

Auteur: 铁锤妞妞
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What is 穿越之青蛇小札

Lisez le roman 穿越之青蛇小札 écrit par l'auteur 铁锤妞妞 publié sur WebNovel. 赶时髦碰上穿越,岂料一睁眼看到的不是美男,而是邋遢糟老头,糟老头子身份来头这么大,不过我咋成了一条小青蛇?说好的穿越开挂泡美男走上人生巅峰呢?还变不成人形?我太难了!恶毒女配请走开,软萌女二快过来!哎~我说那个美男,修炼之路漫漫,要不要跟我谈个恋爱?读者交流群~779196834~...


赶时髦碰上穿越,岂料一睁眼看到的不是美男,而是邋遢糟老头,糟老头子身份来头这么大,不过我咋成了一条小青蛇?说好的穿越开挂泡美男走上人生巅峰呢?还变不成人形?我太难了! 恶毒女配请走开,软萌女二快过来! 哎~我说那个美男,修炼之路漫漫,要不要跟我谈个恋爱? 读者交流群~779196834~

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One Piece Reincarnation: The True Pirate Empress

Texas girl, Marina Azulee was new 18 year old orphaned high school graduate about to start her college life. She loves animals, especially turtles and even goes to a specialized high school for it veterinary studies, she even got a full scholarship to a college that specializes in marine studies. You might think that she didn’t really have a social life in high school that she got a scholarship, but your wrong she was even the most popular girl in her school, (looked like Angelina Jolie) all the boys looked at her drooling and the girls saw her as an idol. There were always boys confessing to her every week but she shot all of them down even though they knew she was lesbian . She had just left home to move to her college campus when a storm warning sounded the town. When she panicked to find a storm shelter she saw a pregnant women and her little girl being pushed around in the panic, she ran to them and pulled them along to the shelter, they were the last ones in when the hurricane hit the doors were shacking as the shelter was old everyone tied them selves to any pipe or pillar they could. The winds blew harder as she tried to keep the doors closed untying herself from a nearby pillar and using her rope to the mother daughter pair up more secure , but she couldn’t and was pulled with it the last thing she saw was the little girls eyes wide open in shock but she just smiled glad she could do something good then she closed her eyes and sank into the dark. Then she woke up in a white room in, in front of her was a beautiful women who seemed too perfect to be real, next to her a little boy with a dejected look on his face. She introduced herself as the goddess or the Omni verse, she told her that she wasn’t supposed to dies yet, as she would have started a movement to change the word and save the planet. But she died due to her son sneezing and causing a hurricane to appear near her town at that time. As compensation action she would revive her in her choice of fictional world with three wishes , she didn’t really like fiction but she did find one anime interesting enough so she chose One Piece world and her wishes were for 1 paramicia df turtle turtle no mi(create and control any and all species of turtles ) 2 voice of all things 3 to be a succubis . She asked to transmigrated into a body with her same looks on a deserted island, her 3rd wish left the goddess a little surprised at first till she remembered her preferences but she granted them with an amused smile, and even gave her a little surprise when she woke up. Watch as Azulee D Marina sets out to sea on an adventure to gather friends, turtles, see all types of marine life and maybe make her own harem.

MonkTsuki · Anime et bandes dessinées
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birth of ruthless queen

## The Forging of a Queen: A Synopsis **A princess. A betrayal. A destiny forged in fire.** Princess Amara never craved a crown. Raised in the shadow of her ruthless older brother, she yearned for a life of scholarship and exploration, not the suffocating halls of the palace. However, fate has a cruel sense of humor. When a shocking betrayal tears her world apart, Amara finds herself thrust onto the Korvan throne. **A Kingdom in Turmoil** Korva, once a beacon of prosperity, is now a land fractured by internal strife and threatened by enemies on all sides. Greedy nobles plot in the shadows, whispers of rebellion stir in the provinces, and a powerful neighboring empire casts a covetous eye on Korvan lands. **A Ruthless Transformation** Grief and rage war within Amara. The naive princess must harden her heart and embrace the mantle of leadership. She navigates the treacherous court, learning to wield power as a weapon. She gathers allies, both within the palace and amongst the common people, those yearning for a just ruler. **Trials by Fire** Amara's reign is a baptism by fire. She faces rebellions, assassination attempts, and political maneuvering that would test the most seasoned ruler. She learns the harsh realities of war, the agonizing choices that come with defending a crown. **The Birth of a Legend** Through cunning strategy, unwavering resolve, and a touch of ruthlessness, Amara overcomes every obstacle. She outwits her enemies, inspires loyalty in her followers, and reforms a broken kingdom. Korva begins to heal, its strength renewed under her iron fist. **A Legacy Forged** Amara's transformation is complete. The naive princess is gone, replaced by a queen who commands respect, inspires awe, and strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies. She is Amara the Ruthless, a legend whispered in both fear and admiration throughout the land. **This is just the beginning...** The synopsis leaves the story open for further exploration. Here are some ideas for sequels: * Amara faces a new external threat, forcing her to unite a fractured region to confront a common enemy. * The consequences of Amara's ruthlessness come to light, forcing her to confront the cost of her choices. * Amara's legacy is challenged by a new generation, questioning the methods that brought Korva back from the brink.

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Kuru Tomo, a 15 year old half Japanese boy born in South Korea. He attended a prestigious School filled with rich students. But for the past 3 years since the death of his parents and little sister. His been severely bullied by the schools delinquents. It cased his death within the boys toilet. After waking up within (HALL OF THE END). Kuru finds himself kneeling in front of the Four Horseman that will bring judgment day too all man kind. Death, Famine, Pestilence and War. “What a pathetic State your in. To die with your dead dipping in piss water.” “wh..wh..why…, why would God’s as great as you want from someone like me?” “Because of the darkness within you. You have such a great heart for kindness and yet you have just as much in your heart as well.” “I’ve… I’ve always felt it but I’m weak. I could never fight back. Why you ask me to become your disciple. I’m weak! I’m a coward! I’m an outsider! I’m trash! And all… All….all I want to know is why does everyone hate me so much!” Kuru cried as he fell on his knees. Death stood up from his throne bones and knelt down on one knee. Even tho it didn’t make a difference in his giant titan size body. Yet kuru did not look up. “ If you become our disciple. You will become the strongest there is and ever will be. Even tho you died I can give you a second chance at life.” Kuru looked up at him tears in his eyes. “I will give you Monster strength and deadly skill.” War said as he stood up from his throne of weapons. “I will give you the power of Greed and and Envy.” Famine said as he stood up from his throne of bugs, money and food. “I will teach a 1000 of the most deadly different poisons in a 1000 different ways.” Pestilence said as he stood up from his throne of sick and dying sinners. Death stood back up over shadowing Kuru and he said. “and I, Death. Will teach you all the ways of death, the true fear of Death and the ways of the reaper. After you accept our terms you will be freed and given a second chance to continue your life where you died.” Kuru used his sleeve to wipe away his tears and determination in his yes. “what do I have to do to?” “10 000, devote to us 10 000 years and you will be freed. You go through harsh training. You die a million times and be brought back a million times. You suffer greatly, so far that you lose your sanity. Do you Tomo Kuru still accept?” Kuru’s mind flowed will all the punishment and harsh bullying he had gone through and then the memory of him being his at his parents funeral, crying all alone. “ I accept “

DevilsDead69 · Romance
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Volume 1
Volume 2


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General Audiencesmature rating