

Auteur: 左边第一个
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What is 你和我最美的样子

Lisez le roman 你和我最美的样子 écrit par l'auteur 左边第一个 publié sur WebNovel. 一个是开始的挚爱,一个是契合的灵魂;一个是谋划的爱情,一个是心灵的指引;一个是假戏真做的许巍,一个是真情流露的盛远,秦晓晓应该如何选择?...


一个是开始的挚爱,一个是契合的灵魂; 一个是谋划的爱情,一个是心灵的指引; 一个是假戏真做的许巍,一个是真情流露的盛远,秦晓晓应该如何选择?

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EXTRACT: "F*CK! That was close!" Scarlett muttered as she rested her back on a car trunk. She had just mugged a diamond jewelry from SKY. As if it agreed with her,the darkened sky let out a rumble of thunder. It would soon rain. " That would be some real money at the black market." She thought as she wore back her female clothes and carefully concealed the stolen jewelry and started walking away from the car park. "Hey! Stop right there!" A cold voice sounded from her back. Scarlett clutched her pockets subconsciously as she halted. "Let me see your face!" The voice roared again causing Scarlett to turn slowly. The bodyguard then approached her with his triggered pulled ready to shoot if she made a move. "Bruno,do let the young girl go. She can't be amongst the suspects." A colder voice said approaching the black sedan which Scarlett had leaned on before. Scarlett looked over. She hadn't seen the man before but he must be someone influential to be followed by military men of high rankings. Scarlett watched as an officer respectfully opened the door for the Young Lord to enter and how he respectfully closed the door after him. Soon,the military cars sped across her with their sirens blaring loud. "The rich are always getting richer." She muttered as she walked along the pedestrian lane when she suddenly felt an umbrella over her. "You're?" She asks. "My Master wants you in the car." The guard looked nonchalant.

Danielle_Books · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
2 Chs

Temari and the Crown Prince

*art in cover not mine. no copyright infringement intended* Once when she was young, Temari sneaked out to fulfill her dream to see the world outside the walls of the orphanage where she grew up. It was the night when King Maximus died. In that expedition she met a boy a few years older than her. They were young but their connection was strong. Before they part ways they promised to see each other again. They never did. Ten years later, Temari is now an infamous thief, known for fulfilling the requests of rich clientele. This time a mysterious client came to her. She was tasked to steal her greatest bounty to date: a royal family heirloom. Getting caught means automatic death. Just in time for her new adventure, the Kingdom of Mowsland opened the castle doors for women of marriageable age. It is time for the crown prince to choose his future wife. Temari took this opportunity to infiltrate the castle and steal the royal heirloom. Pretending to be one of the women vying to become a princess, she met Rhys Mospick, the crown prince of Mowsland – and the boy she once met when she was young. Stuck in the drama of the competition to become the next queen and confused because of her heated encounters with the crown prince, Temari realized that this mission is more dangerous than she thought. Danger is in every corner of the castle hallways and a shadow has been lurking in the dark, watching her every move. When Temari learned that her mission is actually not just a simple act of theft, that she was just a pawn in a more complicated scheme … it was too late. note: this is a royal romance story with fantasy and adventure. But I would like to inform the readers that this is going to be romance focused. THERE WILL BE CHEMISTRY AND TENSION AND SEXY TIMES ALONG THE WAY *********** ~EXCERPT~ “YOU ENTERED THE WRONG ROOM, MY LADY." Temari felt like a bucket of ice was thrown at her. She froze and her stomach clenched painfully when she heard that voice. She looked at the direction where it came from but it was too dark for her to see anything. “W-where are you?” “Where are you, not who are you, huh. Either you recognize my voice or you know whose room you entered without permission,” he commented. Temari gasped at the implication of his words. “I didn’t enter this room thinking that you will be here! I just…” “Got lost again?” Before she could think of a good excuse, she already saw a shadow move from the darkness. She stopped breathing when she finally saw the Crown Prince walking like a panther toward her, quiet but predatory. Temari’s eyes widened when the light of the lone candle in the corner of the room finally illuminated him. Rhys got rid of his extravagant prince outfit from the royal ball. His shoulder-length blond hair is wet, most of the strands were sticking to the sides of his face and neck. He looked like he just finished his bath. Not only because of his wet hair but because he was only wearing a long white robe, silk pants and nothing else. He was also barefoot. The robe was loosely tied on his waist so his whole muscled chest and abs were exposed. The pants were too thin and hanging low on his hips. Every time he takes a step forward, the material of his pants hugs his thick thighs and – “Loving what you see?” the Crown Prince asked mockingly. Temari quickly lifted her gaze to his face. “Not at all, Your Highness.” Rhys smirked but his forest green eyes remained cold and cruel. “Lying doesn’t suit a well-bred aristocrat’s daughter, my lady.” That was the problem, isn’t it? Temari is not a well-bred lady. She is an orphan and an infamous thief.

Foxy_Fairy · Fantaisie
37 Chs
Table des matières
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Volume 1
Volume 2


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  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial


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General Audiencesmature rating