

Auteur: 骰子先生
Actuel · 10.2K Affichage
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What is 木叶之舞器大师

Lisez le roman 木叶之舞器大师 écrit par l'auteur 骰子先生 publié sur WebNovel. 原名火影之舞器大师,感谢支持。炎炎扫了扫众小强好奇的目光,淡定的打开盒子,缓缓介绍到:“这一层的刀,分别是天、地、将、法、智、信、仁、勇,作为刑审之用” “这个家伙......”看着这八柄奇形怪状的刀众小强头皮一麻 “第二层这六柄,用于战斗处决。一杀战场之敌,二杀情报间谍,三杀任务抗命,四杀通敌叛村,五杀同伴相残。最后一把。呵呵.....刀名“奉天成仁”” ...


原名火影之舞器大师,感谢支持。 炎炎扫了扫众小强好奇的目光,淡定的打开盒子,缓缓介绍到:“这一层的刀,分别是天、地、将、法、智、信、仁、勇,作为刑审之用” “这个家伙......”看着这八柄奇形怪状的刀众小强头皮一麻 “第二层这六柄,用于战斗处决。一杀战场之敌,二杀情报间谍,三杀任务抗命,四杀通敌叛村,五杀同伴相残。最后一把。呵呵.....刀名“奉天成仁”” 炎炎冷冷一笑,故作淡漠的说道 “留给任务失败无法逃脱时自杀用。” “这家伙是个狼火啊”众小强惊悚不已

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SINNOCENT DARK: She Was Too Innocent, So I Got F*cked Alongside Her

[Mature Content Warning: The mega R-18, guilty adaptation to the novel Sinnocent] They say innocence is bliss, but what happens when innocence meets hardcore corruption triggered by your precious childhood friend? 'Oh dear me, Maya is so innocent' Everyone would say. From the onset of primary school her devilish naivety was apparent ever since she brought in an erotic magazine for show and tell. Tonight it ends. Her purity. Her naivety. Her innocence. Welcome to the Dark Side, Maya... Or that was what was supposed to happen- "I heard you played me with a vibrator today.." She whispered, as a mechanic whirring sound echoed before my broken body. "Mie.. Whatever you heard today.. nnngh~" I moaned out as she taped the two buzzing vibrator eggs onto my charred nipples. "Shh.. don't speak.. you damn slut.." #Yuri begins on Chapter 12 --------- Once forbidden on webnovel for *ahem* reasons. The Dark version returns edited, covering a smutty series of events that will almost always be R-18. Somehow the first chapter is not. Unfortunate. ---------- Upload Schedule: 1 Chapter / Week (Thursdays) Note: If you like the novel, please check out the consensual version of the story, Sinnocent: She Was Too Innocent, So I Got F*cked Alongside Her. I don't own the cover. If the creator wants me to take down the cover or put credit, please notify me by replying to my review at the Review section. That being said, credits go to Yoneyamai, feel free to support her works! Twitter: @p_slarom

Professor_slaroM · Fantaisie
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39 Chs
Table des matières
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Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1 :火之寺
Volume 2 :木叶之卷
Volume 3 :根部之主


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