1 The End



"God damnit..." a man lying in bed slowly opens his eyes and reaches towards his phone and picks it up and notices something.

"damnit..." he taps the answer button and as soon as he does he hears someone yelling.

<Armin!!! Where the hell are you?! You should have arrived by now. We will be entering the portal soon! Unless you only want half the pay you better be here in ten minutes!>

"Uhh... I'm already on my way just stuck in some traffic I'll be there soon Mr. Adam."

<URG I don't see why they even let people like you go into these places when you can't even defend yourself. You've been in F rank for what 3-4 years now? You're lucky we need someone to carry our stuff and if you break anything I'm taking it out of your pay!!>

While Adam was talking Armin was rushing to grab some clean clothes when he was dressed he said.

"Yes, Sir I'll be careful to not break your items..."


Armin looked at the screen and it said call ended but he wasn't mad this was normal for him. He was an F rank. A term used to scale a person's abilities but there was only one type of person that would be in F rank for over a few months. There hasn't really been an official term but everyone calls people who haven't awakened the unawoken. Some say their defects who couldn't keep up with 'evolution'. The awaken gain powers like an old game, there are the healers also known as a cleric.

The defenders also known as the tank if you are lucky you can get a rare class that's a cleric/warrior also known as a paladin but once you gain your class you're stuck as it for life. Some clerics have weak healing ability and some have the ability to heal even severed limbs and this is what scales your rank if you weak your F rank but if you one of those very few people who are as rare as a Phoenix feather you can become an S rank. If you had 10,000,000 F ranker fight a single S ranker the S ranker would easily win that the difference in power. (I'll put a rank guide at the end to clarify things) after the event 10 years ago Earth was exposed to an element commonly known as Mana and everyone has it inside them. It's what allows people to use their powers like casting a fireball or a taunt skill for aggro people like me have barely any at all. So naturally, we couldn't have an official class but if you want to be a knight just buy some armor and a sword and boom your a knight just don't expect to be able to do flashy skills...

Armin arrived at a park that was being blocked off by police and when he arrived he showed him his ID and said.

"I'm the porter for L team I'll be going with them to enter the portal. You can confirm by asking them."

The officers looked at his ID and noticed he is listed as an F ranker and didn't bother to care about him anymore but since he was needed for the team he went to confirm if he really was the porter for them.

After a while, Adam walked up to Armin while the officer was returned to his post.

"If you where another minute later you would have gotten even less pay! Now hurry up we will be entering any second."

Armin walked up to the group and everyone noticed an average looking guy who looked at least 20 with black hair. He wasn't fat or skinny or weak or strong he was just... average. All of a sudden one guy said.

"Are you sure you should even be here? I mean this is a C rank portal I don't want you to get us all killed because you end up getting scared."

Armin looked at the man who was wearing golden armor with a large sword and thought.

'Guess he is a rich young master or whatever I mean he looks 17...'

"Yes, I'm sure I'll be fine this isn't the first time I've been a porter I know what to do so don't worry about me. I'm Armin foll and as you can tell I'm 20 years old and single." He said with a smile.

One of the female mages could sense Armin's mana and with a disgusted look said.

"I'm not surprised your single you're ugly and to top if off your an unawoken." After she said that everyone laughed at her remark but Armin just ignored it but thought.

'Yea fuck you to bitch you can go die in here for all I care.'

Armin noticed a buff man walking over in a set of armor and thought.

'I'm guessing he is the team leader?'

"Hello everyone my name is Galen murk I'll be the team leader and I'll be reading off the chart to make sure everyone is present.

Galen murk - 23 - C rank - Tank

Hannah knows - 21 - D rank - Mage

Austin Dow - 20 - D rank - knight

Armin foll - 20 - F rank - porter

Rebecca low - 19 - D rank - cleric

Darren mark - 17 - E rank - warrior

Alright looks like everyone is present. Now let's enter the portal and with me here I'll block all the damage and keep aggro. Hannah I would like you to stay back and cast spells for support when someone is having some trouble. Austin you would be good as a backup tank in case something gets pass plus you can do more damage than me since I mostly keep them at bay. Armin uhh... just... stay back and pick up the drops I guess and hold the extra supplies. Rebecca stays close to Hannah and well just heal us when we need it and Darren just attack what I'm blocking or something that needs to die. Alright listen up I never failed a portal and I don't plan on failing today so just follow my orders and we can all get a good payday okay?"

Suddenly Darren says.

"Should we really be bringing an unawoken with us? What if we get killed because of him? And I don't care about the money I got enough for life haha."

Galen gave a frown and said.

"I always say if the mage or healer dies it's the tanks fault but if the porter dies then it's the team's fault. The porter is in the back and unless the is an attack from behind we would have to be dead for him to die since the monsters would be dealing with us. Now let's get going."

Armin was a bit surprised at what he said. Most of the time the higher the rank the more arrogant the person is so he thought.

'Hope this guy lives a good life because he is a good man unlike that bitch Hannah... well she a woman not a man... whatever it's time to enter...'

{ranks go from strongest to weakest}


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