

Auteur: 日行血族
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What is 病娇系统很爱你

Lisez le roman 病娇系统很爱你 écrit par l'auteur 日行血族 publié sur WebNovel. 故事讲了高颜值的人性系统如何同宿主一起推翻主神大大的领导自己掌控世界的故事。...



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Widowed Bettina Palmer was shock when she heard her ex Antonio Madras is back in town. The man she had left to marry his worst enemy after he sent him to jail, who had later on left town heart broken and bitter. Billionaire Antonio blinded by his hatred for Bettina but the inability to keep his hands off her as they were consume with sizzling passion whenever they were together. In his quest for revenge, he fell more and more in love with her till he realizes why he can never let her go cause she will forever remain his. Excerpt: "Do you regret it?", She heard the voice of the man she had been thinking of when she wanted to leave. ANTONIO She had turned so fast her face going white with shock as she had thought earlier that she was alone. "When did he come or was he here before me", she wondered looking at him as he stood up. He had stood up slowly in all his 6ft2inches glory to stare down at her as he repeated his question. She realized that she couldn't speak. " Cat got your tongue?", he asked her as he drew closer to her and look down at her. "T...T", she had stuttered not knowing what to say to him cause she had always planned to avoid him not speak with him. " Don't call me that ", he shouted as he held her chin making her face hurt. " You lost the right to call me that when you betrayed our love", he whispered as gold eyes met grey. " I am sorry", she whispered as tears stream down her eyes. She didn't know what he planned to do as he kept on holding her but she didn't expect the kiss from him. The shock did not make her respond at first while he forcefully probe her mouth open with his tongue. Overcoming the shock, she had open her mouth taking in his tongue and letting out a moan. The kiss was a rough one like when a person is starved for so long of a meal. He had roughly taken her blouse apart, popping buttons as he continue kissing her. She had moaned into his mouth when he roll her pointed and arouse nipples with his hands.

jerqueency99 · Urbain
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9 Chs

Deseo Incontrolable

Todos somos únicos y especiales, todos tenemos nuestras particularidades que nos hacen sobresalir entre los demás. Con el pasar del tiempo unas características se han interpuesto sobre las demás en la norma social: los cuerpos esbeltos, los vientres planos y los rostros perfilados; se han convertido en dicha norma victimizando a toda mujer que no posea dichas cualidades. Yanelis es una de esas chicas, toda su vida a sido víctima de la marginación y de discriminación debido a su peso. Aunque la sociedad la haga sentir aparte y sin esperanzas de mejorar, Yanelis a decidido ignorar todo comentario negativo y probar de qué está hecha, progresando en la vida y dándose a valer. Después de varios intentos de búsqueda de empleo en su lucha por un mejor porvenir, al fin encontró un trabajo como secretaria en un consultorio médico.  Su nuevo jefe, el Dr. Maykel; es un hombre serio y recto que lleva su consultorio de una manera demandante y perfeccionista. El Dr. Es un hombre misterioso y extraño, pero se ha decidido a ayudar a Yanelis a crecer como profesional, pero a la misma vez pondera sin rebelarle su mas profundo secreto. Maykel tendrá que decidir entre vivir la vida reprimiendo su secreto por miedo a ser repudiado o confiar en Yanelis entendiendo que ella también a sido víctima de la constante lupa fiscalizadora de la sociedad. ¿Podrá Yanelis romper con los estereotipos implantados por la sociedad y al fin encontrar su felicidad holística?  ¿Qué secreto oculta el Dr. Maykel y cómo involucra el mismo a Yanelis?

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Volume 1
Volume 2


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