
Yuno Sakuyama

Yuno Sakuyama woke up bright and early to make breakfast for his two younger brothers and their mom, Yuno being the oldest of 3 took it upon himself to make breakfast before he went off to work. His mom worked nights so he made breakfast so their mother could rest. She was getting older, considering Yuno is 20 years old now he felt obligated to help his mother with his 15 and 11 year old brothers. The two younger Sakuyama brothers were still asleep, Yuno went in their rooms with breakfast and woke them. The older of the two tried to put Yuno in a choke hold he just laughed letting him. Being the only submissive in the family was a little difficult for him but he didn't mind it. He knew he was stronger than his brothers, he just didn't use his strength around them because he wanted to make sure they knew they could do anything if they put their minds to it. He made the boys get dressed after they ate and agreed to drive them to school since the bus was hell, no matter what bus they got on it was always the same. After dropping the boys off at their respective schools he drove to work, he worked at a coffee shop a few blocks from his Kujo, the middle child's high school. He put on an apron and started taking orders of customers with a sweet smile and his usual caring disposition. He occasionally caught the eye of a pretty girl, but he would gently tell them he wasn't interested in women and offer them a complimentary cup of coffee of their choice. The girls usually turned down the offer, and the ones that took the offer usually asked for the most expensive out of spite. He didn't take kindly to the spiteful ones but said nothing about it. At around 3 in the afternoon his younger brothers walked in, when they did he smiled and hugged them "Hi boys, have a seat and I'll be out to take you guys home in a minute" the boys nodded, the older with an unusually cold look on his face.. Yuno raised an eyebrow before he walked into the back, taking off his apron, and punched out. He ushered the boys into the car and asked the older what was the matter. The older simply shrugged and looked out the window causing Yuno to sigh. "Would you like to talk when we get home?" The older shook his head and smiled, the younger titled his head in confusion. Yuno smiled and shook his head "Don't worry about it Akun." The younger smiled and looked out the window "Okay!" When they got home Yuno sent the boys to their rooms to start their homework, following the older of the two. Yuno's brother sat on his bed and looked at him. "What was it you needed from me big brother?" Yuno frowned and sat beside him, "You had an odd look on your face at the coffee shop, something troubling you?" his brother shook his head and opened his backpack, "Not at all, just happened to not feel like smiling." Yuno nodded and ruffled his brother's hair "Okay kiddo. Now, do your homework, I'll come get cha when dinner is ready." he stood and went to the door saying, "If you need any help give me a shout." before walking out. His brother nodded and started on his work while listening to music. Yuno checked on the younger then started making dinner, "It should be ready by the time they're done with their work.." he murmured to himself as he chopped up the ingredients, humming a soft tune to himself. By the time he had finished cooking Akun was staring at him from the island in the middle of the kitchen. Yuno laughed and put food on a plate, placing it infront of Akun. Yuno called for Kujo while putting a plate next to Aku for him, he made one for himself aswell and sat down staring to eat. Kujo sat at the island with his brothers with his earbuds still in his ears blasting metal music. Yuno sighed shaking his head , "Kujo, would you please take those out of your ears...." The younger didn't seem to hear him and finished his meal quietly before getting up and heading back to his room. Akun asked Yuno to play video games with him, Yuno said with a smile "Did you finish your work, hm?" Akun hesitated before nodding, Yuno laughed "You sure?" Akun pouted and went back to his room to finish his work.