
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · Fantaisie
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21 Chs


sun was just standing there not moving as he was having a lot of thoughts in his mind...

''Sun Sun Sun...'' shouted by Ethan as he let Cato have Isaac

"can I run away, no I don't think I will be able to run away even If i did he would just catch me" thoughts in ethan.

Ethan stood up and looked at sun who was just standing doing nothing..

''Sunnn'' shouted once more as he looked at him..

finally sun snapped out and looked at the situation as he looked issac who was laying down and ethan who was looking at him and the guy who appeared..

ethan realize that sun has finally snap out ''we gotta defeat him or we will all die here , i don't know how long the elder will take to reach here so we have to do it''

sun looked and nodded at him..

the guy suddenly appear before sun and punch him in the gut as sun was in great pain as he was on his knee but grab his clothes as he tries to hit him with his head but fails as he dodge it and punch it on the chest as sun stood there for a while unmoving as he finally falls down on the ground..

ethan charged at him as he punch but he dodge it and grab his hand and looked at him as he hit him in the face while ethan was struggling to let his hand go..

ethan finally gives up as he was getting beaten as he let go ethan hand and walk towards cato and issac..

cato stood up as he let go of issac and look at him as it shook him a little..

ethan crawl towards sun ''sun, i know that we haven't talk or did anything together but this time let do it together'' as he stood up and looked at him '' let us work together to overcome this ''

sun was hesitant as he had put his hand on his chest ''i don't want to but-but we will have to'' as in sun thought he didn't wanted to work together as he wanted to do it alone but he was still weak and lack experince on it...

he was looking at cato '' you boring ''

but cato back kick him but he block it with his hand and grab tightly his leg as it was hurting and make him lose his balance but ethan throws a stone at him which make him let go of his leg and dodge...

he looked back at ethan and smile at him as he charge toward him but the sun came and kick him from the side which push him a little as he walks toward sun but ethan use his shoulder to push him but it didn't work but cato came and start hitting both of his leg as finally he was push till the hit the hit as sun punched him in his face and sometime his chest...

he finally hit ethan back multiple times which ethan finally let go of him and grab sun face as he was off the ground but suddenly something hit him from behind as he looked to see who it was,it was issac who did that as he looked at him, he slam sun to the tree as he walked toward issac as he hit him and same with cato and grab his leg that was hurt as cato scream...

he finally let go of his leg and looked at them ''so this is enough, from now on i am your teacher''

everyone looked at him surprisedly and terrified at the same time.

'' i know i know i did all of this for you guys to know how much strong are you even thought the elder might have different thought on doing this as i have my own''

''what? the elder knows''

''here i have some medicine for you guys so that you can heal up and we can go to village''

they were now relax as they knew he was not here to kill them..

they said nothing but did as he told them to..

they finally return to the village as they saw the villager was arranging food and designing the places

''what is this for '' ask by ethan to one of the villager working

''oh you guys have return, the elder wants the villager to have fun today and well your new teacher is also here''

''he really is our new teacher''

"the villiager did a wonderful job at lighting the villiage" as the new teacher said

"oh yes, some are still lighting up"

at night, sun was sitting alone as he was looking at his grandpa and the new teacher as they were talking together..

issac approach sun and give him his hand

''sun, you were a great help today, you know we need you as you need us so let us be friends i don't know why you don't want to be or did we did something to you but that's all in the past and now let us be friend''

sun didn't know what to say, but he remembered his past

he helps everyone that wanted his help deny no one even though he was being used left and right as being kind was in his nature but him no one wanted to help him, his friends tells him to talk more but when he does , they act like they didn't hear and don't even want to listen as he always get left behind in friends birthday or going somewhere as he never was invite even if he told them he wants to be...he trusted them but they all betray him as he was always alone;it was all darkness..

maybe this time, this time maybe i can trust them

he looked at his grandpa, and his grandpa was smiling at him

''thank you'' in low voice as he grab issac hand as he felt like overcoming his darkness and light coming...

''lets go with the others and i have something to show you''

as they cross the bridge, he realizes the bridge that was broken was all repair in those few days as he stopped and stomp his feet on the bridge as the bridge was all strong and new as he looked at the river as the river was now clear as well.

''what's wrong sun''

sun smile as he looked at them ''nothing, let's go'' as they pass the bridge together and went over.

''look, we have built a house in the biggest tree''

as they enter, the tree was the biggest around as he enter, it was kind of dark..

"cato, catch the candle"

as Cato caught the candle as ethan light it up as he put it in the middle as all four of them looked at the burning

meanwhile, in the party ,as the new teacher stood up and went to the tree nearby

pouring his drinks on the tree ''this is for you''


''another one again'' said as he was breathless ''i have been running far from there and yet they have come this far ''

he waited as the person came as he leap from the tree and attack him on his back as he put his arm around his neck choking him..

''tell me who you are''

''my old teacher sent me here to train some kids from a village''

''so you are not here for me''

'' no i am not ''

''oh i am mistaken'' he let go as he knew he couldn't kill him at that time...

''where are you going''

''my teacher told me to go straight until i found a village''

''oh i am sorry that i did that to you''

''oh don't worry about it, mistake can happen''

''i got some medicine that i can applied ''

''no that won't be necessary''

''oh that will be since i am the one who did it please let me do it''

as he was sitting down and he was putting some medicine on his neck''

''here'' he gave a pill to him ''you know the famous pill right?'' he looked at him confused ''this pill here will help increase your strength as well heal everything that you have a problem''

he looked at him as he swallow the pill and gave some water from his bag..

''so this village who are you training''

''there is a four kids that I will have to train but i am interested in 1 person , my teacher told me he was born from stone which doesn't happen at all but it happened in the past like thousands years ago''

as he was talking, the guy tries to put his arm around his neck but he escape

''you, you do that again''

''well i guess you realize it''

''you..''it burned on his neck ''you, what did you put''

''oh it is something that needs to be done''

'you..'' he charge towards but he fall down while doing as something was happening inside of him as he screamed in pain..

he looked down on him as he was on the ground ''pathetic''

he grabbing his clothes as he tries to stand up but he then use his hands to make him stand as he turn him over and crack his neck....

he looked at the death body as he had injuries on his shoulder from the previous fight..

''straight from here, huh'' said as he sat down ''if the human come, that village will be one of the first to go down but it is safest as they won't come here''

he sat down and treated his injuries and getting ready to leave...

''Ian, come here let's drink more''

''oh i will '' said as he smile..