
Extra 4: The Tragedy of Ohmlet Act I

The day of the play.

As classes were dismissed for the week, Professor Rickman's Second Year Senior Literature students stayed behind at the Academy in preparation for the performance.

"You may take your meals outside the theatre. I want all of you to be ready by six."

"Yes, Sir."

Rickman watched his students go, his face set impassively cold and stern as ever. It is only the distant look in his eyes that showed the immense despair he truly felt towards this show.

He looked towards the sky and mumbled a short prayer.

May the gods be with them...

Hopefully, no one dies during this show.



Neo sniffed.

"Bless you," Tybalt held out a handkerchief.

Neo took it gratefully, looking rather put off.

Why does it feel like somebody jinxed him?

Neo and his friends were sitting on the steps of the theatre building, clustered together in a group as they ate their dinner. Around them, other students were eating as well, trying to quickly--but elegantly--finish their food before the performance.

Neo had a large container of food prepared by the kitchen staff. All its content was kept warm by a heating charm.

However, despite having a large appetite, Neo has no way of finishing his meal alone and opted to share with the rest of his friends.

Which is why Royce is currently shoving a cucumber sandwich into his mouth.


The redhead asked, mid-chew, as they watched him eat like a starved man.

"I skipped breakfast and forgot to pack lunch."

In other words, Royce was too busy working on the jewelry project he's been planning for over a month and didn't take into consideration of his need to eat.

Unlike Finneas and Tybalt, who looked quite judgemental regarding Royce's lack of care for his health, Neo simply pretended to be very interested in the fine architecture they were currently sitting on.

A man like him who forgot to eat and sleep and died by overworking has no right to call out on Royce's behavior...

"Neo, you said your entire family is coming?"

Royce casually began the conversation. At the mention of families, the other two members of the group perked up.

"En," Neo took a bite of his sandwich. "Mother and Father wanted to bring the entire staff as well, but I think Professor would cry if they did that. Aurelion persuaded them not to. How about you, Roy? Is your Mum and your Aunts coming?"

"Ah, yes. Mum is definitely coming with Aunt Miranda and Aunt Evelyn. Father got coerced into working overtime, so he can't make it."

"Poor him."

"Yeah. Aunt Miranda called him stupid..."

Royce had a weird family dynamic.

Marquis Benedick has three wives. The main wife, the second wife, and a mistress from the red light district.

All four of them lived in the Benedick Manor harmoniously--and how they managed to make that is a mystery of its own. Quite a lot of people are actually quite envious of the state of peace in that family.

Royce is the youngest and last living child of the Benedick Family and the son of the second wife. His eldest brother had died when he was an infant while his second eldest brother died a few years back from a hunting accident. In their past life, he became a debauched heir and died a dog's death.

Now, however, things have changed.

Many things have changed.

As they made more progress on clearing the content of his food container, Neo noticed that Finneas looked a bit... out of it.



The other was slow to respond.

The vermillion-eyed boy narrowed his gaze in suspicion. The latter seemed rather pale as of late, which reminds him. Doesn't Finneas have seasonal sickness?

"Are you alright?"

"... I'm fine."

Neo seems to be the only one who noticed Finneas' poor pallor. Before he could say anything, Tybalt interjected, having been deep in thought about something.

"Finny, your family's coming for the performance, too, right?"

This question seems to have triggered a shot of vitality into Finneas' posture, which made Neo think that the boy's ill-like symptoms were a mere illusion.

Finneas scoffed, wiping his mouth free of crumbs before responding. "Pherb is coming since he got himself a day off. The old man says he's not feeling well because he's a fucking coward who can't face his older-brother-in-law. If mother was still alive, she would have kicked his weak ass into hell."


Neo, Royce, and Tybalt couldn't help but feel pity for Viscount Dagon.

Having Professor Rickman as a brother-in-law is certainly terrifying...

"It's been a while since we saw Pherb. Has the Magic Tower been keeping him busy?" Tybalt switched topics, clearly aware that they have reached "dead mother" territory.

"He thrives in nerdy shit, so no. Apparently, he heard about me playing Gilde because the old man couldn't keep his mouth shut. Now he feels obligated to come see this shitty show."

Pherbian Wilbert Dagon.

The oldest son of Viscount Dagon and heir to the Dagon Legacy. He is a man of few words but a once-in-a-lifetime genius in Magic Engineering.

Neo has never met him in his first life. Pherbian has always been a mysterious figure, only popping up in the shadows and mentioned occasionally. The only information he remembered was that Pherbian is a very powerful man with a multitude of connections.

He was also a workaholic who only travels between the Magic Tower in the capital and the Dagon Manor.

Neo can relate to him.

A lot, actually.

Truly, great minds think alike.

There is nothing better than work.

And cakes.

But mostly work.

A voice piped up behind them before the conversation could go any further.

"Tybalt, is anyone from your family coming to see the performance?"

The quartet turned to the voice.

Fredrick Meyer was holding a piece of parchment with guest names. He had seen that the invitations given to Tybalt were all left in pristine shape, indicating that he had opted to not invite anyone to come to see the show.

Neo, Royce, and Finneas watched, slightly horrified, as the usually friendly and sly Tybalt frowned darkly, a black and thick tension surrounding him. It looked like he was suppressing great anger, repressing them back with effort.

In an instant, however, Tybalt returned back to smiling his usual smile, directing it sharply to Frederick, who looked like an obvious little shit.

"They can go fuck themselves for all I care."

And that was that. Their meal was eaten in silence and they quickly finished it within ten minutes.


"I see that none of you wish to be disappointments today."

Professor Rickman appeared in front of them out of seemingly nowhere, commenting on the fact that all of them were ready to enter the theatre.

"We will head inside the theatre and set the stage. Actors, get into your makeup and costume. Those working on technicians, you know your stations. Peregrine, meet me in the light booth. Your spotlights and timing have not improved since last week. It's either you have been sleeping throughout rehearsal or you're drinking something you shouldn't be--I swear to the gods if you've been sampling the night pearl fluids..." Professor Rickman trailed off, muttering a few choice words before he was back to scowling at all of them. "Well? What are you all waiting for? Get a move on. You all have one hour before curtain."

They all scattered like mice, heading straight into the theatre.

Neo was about to head toward the changing room when he paused in his steps.

"Oh, great..." He muttered.


Royce was the one who heard the other.

Neo sighed. "Can you cover for me?"

Royce tilted his head, unsure of what the youth is asking.

"I left my school bag in the classroom. The building locks up in ten minutes." Neo explained.

He forgot the bag because he was busy trying to haul around the food container.

Royce gave a thumbs up. "Sure. I'll see you in ten."

"Thanks, Roy. You're the best!"

They quickly separated, one heading to the changing room while the other dove into the crowd of students, quickly disappearing out the door.


Neo was relieved to see his school bag lying next to his desk.

Quickly grabbing it, he made to leave the empty classroom, practically running through the corridors toward the nearest exit of the building.

He would have to cut through the sword training field to get back to the theatre, which left him no choice but to run through the dirt path.

"--For not knowing his place."

"Give it back!"

"Or what? You'll tell your family?"


Neo halted in his steps.

"Where did you get this sword, anyway? Aren't the Dartmouths just a bunch of commoners? As if the Emperor would ever cast you his favors."

"You know nothing of my family! The Silver Ravens are just as honorable as you Golden Lions!"

He recognizes that voice.

And that's when Neo completely forgot about the performance and took a hard left towards the sound of the commotion.

The argument led him toward the weapon shed--or, the entrance of it.

And lo and behold, there stood Lester Dartmouth being ganged up by a bunch of first and second-year senior students.

The boy looked pretty beaten up, lying on the ground in a fetal position. There was still a stubborn look on his face, indicating his rage.

Neo saw red.

"What are you doing?"

The bullies froze when heard a chilling voice behind him.

They turn to the source of the voice and saw a black-haired youth with a sharp pair of vermillion eyes.

He looked familiar, somehow, but they didn't know where they've seen him.

"Brother Naza!"


"What?" One of the bullies sneered. "You're related to this guy?"

"He's my friend!" Lester snarled, which resulted in him getting kicked in the stomach.

The bully who sneered opened his mouth to make another taunt, but the courage to do so quickly trickled away as he felt an unusual presence oppressing him.

All the bullies turned toward the source.

Nazareth made an appearance at that moment, his eyes darken to a near bloody crimson as he stepped toward the sorry excuses for human beings before him.


The bullies had stuttered, trying to look unafraid despite the quiver in their voice.

Nazareth's steely stare pinned the miscreants in place, and in that moment, the nobles understood why weaker creatures fled in the presence of a predator.

"If you hurt him again, I will end your entire bloodline. I will wipe your puny manors straight off the face of this empire. Your families will perish while your deaths will be so long and drawn out, you will be begging me to end you."

They gaped in shock.

The boy had looked fairly harmless a few moments ago.

The bullies now regret angering him.

Nazareth stood in front of the group, his expression making them not dare to stay in his way. He stands in front of Lester and turns to the group.

"Touch him again and you'll find yourself devoid of all your limbs. Am I clear?"

They all paled, looking white as sheets, nodding hastily.

"Leave us." Nazareth sneered.

The bullies didn't have to be told twice. They were running off before Nazareth could even finish saying "us."

"Brother Naza?"

Lester's voice reawakens Neo from his anger. He blinks, his eyes shutting for a long moment as he breaths.

So much for changing.

He hasn't changed a bit if he can still channel himself as Nazareth.

"Are you okay?" Crouch down beside Lester, he could only ask in concern at the beaten-up boy.

Lester's large grey eyes stared at him for a moment, before they began tearing up.


Neo had the boy in his arms the very next moment.

"I'm sorry... I hadn't noticed... If only I did... I'm so sorry, Lester..."

He kept apologizing.

How long has Lester been bullied? Why hadn't he noticed?!

Lester cried against Neo's chest, allowing the other to run his hand down his back soothingly.

As Neo comforted Lester, he couldn't help but think about how late he was going to be.

Hopefully, Professor Rickman won't notice.



Royce turned to see Finneas and Tybalt in their costumes.

Finneas was sporting a very well-made black wig while Tybalt wore a fancy tail coat.

"Wow. You guys look great."

Tybalt also took in his dress and raised an amused brow.

"So do you. How did they get that wig to match your hair?"

Royce smirked and lifted his bangs. "Extensions. The donations went into getting us some high-quality hair. And comfortable skirts."

The dress for the Nurse costume was looser and gave him more wiggle room to fight in. It also came with a bloody one, but both were pretty comfortable to wear.

"Ah, to have money."

"Indeed." Everyone in the changing room agreed.

Amidst the excited energy, Lady Lettuse was the only one to ask, "Has anyone seen Nazareth?"


Neo and Lester sat together in silence.

Apparently, Lester had stayed behind at school to work on his sword form. He was recently gifted a new sword from his grandfather and wanted to test it out before those bullies confronted him.

Thankfully, the group of idiots had dropped the sword before taking off. Neo had helped Lester put it back safely.

"I haven't seen you around, Lester. How are you?"

"... Good..."

The air group quiet once more.

After a long moment, Neo stood up.

"Come on. Let me escort you back to your carriage."

Lester was helped up and Neo got him to the entrance of the Academy.

It was all a very tamed affair. There were no bullies to jump out of nowhere and ambush them. Neo had one hand around Lester, indicating to the boy that he was safe.

Assisting Lester onto the carriage, Neo couldn't help but tell the boy one more thing.

"If you aren't doing anything during the summer holiday, please feel free to come visit me. I am holding a gathering with everyone at my manor and I would like it if you'd come."

A bit of light seemingly appears in Lester's dull gaze and he can see the boy muster up a tiny smile.

"Okay, Brother Naza."

It was so cute, Neo couldn't help but reach out and pat the other on the head.

He smiled. "I'll look forward to seeing you!"


The carriage was closed and Neo sent the boy off with one final wave.


He has barely thirty minutes to get ready for the show!

Neo scrambled back toward the theatre building.

In his haste, he was unaware that he was being followed.


"Guys! We need to head backstage. Curtain is about to open in twenty minutes!" Lady Lettuse informed the cast.

Everyone quickly made final adjustments to their costumes, makeup, and hair before walking toward their destination.

Frederick looked around in confusion as he helped another student tighten their corset.

"Where's Nazareth?"


By the time Neo entered the theatre building, the changing room was already empty.

Everyone had left for the stage.

Neo cursed.

He grabbed his costume off the rack and quickly changed into it.

He doesn't have time for makeup.

Taking his blonde wig off the shelf, Neo placed it on and looked at the mirror.

He looks like a trap, therefore, adequate.

Good enough.

He scrambled for the red lipstick and haphazardly colored the palm of his hand.

In his moment of haste, the boy did not hear the distinct click of the door lock.


Julius was lost.

His younger sisters had been invited by their friend--who is playing a supporting character--to come watch the annual school play.

Julius would have rather not, seeing as Nazareth and his class is the ones performing the show, but being the responsible oldest sibling that he is, he ultimately agreed under the condition that they behaved themselves.

The condition was broken the moment they ran off to socialize with their other friends and he was left alone to find them seats.

During the waiting period before the show starts, Julius had felt a slight headache, so he left his seat to go find a restroom.

He was told that the restrooms were this way, but the more he walked, the more it looked like it was the backstage of the theatre.

He is familiar with the sight. His class, under the guidance of Professor Grint, had performed the Tragedy of Ohmlet the year before.

It is a bit like a rite of passage for all second-year senior students. No plays are alike, despite the same storyline. The interpretation of the play is mostly left to the students and teacher.

It is clear to Julius that he is now hopelessly lost. The last time he's been in this theatre was last spring, and he barely even wandered anywhere else besides the stage and the dressing room.

Giving up on finding a restroom--honestly, he just wanted to check his complexion, anyway--, the boy turned around and began heading back towards the audience hall.

Julius was about to exit the corridor when he noticed three suspicious-looking people sneaking around.

One of them held up a key with a gleeful expression, casually opening a window and tossing it out.

Judging by their state of dress, it didn't look like they were the performing students.

"... That'll teach him. The bastard should have thought twice before messing with us..."

"He's friends with Dartmouth. What do you expect? Trash like them sticks together..."

"... I don't know guys... Doesn't he look sorta familiar?"

Hold on.


Lester's friend?

Julius' mind ran rampant. The only person here tonight who is even remotely associated to Lester is...


So that means...

Julius scowled.

Sinking into the shadow of a corner, Julius waited for the right moment.

As the three students walked past him, he appeared before them like a ghost.

They jumped.


Julius lowered a glare at them, vermillion eyes narrowed into slits as he smiled amicably.


Good. They know who he is.

"Dartmouth's friend..." He began, his eyes piercing them like daggers.

He is satisfied to see them squirm under his gaze.

"Do you care to repeat your words, gentlemen? I am rather interested in what you have to say."

The three students exchanged looks, feeling a cold sweat break out.

It seems they have offended someone they shouldn't have...


Neo glared balefully at the door.

He is locked in.

Who the hell designed these doors!?

The theatre is a building in the Academy. There were occasional remodeling here and there every few decades, but the changing rooms are as old as his great-grandfather.

How the design of the door works is simple.

The locks are one-sided and require a key to open.

There is usually a key hanging outside that can be used to unlock and lock the room. The only problem is, if you're locked inside the room, there is no way out.

Stupid designs!

Now he's stuck in here and...

Neo takes a glimpse at the grandfather clock across the room.

Curtain is in seven minutes.

Great. Just great.

He's in a dress, he has makeup on, he's memorized his lines, and he's wearing a blonde wig.

He is ready!

But he's stuck.

Oh, by the gods...

Sinking into a chair, he sighs miserably.

Professor Rickman is going to kill him.


His head snaps up.

"Nazareth?! Can you hear me? It's Julius!"

The boy blinks. "Julius? What are you doing here?"

"Not important! Listen, a bunch of idiots locked you in and threw away the key. I sent them to go get--"

Neo shook his head despite knowing that Julius can't see him. "I don't think they'll make it in time. The show is about to begin."

There was a pause on the other side of the door... and then...

"Okay. Step away from the door. These hinges should be old enough for me to--"

"Julius, you literally have the worse constitution in this entire school. Do not even try."

Neo can already imagine the other passing out by doing something so recklessly. There has to be another way out or something--



Neo purses his lips. He hopes Professor Rickman won't kill him for this.

"You and your class did the Tragedy of Ohmlet last year, right?"

There was silence on the other end.

But then--

"... Yes?"

Neo smiled wryly. "Do you still remember your lines?"

"For Lady Rose?"


Julius still wasn't sure where Nazareth was going with this but answered nonetheless.

"You know my memory is impeccable."

"... I need you to go backstage and take my place as Lady Rose."

Silence reigned between them.

"I thought I would never suffer a second humiliation playing that character, but I am indebted to you, Odum."

Julius gritted his teeth. He had not forgotten about that day at the flower shop.

"You better be grateful. I'll send people your way to get you out."

Neo felt his shoulders sink in relief.

"Thank you so much, Julius. I owe you big time."

A snort was heard on the other side. "It's just me repaying you."

There was the sound of footsteps leaving.

Neo looked around the room.

"... I guess... I'm just going to have to wait..."


The curtains draw open.

Lady Lettuse stands with a peregrine smile on her face, the perfect narrator for the show.

"Long, long ago, before the birth of Rhine, there was a fair little town known as Ohmlet where two feuding families were at each other's throats. No one was for sure how this came to be but three generations back is what started it all..."

Behind the curtains, Tybalt and Royce looked around.

Finneas came up behind him.

"Where the fuck is Odum?"

Royce bit his lip. "He left an hour ago to get his school bag. He forgot it in the classroom."

Tybalt gave a confused look. "I don't think it should take him that long to retrieve his school bag."

The three friends exchanged looks, concern, confusion, and worry entering their eyes.

"We're about to go on," Finneas hissed, "Can someone go get Odum?"

"He's locked inside the changing room."

Someone appeared beside them, startling them.

The newcomer didn't even bat an eye. "Some bastards locked him in and threw away the key."

Tybalt took in this information and nodded. "Frederick?"

Frederick was helping another student with their wig when he was called.


"Do we have a spare key to the changing room?"

"... Yes?"

Tybalt nods. "Naza's stuck inside the changing room. Can you get him out?"

"On it."

Frederick raced out.


"As the years grew, the rivalry between these two houses drew severe consequences for all. Bloodstained hands and violence reigned but from the fatal bloodbath birthed a pair of star-crossed lovers, who escape with tragedies in their wake. Fearful of their families' rage upon each other, their misadventure results in the birth of a child, the curse of a demon, two families left in ruins, and a death-marked love. Please, with patient ears, listen to this tale. I present before you, the Tragedy of Ohmlet."

Lady Lettuse finished her monologue and came backstage.

"That's our cue," Royce mumbled, as he, Tybalt, and Finneas rushed onto the stage in preparation for the next scene.

If Neo doesn't appear, they're going to be screwed.

"Is Nazareth here, yet? He's supposed to be in this scene!" Lady Lettuse hissed, looking quite stressed.

She tried to look around before her gaze fell on a certain blonde Elysium.



"Aren't you supposed to be chaperoning April and May?"

Julius just now remembered that he had essentially left his younger sisters in the audience. "About that..."

After a brief explanation, Lady Lettuse could only sigh.

"You know the lines?"

"I played the role last year and burned the lines into memory," Julius responded confidently.

"Then get in there!"

Lady Lettuse helped him change into a spare costume.

They put light makeup on him and undid his ponytail, braiding them and adding accessories.

"How do I look?"

"Like a woman about to die. Get in there."


"Oh, my sweet, beautiful Rose--"

Finneas was still using his bullshitting skills to add more amazing lines to describe the beauty of Lady Rose.

Where the fuck is Odum?

"Your eyes like dew and pearls--"

"Gilde! My love! Is it you, my love? My love, oh, my enchanting love, the tempter of my mind, the seducer of my heart..."

That is not Odum.

Both Tybalt and Finneas tried to keep the unwanted emotions off their faces as someone who does not look like Nazareth appears on stage in Lady Rose's costume.

Julius finishes his monologue and swings his hands around Finneas' neck.

He smiles and then pinches the other's arm.

"Just go along with it." He hissed, before going back to looking "lovingly" at "Gilde."

"O-oh, my dear Rose. You are... finally here, my love..."

"My lady!"

Bless you, Benedick.

"Away with you, sir. How dare you seduce my Lady!"

And Phelan.

Finneas wanted to die.

Fuck this shit.


Vespera looked at the program a few more times before she turned to Gareth.

"It says here that Nazareth is playing Lady Rose."

Gareth nods, not understanding what his wife means.

"That is not Nazareth."

At this statement, Gareth looks closer.

Vermillion eyes, and what looks to be a long, blonde wig...

Wait, not. That's not a wig. That's actual hair...

The two parents looked at each other in confusion.


From the light booth, Professor Rickman and Robyne Peregrine watched quietly as Lady Rose appeared on stage.


"Yes, Professor?"

"Is it me, or did Odum's acting get better?"

Peregrine squinted his eyes, trying to see past the glare of the stage lights. He saw Nazareth performing his monologue with great fervor. He actually looks... enthusiastic.

"Maybe it's the wig, Professor. The hair looks very well-done."

"Hmm... perhaps."

This chapter is brought to you by Sweet Chaos by Day6.

Due to the whole Spotify and Kakao M ordeal, my playlist is now messed up. I'll still continue listing songs for this story, but if you guys find a song missing on TRVYMGTH Playlist, it means Spotify removed it.

Anyway, this was a rollercoaster ride because I was feeling all sorts of things while writing this chapter. Enjoy.

Clowdcreators' thoughts
Chapitre suivant