
(Kings And Clowns) A Quest Of The Treacherous

In Nepdoor, world haunted by old conflicts, the races of elves, werewolves and humans live in suspicion and avoidance of each other. But now a coven of warlocks with a sinister motive to forge a dark world has used their dark arts to awaken a great evil from the world of the dead. They have unleashed not only their evil master, Zedon, but all the horrors of darkness upon the races of Nepdoor. Zedon, an ancient tyrant and the essence of darkness itself, seeks to populate the land with a generation of his evil by conquest. But to succeed, he must find and reclaim his long lost mighty blade imbued with magical powers. Will the distinct races of Nepdoor unite to fight the evil that now threatens the existence of them all? Rumours are spreading that Zedon's magical blade is in the human kingdom of Arwos. Shella, an incredibly clever and fierce princess of Arwos, just saved her father's kingdom from an attack by the armies of the neighbouring kingdom, Lodz, who had sought to conquer Arwos and find the powerful sword. When the stone of fate in the temple of elves turns dark, Tolis Varno, the prestigious and headstrong king of elves, ventures outside the tall walls of his majestic kingdom for the first time in a thousand years in search of the mystery blade. Tolis initiates an unconventional alliance with both the King Arwos, Edric, and the treacherous King of Lodz, Adriel, with the aim of finding the lost blade. But they soon discover that the sword is no longer in the Kingdom of Arwos but with Shella's long lost elvish mother. Tolis leads a team of noble warriors, including the smart and wild Princess Shella and the traitorous King of Lodz, on a perilous journey to find Shella's mother and retrieve the blade before Zedon does.

Jenny_7474 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The Treaty


Once upon a time Elves, werewolves and humans existed at odds.

Werewolves were the strongest of the beings. Elves were the wisest. While humans were the most ambitious.

Wars between the races were prevalent. But none ever succeeded to prevail over the other.

Until one day a mysterious stone fell from the heavens, and a ravenous human King, Zedon, molded it into a sword so formidable that not even an army of royal elves could fight it's limitless power.

With it he conquered all lands and made every race his subjects. He ruled with sheer brutality and malice and anyone that dared oppose him was put to death.

He reigned over all races for many years before the powerful sword was stolen from him by a beautiful female elf who worked as a servant in his palace.

Without it he was powerless and was soon betrayed by his own generals and killed.

In the wake of his death, his kingdom fell apart and every race cut bonds with the other.

Elves surrounded their cities with tall walls. Werewolves moved into the woods and guarded their forest borders. Humans were left to roam the rest of the lands, divided and oppressed by their Kings.

For many years the sword was lost and forgotten. But a famous prophecy claims that one day a witch would bring the wicked king back to life. He will corrupt many kingdoms and make them his loyal army in an effort to find the sword and to reclaim his throne.

* * * * *

Chapter 1


(City Of Elves)

Towering walls equipped with fire-spitting figureheads stretch as far as the eye can see, forming an impenetrable barrier between the city inside and the outside world.

The city of elves is built in the shape of a shimmering star. The palace, tall and guilded, sets at the centre, with the rest of the city projecting out towards the walls like rays. All buildings are constructed in the most spectacular shapes and their walls adorned with gold and other priceless crystals, making the entire city sparkle like a massive heavenly star.

Lush, wet gardens grow in the massive spaces between the arms of the star-shaped city. Waters of two clear rivers are channeled towards the gardens, sustaining the growth of both the familiar plants and those unknown to humans and werewolves.

The massive palace is as stunning as the King who lives in it, Tolis Varno, currently sitting with his assistant in the palace courtyard, the two going through population reports from the eastern side of the city.

He is tall and lithe, with a lean and muscular build that speaks of agility and strength. His features are finely chiseled, with high cheekbones, a strong jawline and sharp, piercing eyes that seem to glow with an inner fire.

The dashing King stretches, no longer bothering to hide his boredom. He sighs with relief when his assistant, Lahore Vagner, sets aside the last report.

"I just heard rumors that king Adriel has proposed a peace treaty with the kingdom of Arwos. His eldest son wishes to marry one of King Edric's daughters. The treaty has been signed and the marriage is set to happen in three days." Lahore says, sounding a bit curious.

Tolis huffs, clearly uninterested in human affairs. Lahore carries on anyways.

"Don't you find it weird that a man would marry off his daughter to his enemy in exchange of a promise of peace?" He asks.

"Why do you concern yourself with matters that pertain humans? I would like to think that by now you have learned that nothing right can come from their ravenous hearts." Tolis responds.

Over a thousand years have passed since the kingdom of elves and those of humans had any kind of formal interaction. Hate has still managed to grow stronger in the hearts of most elves regardless, especially those that are old enough to remember the reign of the wicked king, Zedon.

"I am well aware of the egocentric nature of humans. But perhaps it's unfair to generalize them all as foul beings. They cannot be all the same you know." Lahore argues.

Tolis stands and steps away from the small table. He looks back at his assistant with a disapproving stare. "Anything that happens outside the walls of this Kingdom is none of our concern. We must prioritize the safety of our people. Humans can abuse each other as they please, it's in their blood." He states before walking away.

* * * * *


Princess Shella glares up at her father who is seated on his guilded throne, admiring a gift that just arrived from the kingdom of Lodz.

Shella is the fifth youngest daughter of the polygamous king, Edric, who just signed a treaty to marry off her sister to their decade old enemy.

The entire kingdom is in support of the king's decision, including Mila's mother. But Shella has always reasoned differently, behaved differently. Probably because of the elvish genes she inherited from her lost mother.

She has the ability to sense danger before it presents itself. But she cannot force her father to listen to her counsel, not even when he has made a grave mistake that will end in the destruction of his kingdom.

"You need to revoke the treaty you signed with Adriel and return soldiers to our southern border. This alliance was a trap to make us lower our guard and leave out Kingdom vulnerable to attack. Adriel has always sought an opportunity to conquer our Kingdom and search for the sword of Zedon. You gave him that opportunity the moment you signed that treaty!" Shella scolds her father in a firm voice.

King Edric scoffs as he shifts his gaze from the gift in his hands and looks at her.

"You are always searching for trouble even where it doesn't exist. Adriel has realised that that accursed sword is not in our Kingdom. All he seeks now is an alliance of peace. The marriage between his son and your sister will unite our kingdoms in ways that nothing else could have." He replies, clearly too insensitive to think past his own convictions.

"You're handing over my sister to an enemy that will kill her!" Shella snaps angrily and her father raises an eyebrow. She carries on reprimanding him anyway.

"The only thing that king Adriel has realised is how easier it would be to attack and conquer us when we least expect him to. You have been a fool to fall right into his trap!" She adds, her jaws clenching.

Her father stands from his seat and glares back at her, an ugly frown on his face.

"You have become so insolent!" He yells. "How dare you call your father a fool for not agreeing with your twisted views that bear no hope?"

Shella sighs in frustration, realizing that her father cannot be persuaded to fix his mistake before it costs them. She must find another way to save her sister and protect the innocent people of their kingdom if she can.

She gazes up at her father one last time.

"You're not a fool. But before you come to your senses your head will be on display in the city square of Lodz Kingdom!" She warns before storming out her father's throne room and making her way up a grand staircase to go meet her sister, Mila, the girl that is to be married off to the first born son of King Adriel.

Mila has always been Shella's favourite sister because she is able to reason independently and is less obsessed with her beauty and men. Shella has hope that she can convince her to rebel against their father's decision to send her to their enemy where she will of course be killed or imprisoned.

She gets a surge if disappointment when Mila's mother, the king's favourite wife, opens the door to Mila's room after she knocks. Mila stands in front of a full length mirror, one of her servants helps her zip up what looks like an exquisite wedding dress. Two more servants stand aside holding more dresses of different colours and designs.

"What trouble brings you here? Don't you have beggars to feed?" Mila's mother asks scornfully as soon as Shella steps inside the room.

"I wish to speak with my sister. I won't take much of her time." Shella answers, walking past the mean woman to speak with Mila who already looks pleased to see her.

"You look lovely." Shella compliments her sister, a look of worry on her face.

"Thank you. Our father had ordered almost a dozen dresses. Mother says this is the best." Mila responds, holding up the hem her exquisite white gown that is adorned with golden and silver beads.

"It's nice." Shella affirms. "But I came to ask you to call off your wedding." She says and Mila's smile fades as she appears shocked.

"Why? Why would I do such a thing?"

"King Adriel's goal is to attack our Kingdom while we are blinded by a fake treaty. He has fooled our father. But he won't succeed if you refuse to be married off to his son." Shella explains in an anxious tone. She observes Mila's face to see her reaction.

"You came here to poison my daughter against her father and her people?" Mila's mother storms forward before Mila can utter a word in response.

"We have had enough of your sick delusions. The King sought advice from his entire council before he signed the treaty. You think you are smarter than all of those men?" She scolds while glowering at Shella.

"Even a council of a thousand old men can make mistakes when they put their desires ahead of everything else." Shella answers.

The queen scoffs, looking more enraged than ever. She gazes up at Shella's face with a malevolent smile.

"I forgot to tell you that you are the one that King Adriel's son wanted to marry. But I and your father told him what a mess you are. Your mother may have been an elf but you're the most troublesome princess to ever exist!" She yells but fails to get an emotional reaction from Shella.

"I don't care what you think of me. All I ask is that you don't send Mila to our enemy to be killed." The wise princess pleads.

"My daughter's marriage will unite two great kingdoms. Only peace and happiness will come out of it." The queen declares and Shella finally runs out of patience.

She gazes back at her sister with eyes full of determination. Mila appears bewildered.

"Looks like Adriel has succeeded in fooling every mind that matters in this Kingdom. But I will not let you or any member of this Kingdom be hurt because of this huge mistake. I will stop armies if I have to." Shella promises veforet striding out of the room.

* * * * *


Ten miles away from the southern border of Arwos, hundreds of tents belonging to soldiers of Lodz Kingdom are spread out over a lowland plain.

A royal escort arrives and King Adriel steps off one of the carriages. He moves towards the central tent where his generals stand waiting. They all bow in respect when he halts in front of them and pays great attention when he speaks.

"In three days the princess of Arwos will arrive in our palace and King Edric will throw a great party to celebrate our alliance." Adriel addresses the generals with a stern expression.

"We must be ready to strike the city of Arwos on the night of the celebration when no one will be expecting an attack. King Edric has already withdrawn most of his guards from the southern border. Our forces will have no trouble sneaking in and marching under the cover of darkness through the valley that stretches from the south to the outskirts of the city." He adds looking at each of their faces as he speaks and they all nod in agreement.

"The army is well set for the attack sir. We promise that all will go as planned." One of the generals at the front assures.

"Good. Tell the soldiers to keep the young Princess Shella alive when they attack. She may know something about the sword." Adriel orders.

"Yes your Majesty." The generals answer in unison and Adriel walks back to his carriage.

* * * * *


Shella leans against the walls of a dilapidated building, watching a congregation of beggars and lowlives scramble through the bags of food she brought them.

She just came up with a plan to use the beggars to save her father's kingdom. But she would need to persuade them greatly for them to accept to help her save a kingdom that has always demeaned them.

"This is the best bread me and my kids have ever tasted. I wish there is a way we can repay your kindness, Princess." One of the male beggars says to her, chewing on his chunk of bread.

"Actually I came because I needed your help." Shella announces and the rest of the group looks at her, curious to hear what kind of help she would need from them.

"What do you need my Lady?" The man asks.

Shella steps forward and gazes at their pale faces.

"This Kingdom will soon be under a terrible attack. I need your help in stopping an army that will sneak in through the south." She says.

Shocked beggars glance at each other, confusion edging into their faces.

"Has the marriage between your sister and King Adriel's son been cancelled?" The man that thanked her first questions.

"No. The treaty still stands. But it's a trap and neither my father nor his council can see it." She answers.

"What do you mean?" Another beggar asks.

"An alliance isn't what King Adriel is aiming for. His goal has always been to invade us. Now our southern border is unguarded against his armies. He can attack us when we least expect it. Especially on the night of the celebrations when our Kingdom will be most vulnerable. We must be the ones to save the city." She explains.

The group looks astounded, but most also seem sceptical.

"So neither your father nor your brother Theo thinks that the treaty is a hoax? What if it's all genuine and your worries are just . . . excessive paranoia?" A woman at the back questions and half of the group nod in agreement.

"The king and his first born son can be wrong just like everybody else. Believing that their judgements are always right is a bad idea. " Shella argues in a firm tone. But none of the beggars seem convinced and she can see it.

"You don't have to believe me either. But you owe me the help I am asking for. Have I not always brought you help when you needed it?" She asks.

The group once again glance at each other, then hesitantly nod their heads.

"You are right. You have always looked after us even when people shamed you for it." One of the men at the front verbally agrees. "But there is a limit of things that we can do. Surely you know that there is no way a bunch of hungry beggars can fight an army." He adds in a sad tone.

Shella smiles reassuringly, stepping closer to them. "You will not fight the army. I have the perfect plan to turn them back. All I need you to do is find more of your friends."