite number a completely loyal killing machines.... I was blessed by the God of Death, and I will become a God of Slaughter....

not stealing god of slaughters novel name, don't be mad at me.... just a coincidence

TheMostAbstractcreators' thoughts
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