
Glossary: Soul and Classes

***********Parts of the Soul

Ga: The most important part of your soul. Ga is the part the connects the other parts of your soul together, if you absorb someone's Ga you basically absorb their life.

Fi: A very complicated part of your soul. Fi is not important till you reach level 3. More info will be added later

Du: The part of your soul connected with your 5 senses. Mages learn how to enhance this part of the soul so that they can do supernatural things

Ne: The part of your soul that gives you power. Ne has 6 different colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. When a mage is born their Ne is converted into magical energy, Nemix. But the part that is converted is random, so when you look at someone's Nemix it can include many different colors BUT their will always be one color that they have the most of and that will be what type of mage they are.

**********Types of Mages

IT's (classes that end in ist)

—Elementalist: An elementalist is the most common class. This class can use the power of the four elements. If your Nemix is red you are an Elementalist.

—Weaponist: A weaponist is another common class. In this class when you harness your power you will bond with a weapon. If your Nemix is blue you are this class

—Chemist: Not unlocked yet

—Itemist: Not unlocked yet

ER's (classes that end in er)

—Enchanter: Not unlocked yet

—Animaler: An Animaler class is a very rare class. This is because this is a class where A specials body has rejected its special Nemix. The Nemix is slowly kicked out everyday till it is gone at ten. However if a magical beat such as a unicorn blesses the child before 10, their Nemix will turn sliver and they will be an Animaler. In this class you have natural affinity with animals and have your own bonded pet.

—Healer: Not unlocked yet


—Specials: This is when the body has an even amount of all colors of Nemix. They mix together and turn black. This class can use all powers which is why they are often scorned due to jealously. This class was already rare, but is getting rarer becuase if you absorb this glasses Ga (look at parts of soul) you can cause a normal human to become a mage or increase your own powers. Another reason this class is rare is because if you are born a special your body naturally rejects the Nemix until when you are 10, all your Nemix is gone. This is why the test is taken at 10.

—Negative Gem Cursed: Not unlocked yet.


Level One

—5th class (worst) Harmony, Erich and Laurel are on this level

—4th class (2nd worst and so on)

—3rd class (what Laurel is ONLY in using weapons)

—2nd class

—1st class (most people are stagnated at this level for it is VERY hard to get to level 2)

Level 2

—Master (worst class in level 2)

—Elite Master

—Supreme Master

—Ultimate Master

Level 3

It is very hard to get on this level because you must find the gem that contains part of your Fi which is hidden at birth if you are mage. You will need to go through many trials that test 3 qualities Mages need (Not unlocked yet).

—Saint (worst class in level 3)

—Elite Saint

—Supreme Saint (most of Laurel's siblings are on this level)

— Ultimate Saint

Level 4

Only 21 people are on this level

Level 5

Only 3 people (including Laurel's father) are on this level