

Auteur: 戴帽子的香烟
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What is 大秦之天柱崛起

Lisez le roman 大秦之天柱崛起 écrit par l'auteur 戴帽子的香烟 publié sur WebNovel. 这是一个为人所熟知的时代,是老秦人浴血打下来的江山,焚书坑儒也罢,修长城也好,这是秦人的天下。这是一个陌生的世界,有人在江湖朝堂,有妖魔在北方虎视眈眈。这是一个怪力乱神的时代,有人一剑断江截流,有人一拳崩山碎岳……帝国还没有走向辉煌,已经内忧外患,心力交瘁的秦始皇终于让秦国嬴姓姬氏最得意的麒麟儿走出了深宫,一头扎进了暗流涌动的天下……...


这是一个为人所熟知的时代,是老秦人浴血打下来的江山,焚书坑儒也罢,修长城也好,这是秦人的天下。 这是一个陌生的世界,有人在江湖朝堂,有妖魔在北方虎视眈眈。这是一个怪力乱神的时代,有人一剑断江截流,有人一拳崩山碎岳…… 帝国还没有走向辉煌,已经内忧外患,心力交瘁的秦始皇终于让秦国嬴姓姬氏最得意的麒麟儿走出了深宫,一头扎进了暗流涌动的天下……

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Mate Of The Dark Lord

Warning : Mature Content >>>>> EXCERPT Out of all the times she cared for him, this seemed to be the peak as his emotions and desires for her was no where near stable. He believed the day she would she would get to know his real identity it would be their last day together but never in his most beautiful dreams he imagined this.. " I-It must have hurt right, to be waiting for someone you thought to be non-existent , to be so alone for so so long.." she sobbed as her eyes filled with tears and sympathy for all his longings. Her those big innocent eyes never failed to drive him crazy. Cupping both her cheeks in his long rough hands, he cooed in his deep husky voice "If the result of all those lonely nights is you, I swear to goddess Agnes I will do it all again" He reached out and caught her mouth in his for a deep and fervent kiss. He kissed her hungrily, savoring the taste of her lips as if it would disappear the next second. Her lips seemed like the forbidden fruit which itself come to him to be loved, cherished and destroyed. The moment his eyes meet hers he knew he was caught forever in the web of her innocent seduction. English is not my first language, so please expect some grammatical errors and feel free to correct me . The picture in cover is not mine. Credits to the real owner. The story is written by me. Word limit : 1k-2k per chapter THE CHARACTERS IN THIS NOVEL ARE COMPLETELY BASED ON MY IMAGINATION AND HAVE NO RELATION TO THE REALITY.

_LoVee_ · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


*本文女扮男装,重生爽文,魔幻微烧脑天赋设定,主娱乐圈附世界线* *一对一双强双洁,男女主携手成长强大* 祁凤:当红流量,颜值逆天,演技绝羡,却是圈内奇葩的“养老人员”。 凰族:一年只拍一部戏,综艺代言一个都没有的糟心凤少了解一下? 就在凤凰粉佛系追星,只盼别退圈让她们彻底看不到人时,突然发现:爱豆居然认真营业了! 粉丝普天同庆,世界上的另一群人却陷入了谜之沉默… 组织众人:头铁的祁大人终于想开了? R组:呃…突然就多了个打入敌人内部的队友? talent:这明星怎么和我那身亡的可怜女鹅那么像? “洛沐,就你这傻白甜的性子,怎么当队长啊!” “我——!” “算了,先护你一段时间吧。” 这一段,由生护到了灭。 “凤凤,别走好吗?” “对不起。” “我陪你!” 这一陪,不惜断送家族百年努力! 近日,看着自家小混蛋面前突然冒出的一众青梅竹马、救命恩人、患难之交···洛沐脸色越来越黑。 追!麻溜追!再等下去老婆都要没了! 终于有一天,妖孽祁凤性别女的秘密揭露后,全民沸腾! 众粉丝:“都让开!这是我老婆(老公)!” 洛沐暗笑:先下手为强,古人诚不欺我! *他们都在守护世界,而我,只想守护你!*

雪柠团子 · Général
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The Keeper’s Quest

In a world overrun by monsters, humans cling to survival in four strongholds, barely venturing beyong their walls. Far far back into the past, the sprawling domains once governed by humanity have faded into the mists of time, their memory all but lost. Forgotten are the knowledge and innovation of the past world, buried beneath the sands of oblivion. Yet, the resilient survivors of the monster invasion proved far from powerless. Harnessing newfound abilities and sorcery-infused technology, they averted the brink of total annihilation of humankind. Erecting formidable walls and fortresses, they forged four bastions, each standing resolute and independent, safeguarding humanity for a thousand years. ….. A millennium past, the world underwent a profound transformation that tilted the scales in favor of the animal kingdom, granting them unprecedented prowess and intellect. Simultaneously, humanity experienced an awakening—a convergence of latent abilities and the mystic arts of sorcery. For a thousand years, this monumental shift has shaped the course of existence, endowing humans with newfound powers and resilience while fundamentally altering the dynamics of their struggle against the monstrous forces that threatened their very existence.In the aftermath of the monster invasion, the mundane humans were swiftly annihilated, their existence snuffed out by the relentless onslaught of monstrous adversaries. Only the awakened ones, blessed with newfound abilities and sorcery, managed to survive the cataclysm, standing as the lone survivors amidst the ruins of a world forever changed.

Earlybird150324 · Fantaisie
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Rise Of The Demon Alpha

The forest was quiet, and everything was still. The gentle northern wind sweeping through the trees and dried leaves brought nothing but a sense of foreboding and despair as Raphael crawled into his cave and huddled against the dirt stained walls. Stifling the moan of anguish that escaped his mouth, he pressed hard on the cut below his ribs. The blood stopped flowing briefly, as he dug some sticky clay from underneath the roots of the oak tree and applied it to his injury. It stopped the blood flow instantly. He was aware of the giant slash across his back, but he was too exhausted to attend to it. 'Later' he thought to himself, leaning back as he shut his eyes. He was lucky to have escaped with his life. "They will pay for this. I will get my revenge soon enough," he muttered to himself as the owl perched on the branch of the oak tree above hooted ominously. He had become his neighbour for the past few weeks, his hooting always reminding him that he may not be the only living thing in the forest. Other days, the silence was impregnable, the eerie quiet sending chills down his spine. As he slowly started to slip into unconsciousness, he heard a dull thud on the dirt outside the cave, too faint for a normal person to hear. But Raphael was no ordinary person. Crouching behind the roots of the tree, he waited patiently as the sniffing began. He made a silent prayer, to no one in particular as he saw the red eyes right outside his cave. They locked eyes with each other, and the enormous wolf bared his canines at him, before howling into the night. All around the forest, several other howls answered, as the earth began to tremble under the numerous paws thundering above it. 'Here we go again,' he thought to himself.

Najeeb_naseer · Fantaisie
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Projects Life Force: Journey of Six Hero

2116 P.D (Post Divergence) Pasca revolusi industri, ditemukannya teknologi mesin uap membuka horizon baru bagi tiap negara di bumi Victoria ini untuk terus mencari dan membuka lembar baru, mengembangkan ilmu soal sumber energi mereka. Tahun demi tahun, dekade demi dekade, abad demi abad mereka lewati. Sang bumi terserap kering. Eksploitasi Sumber Daya Alam meruak, membuat ladang rumput luas nun hijau menjadi tanah kering nan gersang. Hutan, sungai, dan danau tercemar dengan limbah industrial, hanya meninggalkan rawa dengan tingkat keasaman tanah yang begitu tinggi. Tahun 2386 P.D Di waktu ketika bumi Victoria tengah sekarat. Asap hitam yang mengepul di udara, mengotori kanvas langit nan indah, putih, dan awan awan yang terang. Dititik ini. Sang pencipta masih memberi secercah harapan bagi umat yang hidup di muka bumi ini. Berupa energi alam yang dinamakan LIFE FORCE. Tersimpan disetiap langkah, desah nafas, dan setiap hal yang makhluk hidup lakukan di atas bumi ini, diiringi oleh arus LIFE FORCE tiap detiknya. Akan tetapi, ada beberapa orang yang ingin memanfaatkan teknologi Life Force untuk keuntungan mereka sendiri, dengan dalih untuk memajukan teknologi, Life Force akan sangat di perlukan. Tetapi mereka yang mengetahui kebenaran di balik hal tersebut, membentuk sebuah organisasi untuk menguak rahasia dari para petinggi perusahaan yang bernama The Ambrosia. Malam itu, sekumpulan organisasi bernama resistance. Melancarkan serangan ke sebuah reaktor di District 7, Metrodom, di bantu oleh Kosef, dan 5 orang lainnya bersama-sama menghancurkan Reaktor di distrik 7.

Youko_Aihara · Fantaisie
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Table des matières
Latest Update
Volume 1 :风起东郡
Volume 2 :九州风云
Volume 3 :狼烟四起
Volume 4 :九州乱


  • Tarif global
  • Qualité de l’écriture
  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial


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General Audiencesmature rating