
Chapter Five: Problems

Netro drops to his knees and touches the ground with his eyes widened and shocked as Static Consumes him with full evil as Roxy and Netro side by side looking at Static "Find NaturalSfmStudios and Destory his team" Netro and Roxy walked away as if they were normal people as they left his lair "So where do we start Netro" Netro pulls up a screen through his mind "if we go to the north Natural and his friends will already be at a small village called milestone I'll try and find Unknown you find and kill Natural and his friends along with that other girl silver she blew my cover" Unknown underneath Netro and Roxy "Milestone I have to get there before she does Natural only needs that one small village to get through here, I have to reach him before it's too late" Unknown quietly sneaks out the front gate and runs through the forest, Natural and his friends stop by a small town called wavey trails "This is a place field with boring things let's get to Milestone" Silver grabs Neelys shirt "Not so fast we need to rest for a bet it's not like we're in a hurry" Natural looks at Silver "in a way we kinda are you see even though Unknown escaped and is probably trying to find us, we also have to defeat static void walker" silver frowns a bet "why I don't want to leave yet there's still more things I wanna check around, see what's good or see if anyone needs help you can't just jump village to village we need time to think first Natural that's the hole point of being a hero or whatever" NaturalSfmStudios thinks for second "Alright fine let's stay here for a bet or something" Zero puts down silvers stuff a takes a breather, Calabaza laughs at Zero while Scortris just looks and sits down. Neely looks around "These look interesting I wonder what it is" Natural sits by silver while the others are doing something else "If I didn't come what would've happened" Natural stays silent for a moment "it's not like I brought you for nothing, we had fun together with laughs and other stuff" silver smerks a bit "when you introduce me to your world I wasn't myself but then you showed me what its like to be a bigger person and to never give up" silver turns to NaturalSfmStudios "I role played my Fnaf with you all the time but being here is my biggest question" Natural looks down "I can't believe you put Unknown into my world a world that I wanted to stay in, being in the Fnaf universe was what I liked the most" Silver looks at Natural "But me and Unknown became best friends, but you never told Unknown that he was still trapped there. Why?" Natural looks up "if I had told him that he was trapped there he wouldn't have became stronger than he was before it was an experience" silver gets up furiously "but Unknown didn't know that HE WAS LEFT TO CARE FOR HIMSELF UNTIL YOU CAME TO CHECK UP ON HIM" Naturals eyes widened "it didn't mean to put him in another world it was hard to explain to him, as the days went by I tried to get Unknown back but Static Never let me he'd block my Narration from completing" silver understands "Oh okay I see now sorry if i got upset for no reason, I can't believe I went crazy I'm never like this, I'm sorry" Natural looks at her Suprised "me neither, but when you want to find the truth, it's hard to find it as it drives you crazy" Zero and Neely both practice there martial arts, Natural and silver both see them training "So Natural ever punched pads before" Natural crosses his arms "I use to box, but it never caught on to me not anymore" Natural jabs his left as he uses his right to hook "but I was never really interested into boxing so I stopped, now I'm regretting it" silver laughs "unlike you I have my own element it's called dark power, I used it a lot when I was in my own home or place, world whatever you want to called it" Silver laughs "looks like to me you had your own story before you came in this one right" Silver nods her head "right but it was more different than this one, it's hard to explain to be honest" Calabaza lays on the couch with Natural "Hey Calabaza what's up" Calabaza looks at Natural with his eyes closed "I'm tired" Natural turns to Silver "anyways we better get going to milestone" they all pack up there stuff as they head towards Milestone, they camped in the middle of the night. Unknown keeps running to get to Milestone, he sees someone up ahead and Unknown draws out his sword ready to strike, a charge blast hits Unknown, Unknown Quickly uses his sword as force field and was able to block the blast "you were always the brilliant one, and smart to think that your the only one thats stronger than anybody else but your not strong your weak" Unknown Uses his composed sword Stance and proficiently looks carefully as his hearing widens "Well then come out and fight me, if you think I'm not so strong" he laughs and he comes out of hiding "you took away my sister and now I'm going to kill you" Netro pulls out two blades and uses his stance "your a duel welder as I'm a single welder you minus well give up now" Netro stares at Unknown crazy "Bullshit, I'm going to kick your ass and send you back to Static Void Walker where you belong" Netro charges at Unknown, as Unknown puts his left leg back and his right leg forward and Unknown sprints at Netro making Unknown left leg boost his speed and spin crosses Netro and breaks both his blades before Netro could even make damage to Unknowns sword as Unknown uses smoke bomb to disappear "DAMMMAANNITTT" Netro pounds the ground with rage. Neely and Zero along with there friends came to Milestone "this is amazing I cant believe a small town could have jewelery" Silver looks to see a mysterious woman "hey do you know how muc-" the lady looks at silver with an evil look as she flips the tent and tries to grab Silver "oh don't be afraid it won't hurt after I kill you" Silver yells "Natural Natural" Natural and his friends came running to see what's wrong "what's going on with that lady" Silver gets behind Natural "Oh hey Natural Static Sent me to take care of all of you, today will be your final breath" Roxys eyes glowed red and she slams the ground hard making the ground crack as they all fall to the ground, Silver gets up and uses shadow ball from her hand and throws it at her making Roxy Doge it and uses Solar Flare as Natural breaths out wind and makes the Solar Flare disappear, Neely tries to electric punch Roxy but she was too fast for Neely, Roxy kept fast punching Neely as he blocked every one of her punches, as he jumps back "damnit she's to fast" Neely backs up as Scortris shadows flares and release a full dark blade and strikes Roxy "working together it stops now" Roxy uses fire breath and fire blasts as the flames spead hitting Natural and silver. Natural blocks the fire blast with his body protecting silver as Natural falls down in pain l "Natural, Natural stay with me" Silver holds NaturalSfmStudios Roxy kicks Scortris and he falls down "as for you, your finished" Roxy ties up Scortris with her metal ropes as Zero heals Natural Quickly as Zero tries to tornado kick Roxy, she grabbed Zeros neck and staves zero in his chest and throws him "Zero show her that death isn't just part of you" NaturalSfmStudios gets up and runs toward Scortris but Roxy Stops Natural and pulls him toward her "You will never win this fight you lost and your going to see your last breath" Natural couldn't break free as Roxy Staves Natural and Light almost disappears from the world "What's going on the world is-" Neely ran to help Natural "Natural told me that if he dies the world will Disappear, Natural don't you let go of this world", a loud foot step came rushing threw and a combo blade slits Roxy making her hole body pour out blood as she recovers quickly.