

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Chapter 5: Sometimes my genius is terrifying


"Modern problems require Modern solution"

- Unknown


|Yokai Headquarters|Home of Yasaka|



After waking up

Yasaka, Kunou and Hanten

Then have a breakfast

Hanten then told Yasaka about training Kunou to make sure that she can protect herself if this situation happens again.

Kunou hearing their talk then got excited as she also want to help and not just be easily caught by anyone.

After the breakfast and cleaning themselves.

Yasaka then goes to her office to work

Being a leader takes a lot of your time afterall.




|Training Grounds|


We can see that father and daughter duo on a training grounds

With Hanten Holding Kunous head

Though its confusing for most to see

Hanten is giving Kunou information directly

Even changing her body.

Heighten Adaptability

Super strength

Super speed

Heighten Stamina

Fast thinking

More life energy

These are what he have gifted his daughter.

He then gave her more information about

Controlling touki efficiently

Even make her do somethings that Naruto characters do

"Shadow Clone Jutsu" Three Kunou then pops from a smoke.

"Wow" her eyes has stars in it.

"Look! Dad!I did it" she then ran into her father

With her father just receiving her and hug her

"Of course you can do it" he then patted Kunou.

"Ehehehe" her tails was wagging intensely

But then her fathers voice got serious

"Let me tell you a secret technique" he said

Hanten then demonstrated touki

Light then erupted in his body

After this he then opens his palms

All the energy then transferred To his palms creating a swirling ball of pure energy

"This is called rasengan

You can do it if you have enough control over life energy"

Her father then proceeded to go to a big stone and then proceeded to hit it with Rasengan

A giant smoke erupted

She then observed the rock

It was now crack with a hole in the middle.

"Wow" her eyes was filled with wonder after seeing the technique.

"This is what you can do" his father then claps his hand as if cleaning a dust.

Hanten then told her that there are more variations of this technique

Following this he then showed her all the elemental rasengans

Kunou seeing this got her new fast thinking to work

Easily copying her father albeit it is weaker.

He then teach her more techniques.




|Timeskip| 4 years

Years have passed since I started training Kunou

Nothing happens during those time so my relationship with Yasaka has deepen..

We also did the deed

Making us closer even more.

During my stay Many from the Yokai Faction now knew of me and didn't mind my relationship with her

Perks of me helping them and assisting them like building houses or making decisions…


"Whoo" I sighed in a good way

Kunou is now 6 years old

She have grown a lot

instead of her having only two tails

She has now 5 tails moving back and fort om her back

Maybe due to my interference

I have trained her a lot afterall

Her strength…


I might have made her so strong..

Also we are in the Moon right now

Due to me giving her adaptation

She doesn't need to breathe right now.

I then see my daughter flashed and move faster than anyone can see

Presumably moving at mach 56

Its Her limit. But she is slowly getting faster

She then shot a small fireball at the distance

After the ball hit the ground it then make a nuclear explosion which made the moon shake

"Hehehe how about that dad" she said to him.

"U-Uh yeah, Trainings over

Your Mother is calling us for lunch" he then started flying.

"Kay" Kunou seeing this also floated

"Then lets go" he then flied back to earth at a 0.9% speed of light.

He also made sure to make Kunou go that fast by holding her.

|Indo dump start|


Hanten not only trained his daughter

He was also training his Dream and Imagination manipulation in these past years

It paid off as he can now warp reality with his mind

His reality warping is even stronger than red courtesy of his origin.

RED even told him that he regretted teaching him which he just laughed

RED and Hanten are really close friend's now

Hanten even told him stories and mythologies of his original multiverse.

RED just listened eagerly as he was also curious about Hantens original world.

He was also shocked by how complex his original Multiverse is.

Living planets, many dimensions, Strongest beings, and spirit heroes

While Great RED can deal with endless amount of knowledge it still made The Dragons head spin

"I'm Glad that i'm not born in your world" RED said.

"Even if you are born in my world you would still be deem as the strongest

You will be similar to Daemons that exist at the 6th dimension existing as the embodiment of Dreams" Hanten told RED

"I see"*RED

They then talk a bit more.

There are still many things that Hanten trained

Especially what he gained from Akasha.

The 'Heavens Feel' and 'Kaleidoscope'

He was confused as he cannot sense this two True Magics.

Until he looked at his soul

His soul in General is a bit of a mess.



Yeah a bit of a mess

His soul is shaped like a sphere

There seem to be a spiral darkness that coat it

In its center there is a light.

His soul also emanates lines of light like a gamma ray burst.

He then observes a bit more and finally found the True Magics

They are orbiting his soul

Made of numbers like 0 and 1 and codes that made the abilities works

"I see"

He now understands how True magics work

They are Power codes and Numbers that make you change reality based on that said Magic

Imprinted by Akasha to your soul and in relation your Mind

It was tattooed into the persons soul making them wield the True Magic.

He was confused as the true magic seems to not be imprinted into his soul

So he then moved the codes into himself

"Aghh" he felt the pain as the codes melded into his very being.

After the pain subsided as he then gain new Knowledge related to Heavens Feel and Kaleidoscope

'Heavens Feel made him control his soul and the souls of others'

'Kaleidoscope made it so he can control the spatio-temporal coordinates'

After knowing this he then started to do his work and make new abilities.

He manipulated his soul and made it an infinite space effectively creating a Blank Universe which is filled with his infinite invisible mana inside his soul.

He can also change the nature of his soul but he doesn't feel the need to use it

But he can use it on others.

He can now sense and easily determine spatial coordinates and can also make time clones now which is something he cannot do because he learned that he is a singularity.

After doing all of this he then focuses on his Blank Inner Universe.

He filled it with his black mud and summon an endless amount of Cursed Dragons effectively creating his own army…..

An endless army.

But after filling it he then observes that his Universe still has endless amount of space

So he created many Galaxies and slowly made sure that life will thrive.

|Info dump ends|

After a minute of flying from moon to earth they then return.


Hanten and Kunou was then welcome by Yasaka

"Welcome back dear" she then kissed his cheeks and then look at Kunou

"Did your training go well?"

"Yes Mom" Kunou then smiled and flex her nonexistent biceps.

Yasaka after seeing her action then giggled.

"Fufufu. Very well…

lets eat." she then move to the table

Hanten and Kunou then followed

After doing a seiza position they then prayed abd started eating..

After they are finish they then talk to each other and laughs

Like a family would..





After my Bonding with my lover and my daughter

I then return to my Mansion


After doing the usual stuff in my home

It was then midnight

I then created Timelines temporal clones

Many versions of my self then manifested.

"I want you all to travel this Multiverse and the Void to gain knowledge and know how it all works"

They then all nodded and disappeared.

I can sense them travelling in the Void

Slowly i can then sense new knowledge.

So I meditated and does an indian position on my bed.

During this a crack in reality then pops to my side.

RED's eyes then peered through the cracks

"I can sense many versions of yourself...

New ability?"

"Yes" I answered my friend.

"Whats its purpose?"

"I want to gain more knowledge of the Void and the Multiverse in General...

I'm already here so why not study this Multiverse"

"I see. I won't disturb you then" The reality crack then closed itself.

I then focused again and steadily understand the new knowledge.

Unlike the Void in which where I was stuck

The Void here is just an infinite "Space" which nothing can exist .

Its just that..

Nothing more

Nothing less

Which means if a I know the coordinates of my original Multiverse I could theoretically just teleport there with Kaleidoscope

The Void is like "Space" afterall

The problems is the size and the energy needed but I already solved the energy problem.

The Void is immeasurable in size

Seemingly infinite space stack upon infinite space.

And I don't even know how to find the coordinate of my Multivese

Though I still remember the direction before I entered the universe

So I got that.

I was thinking of just flying straight to that direction

But I have been in the void for a long time that I don't know if the direction is right.

The other thing is this multiverse

If I leave what would happen to Kunou and Yasaka.

I was getting worried and started thinking on how to solve this problem.

I thought and thought...



Until I widen my eyes

"That could work"

This plan should even be impossible unless you're a transcendal being

Heck even a said being would strain itself if it do this.

But he is Hanten

He trusted himself that he could do this

"Instead of worrying about leaving this multiverse

how about I carry this multiverse with me?"

He can use the infinite space inside his soul and store the multiverse in it.

A concrete plan

Hanten then called Great RED and told the Dragon about his plan

After hearing Hantens plan the Dragon itself almost cough blood

"Hanten. A-are you sure you can do this?" RED nervously said

"This is still ongoing as im still learning about this multiverse

But I plan to stuff everything in my inner world using heavens hole"

"You know if anyone heard this they wouldve thought you are insane

But I know you all too well that such thing can be made done by you

Still be careful and don't bite more than you can chew"

"Don't worry i can do it" Hanten reassured RED

Great RED then followed his friends plan and started his work

He told all his other selves in the infinite multiverse to move each of the universe closer to make sure Hanten can easily absorb the macrocosms.

"Its takes time to move each universe" RED told Hanten

"take your time as I'm not in a hurry"

RED then nodded and started focusing on aligning each universe in a line albeit slowly.



|Hanten PoV|

Now that I told RED my plan he then started working

"Wow" I said as I see the Chaotic Multiverse of Draconic deus slowly aligning itself

I saw this using my clones that are in the Void.

For now I will make work on my Inner Universe more

Creating endless compartments to fit each universe.

I also readied more infinite space for each infinite timelines of each universe



After finishing this I then relax and doze off.


|Hanten's Inner Universe|

After making infinite compartments and designing the place to fit Universes more.

There seems to be something in the "Center" of the infinite expanding space.

A pulsing void akin to a black hole

It was not there before.

What is its purpose?

We do not know

But we will learn it soon…


Bro aint no Virgin no more

yet you still got no Bitches😭😭

also Pls Review, Comment and give stonez