

Auteur: 想枕头的瞌睡
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What is 末日领主

Lisez le roman 末日领主 écrit par l'auteur 想枕头的瞌睡 publié sur WebNovel.   末日降临、山河倾覆,世界被彻底游戏化,而且还是一款集建设、冒险、生活为一体的游戏。  在末日中苟延残喘一年之久的程阳重生到末日降临前两天,且看他如何以天地为棋盘、城池为棋子,演绎一场不一样的末日之战。  PS:每天两更,时间中午12点,晚上19点,如果支持给力,还会爆发哦!请各位大大放心收藏……...


  末日降临、山河倾覆,世界被彻底游戏化,而且还是一款集建设、冒险、生活为一体的游戏。   在末日中苟延残喘一年之久的程阳重生到末日降临前两天,且看他如何以天地为棋盘、城池为棋子,演绎一场不一样的末日之战。   PS:每天两更,时间中午12点,晚上19点,如果支持给力,还会爆发哦!请各位大大放心收藏……

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Fade to white

This is my first time writing something. The story might have a ton of plot holes, but its mostly just experimentation for... well future works.... i mostly likely wont. Feel free to have any input as you want, especially constructive criticism, i need to know the level of comprehensive mind i have to even write something decent. You can also give me ideas that you might want implemented into the story. This is not going to be for people who have trouble with things mentality as the things that i will go to detail on can be traumatic events that you might have experienced.... and no i haven't experienced any of the events that will be in the story.So a TRIGGER WARNING is assured and advise you to take precautions and take care of your health, mentally or physically. As i said, most of this is a experimentation for future projects, so most of the ideas you give may end up in future projects.... of course i will give credits to the people who did....and no i have no money to give you. I wont go into details about how i will the story will go but...i will give just enough information for you to get a grasp of what im aiming for. Its basic a fan-fic reacarnation, where the MC is dead, gets to pick three powers or powers of characters he wants... but of course there will be limits. As for the characters powers he will choose, it will be Zangetsu/Whites abilities/appearance but with the half long hair, like Dangai ichigo, With a mix of Gojo Satoru's (JJK) six eyes and ability and Increased comprehension and strength growth.It might get frustrating to read, mostly because the MC.... isn't going to have a fun time. As of the world he will be going to, it will be a world i created on my own with some inspirations from animes, manwhas, mangas and movies. He will be placed in the typical isekai lookin worlds but with a more realistic tune to it.He could get a harem, but i dont actually like that kinda shit, it makes it feel like the other characters have no real connection to the MC other than being a sex symbol. I could possibly change my mind in the future but, i ultimately want something that doesn't have to do with that sort of thing. If you read this whole thing then.... heres a cookie (i dont have a cookie) Dont take this story too seriously considering its my first time writing something and im not really serious of putting too much effort into it. If i find it fun and a learning experience, i could possibly take my chances to really try, but,i'd have to know if im shit at it or not so you will mostly likely have to tell me.....and thank you for reading and giving your criticisms if you do..... you could also tell me to quit... but i would tell you to go fuck yourself :)

Dlayzie · Fantaisie
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Princess Outside The Palace

The king's daughter was send out from the palace by the used of and extreme strong taboos and magics. Because the girl was get birth from one of the slave that's inside the big kingdom. The princess is jealous about the prince's blood daughter. Because she didn't have any child with the prince. She used to treat her in a bad way. The girl is not bothering her self for the leadership and status that she was became from. Other prince relatives are busy fighting for the reign of the relationship. All what they are fighting for, is to killed the present prince and also been at his position of ruling. The grant that was deliver the king's daughter was send outside from the palace by the princess permission. The grant was thought that the baby that she deliver was dirth. Because that's what the nurse thought her after the delivery. And all these was designed by the used of the princess's crafties and schemes. ******* The king's daughter was send out from the palace by the used of and extreme strong taboos and magics. Because the girl was get birth from one of the slave that's inside the big kingdom. The princess is jealous about the prince's blood daughter. Because she didn't have any child with the prince. She used to treat her in a bad way. The girl is not bothering her self for the leadership and status that she was became from. Other prince relatives are busy fighting for the reign of the relationship. All what they are fighting for, is to killed the present prince and also been at his position of ruling. When the princess realized that one of the slave that her husband prince was took his night toger with she's pregnant. Is by then, the princess went and get consort with another man from outside. At that time the princess too, she became pregnant. She was try to abort the pregnancy from the slave, because she's seriously jealous for it. All what she want is to get a baby with princess only her alone. So that at the end the child is the one who will rule the whole nation. The grant that was deliver the king's daughter was send outside from the palace by the princess permission. The grant was thought that the baby that she was deliver was death since immediately the time that she deliver the new born baby. And which is not true and exactly what was happened. Because that's what the nurse thought her after the delivery, when she came back to her normal sense. And all these was designed by the used of the princess's crafties and schemes.

Aisha_Aliyu_2637 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs
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Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1 :正文
Volume 2 :VIP卷


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