

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Chapter I: (New life:New purpose)

At a certain hospital

A time later at fuyuki

Much like everyone die eventually many are also born

Such as in this fateful day

On a time of 12:00 Am in a new day

We can see a Man walking in circles and waiting....

Waiting for something.

We can see that he is not just a man

He is a father

Expectantly waiting for his wife and child that will be born

And so he was born

Sired from a normal couple

A unique child

With a Dark raven hair and

a skin slightly pale skin.

(Father): looks like he got his complexion from you dear

(Mother): fufufu, he got you hair too

(Father): well he inherited something from both of us

(Mother): "looks like my child will break hearts in the future"

(Father): So! what will we name him?

(Mother):Shiruhanten! I will name him Shiruhanten

(Mother): Kuroko Shiruhanten  will be your name my little dumpling

As she caresses her little baby in her arms

As the couple celebrates on their newborn innocent to what is happening outside the world

Outside Pov

As the child was birth it send energy that looks like ripples of water,

These ripples seemingly moves outside the laws of physics and seem to distort the very reality itself

At first it was small but just like ripples of water it expands

It expanded

What was once the wave now the size of the planet .....

It now reaches the moon

Then the solar system

It expanded exponentially till it reach the end of the universe and expanded to the unknown.

Unknown Texture *Gaia*


We can see a woman, no. she is far from that her beauty is incomparable to anything in humanity Her nine tails seemingly wagging in the air as the atmosphere around her burns akin to the sun.

Woman(?):Hoh!! to send this kind of energy who must this creature be?

(Imaginary number space)

A space outside Gaia and the universe

We can see a woman crying

Before the *great ripple*

Woman(?):Sob sob, my Children why did you leave me


Woman(?): (?)

The woman(?) Is just like the woman earlier Her beauty is incomparable to anything but its as if her beauty is familial

Like a mother

The woman has light blue hair akin to a sea

A cross iris shaped pink eyes

And scales across her body similar to a dragon

Woman(?): my child? MY CHILD!!. Her crying reverberates through the space

*In the magus association*

A certain immortal old man that travels through timelines:hmm? It seems like this timeline is unique.

Just what happen for this timeline to change?

Is what the old man thought at this moment

Many supernatural beings felt the reverberations in reality

Beings themselves felt plethora of emotions

Unease,fear,curiousity, and others...

Well they thought of it as some new toy

Something unique that can maybe solve their boring life, and some are emotions that are alien to human comprehension

Well some of this beings are from different textures of the world or from a higher planes entirely

[Now we can talk about the textures if you are confused

As you know the planet or specifically

Gaia(earth) has a will you can think of it as a living rock thats floating through space and its not just gaia that has textures other celestial body in the universe has or might have one too with the exceptions of dead stars(blackholes,neutron,etc though shi- is weird in the nasuverse that I might be wrong)]

Now that its out of the way onto the story.


Fuyuki, Miyama town

The Home of the Kuroko Household

Two weeks have passed Since the birth of the Jin Kuroko and the mysterious wave

While the couple is happy on having their baby they have felt something off.


Dr :Excuse me Maam and Sir but it seemed your child is quite unique

Mrs. Kuroko: in what way dr.

The now mother was worried was her child plague by a disease but she just hopes for the best

Dr : From our observations and data we have observed that your child did not cry during his birth even now, as mostly children cries in their child birth,

This little one did not.

We have tested if he has any inborn diseases but from the test results it seems like your child is healthy and in good shape.

Mrs. Kuroko:whoo!!

Its as if a huge burden was taken off from her back

Mrs. Kuroko: Well atleast my little dumpling is fine and healthy Thank you doc

Dr : Always happy to help Maam

Mr. Kuroko: So he did not cry after birth

Seems like my child is built different hahahaha

Mrs. Kuroko: Dear!! This is not the time to joke around

Mr. Kuroko felt as if an oni is looking down on him

Mr. Kuroko: well atleast the child is fine

Ha! ha! ha! ha!(profusedly sweating)

Mr Kuroko laugh akwardly as he tries to lighten the mood

The mother itself is curious as to why her child is silent but she did not mind as its his and her child after all

Mrs Kuroko: We will just have to accept that he is unique. Sighed

The couples just accepted the quirks of their child and just leave it as it is.

Time itself has passed the couples happy on their newborn now grew in the years

To celebrate his first birthday

To go on unique places

To finally go to school

But even if how much time passed the child itself much like when he was birth does not smile, but after a years of good parenting he is now a cheerful and jovial kid, like his past life he is more curious about stuff like abstract things though children of his age find it weird his family didn't mind it,well they jokingly expected the child to be a genius when he was born as his father is a scientist who specialize on quantum mechanics,

*Hanten(nickname)*(Inner monologues)

(Its been years since i escape the eternal void, i still remember when i was coming out of my mothers womb, quite nostalgic. Now im on my second grades, got good grades too. Wanna know why well the lessons are second grader while i am on my highschool in the past, its quite funny and i am a bit guilty.)

School ends*bells ringing*

After a while of walking

Shiruhanten is finally back home

Shiruhanten: Mom! Im Home.

The child said in a jovial voice.

Then a loud banging sound was heard as a woman immediately rush to the boy.

Mrs Kuroko: Ohh my little dumpling is back! How are you? How is the School? And also give your Mommy a hug.

Shiruhanten: Mom! I told you dont call me that im not a little baby anymore. And also im fine. The school its the same. Its quite annoying my locker is just filled with love letters(while recieving love letters are nice i don't like children i also don't want to be caught by the cosmic fbi. Now that the anime and the multiverse is real it has a possibility)

Mom: Well you can't stop them you are handsome after all (as expected of my child) and also your father will not be here tonight as he gonna work overtime because we will go on little vacation tomorrow.

Shiruhanten: Ok mom

Shiruhanten:(Now that i am in this world i will use this life at it's fullest)

as someone that has felt the unending nihility before he more than anyone else knows and understand the importance of existence.

for now he will rest.

As Shiruhanten finally got back to his room

Time passed

The mother and child finally get into the realm of morpheus

As the child is excited for tomorrow.